The Words of the Crostwaite Family |
Here we are -- LP, Cecilie Fortune and myself (with George the cat too…) taking time for a feedback and reflection session after last weekend's seminar.
Once again we had an incredibly wonderful time from Friday evening 'til Sunday night, working together to become aware of God's immense love for us all, and of the things which are coming in the way of us expressing that in our lives.
These were the precious things we gained: awareness, compassion, bonding of deep friendships and trust, hope for more effective improvement in our lives.
20 of us gathered including 5 couples. We heard lectures about the Four Realms of Heart and emotional development, and about Mind and Body Unity and how it relates to the Conscious and Sub-conscious Minds. Fascinating subjects! We did exercises and meditations, and experienced the "snail's love". Aren't you intrigued? But far more fascinating and important was the experience of coming to understand how that relates to my personal development and struggles. That is where the excellence of 'Family Constellations Therapy' shows it's effectiveness, in safely and gently bringing the truth into light, where love and understanding can embrace it all.
All those who came have been preparing seriously and sincerely through various personal efforts, so that they could be ready to invest wholeheartedly. I would like to thank everyone for that most generous investment!
If you would like to read more about our experience there are testimonies I can send you. Please email me.
Some comments from the participants were:
"This was even better than a 7 Day Workshop!"
"I'm so amazed how the truth about what is blocking me came out and was digestible -- without any judgment."
"When I went home the barrier between me and my daughter -- I couldn't feel that she is a child -- was completely gone, and I felt I can see her as a child for the first time!"
"It has been easy for me to feel compassion for my spouse's pain, instead of being annoyed that he doesn't understand and listen to me…. Quite a relief."
We will prepare again to have 2 seminars with LPnext year, hopefully in Spring and Autumn. For any enquiries about how to prepare, and wishes to register please contact Cecilie or myself.
Note added on January 23rd 2009 -- we have already filled the 20 places for April 2009's seminar. Sorry to disappoint anyone. May I suggest if you are interested that you arrange a seminar with LP in your own area. Please contact her.