The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) |
President Hyung Jin Moon: 'True Parents' Path
that will never
change even if the generations change'
After the historical event that was held in both Cheon Jeong Gung Museum and at the Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center the 'Convention to Proclaim the Word that Firmly Establishes the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind' (July 8), True Parents directly told all the world leaders of around 12,000 who attended this event to attend the 'World Leaders Original Divine Principle Special Education'.
At the opening Ceremony, International President Hyung Jin Moon emphasized the importance of this special education saying, 'Like the small pigeon that became a condition please attend this special education workshop with the attitude that it will become heaven's condition', 'Even if the Unification Church only has 50 years of short history, through True Parents' words and principle the bible's providential history was completely cleared up and then expanded to the world'.
And then continued with his speech speaking about an episode of a young man who walked towards the amusement area of King Solomon. 'We are living in many decisions and that decision will eventually become a path. A decision doesn't decide that moment but decides our whole life. It's important to know what path we are walking on. You must think of what kind of path are our footsteps connected to. That path is the path of True Parents.' And then said 'The path of True Parents is not a path that we decide to follow but a path that we must absolutely be obedient and follow.'
Hyung Jin Nim and his wife gave the Certificate of Inheritance of True Parents' 8 Major Materials to 12 Continents and 12 Regions of Japan. These reading materials are the final words of True Parents and centering on these words humanity must establish the tradition of Hoon Dok Hae and live a life of high noon settlement where there are no shadows and also has the sincere wish of True Parents for the members to live a blessed life.
This special workshop was held in a very serious matter under the interest of True Parents for 2 days and Rev. Jong-ok Yu gave 6 times of lectures for the Original Divine Principle lecture.