The Words of the Crostwaite Family |
Workshop leader: Susan and Ashley Crosthwaite
Cost: £25. - pr person
South London Peace Embassy
Haslemere Road
CR7 7BE Thornton Heath
For those who participated during the week last time, the continuation will take place on the following dates:
Thursday 23rd September 10 am-2.30
Friday 24th September 10 am -- 2.30 pm
Monday 27th September
10 am -- 2.30 pm
Tuesday 28th September 10 am -- 2.30 pm
For participants who attended the weekend 18th to 20th June, the continuation will take place on:
Friday 24th September 6 pm -- 8.30
Saturday 25th September 9 am -- 6 pm
Sunday 26th September 9
am -- 6 pm
The fee is £25 pr person.
This is to cover donation for the lecturer, refreshments (tea, coffee, biscuits) and costs for the premises. Lunch/Dinner to be brought by each participant. Participants will also receive a DVD audio with the full 7-day content of Rev Yu.
Lecturer: Ashley Crosthwaite
The speech below gives a bit more background to this Original Divine Principle seminar. Here an excerpt:
In the place of Adam, who is a false parent, True Parents proclaimed the Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong, which teaches about the portion of responsibility human beings had before the Fall. Through proclaiming the Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong, True Parents completed their portion of responsibility as human beings who did not fall. Since True Parents have completed their portion of responsibility, God, who is using the bodies of True Parents, could proclaim the completion of the right of liberation of the portion of responsibility. Father said, The right of liberation of the portion of responsibility includes the responsibility of God, True Parents and children. It is to be established on the foundation of absolute sex.
Please understand that we are trying our best to pass on some of the content we received from the Original Divine Principle workshop with Rev. Yu at the beginning of this year. True Parents have expressed how important it is that all members gain from this content.
Please let us know which seminar you would like to participate in.
Franklin and Cecilie
The Providential Significance of the Education Session Proclaiming the Completion of the Liberated Realm of the Portion of Responsibility in Gods Providential History
The first Education Session Proclaiming the Completion of the Liberated Realm of the Portion of Responsibility in Gods Providential History was held in two parts. The first part was held in Kona, Hawaii at the Hawaii King Garden and Hawaii Queen Garden on October 10-14, 2008, and the second part was held at the Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center in Korea on October 19-21, 2008. True Children joined in this workshop, along with 160 Blessed Family representatives. Since the age of the providence of salvation, which was necessitated by the Fall, had passed, True Parents could hold this workshop in their direct dominion, and the certificates for completing the workshop were given in True Parents name.
True Parents considered those who attended the first workshop to be in the same position as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden before the Fall. Though the level of each participants internal standard of faith varied, and they had different external positions, during the workshop, all participants stood in the same position. Although most attendees may have had fallen nature within them when compared to an absolute standard, True Parents related with them as though they had no fallen nature and taught them content on the portion of responsibility that God had taught Adam and Eve before the Fall. Moreover, True Parents taught content that God did not teach Adam and Eve but would have taught them, had the Fall never taken place.
Also, notably, True Parents made a proclamation asking God, the five great saints and all the spirits in the spirit world to help people on the earth during the first workshop.
The Hawaii King and Queen Gardens and the Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong The Hawaii King and Queen Gardens symbolize the Garden of Eden where Adam and Eve would have lived had they completed their portions of responsibility. The Hawaii King Garden was dedicated to God on March 9, 2007. On March 17, 2007, the Pacific Rim Era (which represents the age of Gods sovereignty) and the Age of the Dawn of Gods Civilization were proclaimed at the King Garden.
The King Garden is also where the Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong was passed on to all of humanity from True Parents. Father explained, the Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong is Gods Constitution that allows us to directly attend God. The Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong is comprised of all the Peace Messages as well as selected messages from the spirit world.
True Father, as the Returning Lord, proclaimed the core of the truth he has discovered in the form of the Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong. Through the Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong, people can understand what their portion of responsibility is, how to fulfill their portion of responsibility, and what the result would be of its fulfillment. Through understanding those points, it becomes possible to proclaim the completion of the right of liberation of Gods portion of responsibility.
In the place of Adam, who is a false parent, True Parents proclaimed the Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong, which teaches about the portion of responsibility human beings had before the Fall. Through proclaiming the Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong, True Parents completed their portion of responsibility as human beings who did not fall. Since True Parents have completed their portion of responsibility, God, who is using the bodies of True Parents, could proclaim the completion of the right of liberation of the portion of responsibility. Father said, The right of liberation of the portion of responsibility includes the responsibility of God, True Parents and children. It is to be established on the foundation of absolute sex.
A New Beginning for the Providence of Gods Ideal of Creation The purpose of Gods providence of salvation is to send the Messiah. The purpose of the providence of restoration led by the Messiah is to restore humanity to its original state before the Fall. When both of these providences are complete, then the providence of Gods ideal of creation, which was interrupted due to the Fall, begins anew.
Within the first 40-day period after the helicopter incident on July 19, 2008, all those who were on the helicopter were discharged from the hospital. On that foundation, True Parents proclaimed July 19 to be the Day of the Perfection of Rebirth, August 7 the Day of the Perfection of Resurrection, and August 27 the Day of the Perfection of Substance. On the last day of the second 40-day period after the helicopter incident, October 7, True Parents came to Hawaii and checked the workshop preparations and set spiritual conditions in preparation for the workshop. From a providential viewpoint, the Hawaii workshop signified the end of the providence of salvation, in which the focus was to save humanity, and the new beginning of the providence of Gods ideal of creation.
The only people who are truly qualified to teach the content of this workshop are the True Parents. God taught Adam and Eve before the Fall from the position of the True Parent, True Teacher and True King. Had Adam and Eve completed their portion of responsibility, in principle, they should have then established an ideal family and educated their children themselves. True Parents, who stand in the position of Adam and Eve having completed their portion of responsibility, are the only ones qualified to teach the content of the workshop. True Parents, who were in such a position of being the only qualified lecturers, educated the participants as if they were children who had not fallen.
Although True Parents were the only qualified lecturers, they established Rev. Jeong Eog Yu as their representative to give lectures when they could not directly give the lectures. To prepare him, True Parents trained Reverend Yu at length and gave him experiences of how the Garden of Eden would have been, were it not for the Fall. True Parents recognized all the lectures from Reverend Yu during the workshop period as True Parents own words.
True Parents have now given the blessing of allowing this workshop to take place in each continent. America has received the special grace of having this workshop take place under the direction of In Jin Nim and the continental director.
All Blessed Families should attend this workshop True Parents originally intended the second part of the first workshop to be a tour of Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, and Hoover Dam. Each of these locations has significant providential meaning. Though this could not happen due to logistical difficulties, this workshop, which previously was held in Hawaii and Korea, will be held in Las Vegas, which is considered part of the Pacific Rim providence.
Although most of the workshops in the Unification Movement until now have been for the sake of fallen human beings, the Original Divine Principle workshop is for human beings before the Fall. This workshop, which has brought about a great turning point in the history of Gods providence, is a special direction from True Parents, and it is a workshop that all Blessed Families should attend.
As false people, we do not have the qualifications to attend this workshop. True Parents brought about the end of the age of restoration through indemnity and are giving us the special grace of attending this workshop because we have set the condition of participating in True Parents works while they are on the earth. Therefore, we should give infinite gratitude, glory and praise to True Parents for the special grace of allowing us to attend this workshop. Through attending the workshop, we can be reborn as our true selves and advance toward January 13, 2013 with new determination and conviction.
Thank you for your faith and dedication to Gods providence.
Susan and Ashley Crosthwaite