The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim -- Hoon Mo Nim)

Beloved 2nd Generation

Dae Mo Nim
July 9, 2008

President of the Training Center giving words to the members

From 10 am, July 9, 2008, Rev. Ha Yeong-ho, President of Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center, gave words to the members of the 126th Chung Pyung 40-day Workshop for International 2nd Generation. The speech was held in the 1st basement floor of the Chinhwa Building.

Rev. Ha inspired the members through testimonies of his experience in Chung Pyung. He told the members to first establish a life of prayer. He said, “As you walk you should pray. As you weed, you should pray. As you clean your hall, you should pray. Once you establish such life of prayer you are able to remove your fallen nature and bad habits, and resemble Heavenly Father and True Parents. When you pray with such diligence and pure heart, all your wishes may be granted”.

“You are 2nd and 3rd generations who are more beautiful than anything else in this physical world. You are the jewel of jewels. If you concentrate, you are able to accomplish many things more than your parents and myself. Please resemble Heavenly Father and True Parents. You must return to your homes and live your life centering on Heavenly Fortune.”

Over for an hour, Rev. Ha spoke to the members, emphasizing the importance of removing fallen nature and improving one’s self. At the same time, he told the members to understand the reality of the spirit world and it’s existent.

He ended his speech wishing for the well being of the members and that all problems would be solved through sincere prayer and sincere devotion. 

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