The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim -- Hoon Mo Nim)

Start of 130th Chung Pyung 40-day Workshop

Dae Mo Nim
December 3, 2008

The 48th Special Chung Pyung 40-day Workshop for Blessed Wives and 130th Chung Pyung 40-day Workshop began from November 29 and will be held until January 7, 2009. The 42nd 21-day Registration Workshop for Blessed Wives is also being held with 28 members currently attending the workshop. 47 members from Korea, 80 members from Japan and 28 International members are participating the 130th Chung Pyung 40-day Workshop where as 29 members are participating the 21-day Registration Workshop. This 40-day workshop will be the last workshop that will be held in the year 2008 as well as the Jubilee Years of 7th and 8th Years.

Although her busy schedule just returned from Hawaii the day before, Dae Mo Nim spoke to the members of the 130th Chung Pyung 40-day Workshop at the 1st Basement floor of Chinhwa Educational Building.

“You came to Chung Pyung in the midst of your busy schedules. It’s not easy for the mothers to leave their children at home and husbands to take a leave for over 40 days. So during this period, I want you to use your time efficiently, pray at Jeongshim Won (Prayer Hall), pray at the Tree of Blessing, and remove evil spirits through the Holy Song Session.

Not only will you gain physical health, but you are able to remove sins, fallen nature, evil spirits and remove any spiritual problems that will affect you in the future. I have opened my prayer room (Dae Mo Nim’s Prayer Room) to members during your workshop. It is a graceful place where you are able to remove much sins and evil spirits from your body.

I hope that through this workshop you can become members that can be healthy spiritually, and physically, as well as gaining confidence.”

During the 130th Chung Pyung 40-day Workshop, important events such as the ‘True God’s Day’, ‘Day of Victory of Love’, and ‘Anniversary Coronation Ceremony for the Kingship of God’. 

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