The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) |
On March 16, Heavenly Calendar (Solar Calendar April 29) at 8:00 am, the 'Coronation for the Establishment of the Abel UN and Golden Wedding Anniversary' (Golden Wedding Ceremony) was held with True Parents and the members of the True Children (Yeon Jin Nim, In Jin Nim, Kook Jin Nim, Seon Jin Nim and Hyung Jin Nim) at the Cheon Jeong Gung Museum in the midst of celebration by Heavenly Kingdom in Heaven and Heavenly Kingdom on Earth.
Rev. Song-jo Hwang, President of UPF-Korea, was the MC and the Golden Wedding Ceremony was held in traditional Korean imperial court style. The event was held in the following order of Cheon Il Guk Anthem, Report Prayer (Dr. Joon-ho Seuk, President of Unification Church-Korea) and then the Determination to Practice Liberation was read by Hyung Jin Nim, International President of Unification Church, as the following;
"The people who come in contact with True Father's true love must throw all regrets of the world and seek the homeland where one lives by the love of True Father. To the fact of True Father who has never stopped to open the environment of spring, I offer my endless gratitude, and we must all become sons and daughters who will grieve over the fact that we were unable to offer our life and love."
After the entrance of the Attendants the Presentation of a Symbol of Love was held. The Presentation of a Symbol of Love is a ceremony where the King, on the day of marriage, gives a goose sculpture to the queen as a symbol of love. To represent the True Children, Kook Jin Nim and Hyung Jin Nim came into the hall with the Cheonsachorong (traditional Korean lantern with red-and-blue silk shade), each of them presented the goose sculpture onto the stage.
After the Presentation of a Symbol of Love, True Parents entered the stage lead by the members of the True Family. True Parents who are once again became bride and groom, wearing the royal robe (Dynasty Era) and queens' robe, being welcomed by Attendants representing the whole universe entering the stage and after doing the Greeting of Bride and Groom they sat down.
After the offering of bows by each representative levels and offering of flowers by Shin Joon Nim and Shin Whul Nim, Kook Jin Nim and Hyung Jin Nim offered anniversary gift as representatives of members. The anniversary gift was a picture of ten traditional symbols of longevity (sun, mountain, water, rock, cloud, pine tree, elixir plant, tortoise, crane, and deer) in golden frame.
After the offering of the anniversary gift, Dr. Jung-ok Yoo, President of Unification Church-Pacific Rim Region, offered Eok-manse and the Golden Wedding Ceremony ended.