The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) |
The Chung Pyung Works is about to celebrate its year of 16th Anniversary. I arrived here in Chung Pyung in the winter of 1991 and it was a really cold day. The river was frozen so much that even a truck could drive over it. The breaking sounds of the ice at mid-night were so loud like roars of tigers. The road from the town Seorak to the front gate of Chung Pyung was not paved back then so I'm sure it is still fresh in your memories the difficult travel that you had to endure to get here.
At that time, I went up the Cheonsun-dae Holy Ground (Tree of Blessing) but because of the storm like weather I couldn't even use an umbrella. In a situation where the candle light would blow out many times under the strong wind, I listened to God's explanation of what to do from now on centering on Chung Pyung.
Like a mother talking to her child, God spoke to me in soft words, He said, "This is the restored and perfected Garden of Eden. True Parents writhed so much to protect this place. He endured suffering of breaking and scraping his bones and flesh."
Then He told me, "You must recreate Satan and evil spirits into Angels and Absolute Good Spirits." However, it was easier to say than it was done. At that time, I didn't know the method of creating Angels from Satan and making Absolute Good Spirits from evil spirits. Then He said to find the 5 Trees and the Water of Life and told all the things that I must fulfill through the Chung Pyung Works.
Although God had given me instructions and that I also had a mindset, 'I must do this', I was still worried because I didn't know how to do this.
However, God continued saying, "From now on all people from around the world will visit here. Spiritually, everything is going to be difficult so that is why they will come here."
That time I asked God of what level should I make this Absolute Good Spirits and He replied, 'An Absolute Good Spirit who is pure and beautiful like a crystal. It shouldn't be just a good spirit but a good spirit that can represent the word 'absolute''.
After receiving God's words, I prepared for the Chung Pyung Works, for 3 years from 1992 to 1994, I offered much conditions and sincere devotions. I did the 10,000 bows condition and a 40 day vigil prayer condition. It was a vigil prayer of not sleeping all day from the first day to the last day. After finishing this condition, for a while, my emotions were unstable and I also lost all my body senses.
If I hadn't thought that 'I can do it', then I wouldn't have been successful in offering the 10,000 bows condition. After offering 4,000 bows, my knees would start to bleed and then I would have difficulty in moving my body. I did this bowing with a heart that 'I might die'. At that time I had the mindset, 'It is possible for me. I can do it.' Like this for 6 times, I've been able to offer 10,000 bows each time.
After each bow I'd pray to God, 'God thank you very much. Thank you for your trouble'. As I offered conditions like this it prepared the beginning of Chung Pyung Works. What I felt as I offered these serious conditions deep down in my heart was the Shim Jeong (heart), 'True Parents had offered thousand times greater sincere devotions for all humanity and heaven and earth'.
After offering such sincere devotions I came to understand True Parents' Shim Jeong. God had given me confidence to overcome and be victorious at times of difficult situations and also made me understand God and True Parents through working hard, sacrificing, devoting, love and knowledge through these 3 years.
The reason I am giving you this word is because we don't have much time left in December 2010. To fulfill our responsibility until January 13, 2013, we must live our lives centering on the Principle for the remaining 3 years of 2010, 2011, and 2012 and become one with True Parents' Shim Jeong.
Think that True Parents is speaking to you personally and don't just leave the Principle in your head but connect it to your daily life and then you must practice it. The Principled life that True Parents had shown to us must be followed.
Looking at the Chung Pyung Works, it was established by everyone's involvement. Anyone and everyone can do this. We have parent-child relationship with God therefore we inherited His creativity. We are similar to God's creativity so if we tried then nothing is impossible. Even for happiness, if you have the mindset, 'I must be happy', then you are able to become happy. Who creates this happiness? You yourself create it.
There are not many days left in 2010. At this time of at the end of the year, we the sons and daughters of all Unification Family, if we are able to live with a mindset, 'I will accomplish all things in this remaining time that I was unable to do so in 2010', then God will be there to support you.