The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim -- Hoon Mo Nim)

To Lead the Humanity to be embraced by True Parents - Chungshim Peace World Center

Dae Mo Nim
December 6, 2008

True Parents, Kook Jin Nim and Hyung Jin Nim at the Chungshim Peace World Center Ground Breaking Ceremony on October 28, 2008

Dae Mo Nim’s words for the meaning in building the Chungshim Peace World Center and testimonies of members who attended the ground breaking ceremony on October 28.

“While True Parents are on earth there is a responsibility that we must achieve. To achieve such responsibility we must have the mindset of ‘Must do it’ and have ownership. Although God taught us the principle and the History of the Providence of Restoration, if we were just to stand there doing nothing, then how irritating would it be for Him. Realizing such heart of God we all must do our best in fulfilling our responsibility.

The Chungshim Peace World Center is such an important place. However, because of its intense preparation stages, which I was thinking to give up, and then God asked me, “Where can multiple people praise True Parents?” Understanding the true meaning of God’s words, although it was a difficult period, we held the ‘Chungshim Peace World Center Ground Breaking Ceremony’ (October 28, 2008) with True Parents attending.

Now, we are constructing but we all must unite as one and complete it. My heart now is hoping that you would participate on your own will. We must accomplish things with the heart of ‘Can be done’. I am striving my path with the heart, ‘If I do my best with the heart of “Can be done”, nothing is impossible since blessed families are at all around the world’.

As I do the Chung Pyung Works, I often prayed, ‘Heavenly Father! Why are you worried when I am here’ and ‘Heavenly Father you know everything and yet why do you say it is difficult?’ Please become members that will pray ‘I will definitely achieve this’ and believe that God will help you.”
November 22, 2008, Dae Mo Nim

Testimonies of members who attended the Chungshim Peace World Center Ground Breaking Ceremony

“Attending the Chungshim Peace World Center Ground Breaking Ceremony I really felt the hope for the future. It’s as if I can hear True Parents’ words, ‘To create miracles with Hoon Mo Nim by taking her hand’.”
Jya-un Park (Western Parish, Seoul, Korea)

“I heard that it would be the biggest indoor gymnasium built in Korea. I felt great that ‘Future generations are going to grow right here!’ I offer my gratitude to True Parents and Dae Mo Nim.’
Chan-ho Park (Miyagi Parish, Japan)

‘Listening to True Parents repeating the word, ‘for the descendants’, I felt like, ‘He is my father who thinks for my descendants’ and my heart was full of gratefulness. I will offer my sincere devotion until 2010, the completion of the Chungshim Peace World Center, with Hoon Mo Nim.’
Kyouko Katsumata (Central Kanagawa, Japan)

‘I was amazed to listen of the making of a center where all humanity can use. It’s said to be used as the blessing hall for our future 2nd and 3rd generations. I felt that the heavenly fortune is moving towards the era after the coming of heaven and the support from the Absolute Good Spirits.’
Sachiko Yamanaka (South Osaka Parish, Japan)

‘True Parents gave the following words with hope, “This place will be a holy wedding place that will produce hundred thousands of blessed couples at one time.” I was amazed of True Parents, that he can already see the future of the Chungshim Peace World Center’.
Akemi Horiuchi (South Chiba Parish)

‘I heard that when True Parents heard the report that the Chungshim Peace World Center will take around 2 years to be built, he said, “That’s too late. Complete it as soon as possible. I want to give words in front of many people.” I will do my best in witnessing so that many people can gather at the Chungshim Peace World Center and make God and True Parents happy.’
Yuko Josifoska (Australia)

‘I wish for the day of welcoming True Parents at the completed Chungshim Peace World Center where all brothers and sisters from around the world uniting as one, practicing the way of living for the sake of others with True Love. I really felt True Parents, Heung Jin Nim, Dae Mo Nim and the whole spirit world enjoying this moment.’
Takae Nakayama (South Osaka Parish, Japan)

‘It was a sunny and beautiful day, where I could really feel that this ground breaking ceremony was held in the midst of God’s Blessing. I saw that many Absolute Good Spirits were at the ground breaking ceremony.’
Terumi Kondo (West-North Tokyo Parish, Japan) 

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