The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim -- Hoon Mo Nim)

Group Chant

Dae Mo Nim
July 25, 2008

Brothers winning team, ‘Patapon’

On July 25, 2008, the members of the 126th Chung Pyung 40-day Workshop for International 2nd Generation had a chanting competition. There are currently 7 teams for each brothers and sisters and although they only had a short time to prepare, they each performed brilliantly.

As Lecturer Moon as the MC, first the brothers performed their team chant. Then, after the brothers the sisters performed. Centering on their leader and assistant leader, each team gave it all. Even though each team had more than one nationality, they united as one and worked for one goal.

So many amazing and shocking performances but the winner was clear to all. For the brothers, team 5, the ‘Patapon’, were the winners with their unusual yet entertaining dance/chant. For the sisters, team 3, ‘Unity’, sang ‘Around the World’, changing some of its lyrics. Each winning team received a gift certificate to be used at the store and I think they bought ice-cream with it.

Although the weather is not great, wind strong rain, the spirits of the 2nd generation are still high and bright.  

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