The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2011 |
Myung Moon and family, June 10, 2011
The following speech was spoken by Dae Mo Nim during the '2011 Summer Parent and Child Chung Pyung Special Great Works' to the attending members explaining the background and grace of the start of the Summer Special Great Works.
It rained heavily a few days ago. I am truly grateful for many members attending this Special Great Works in such a hot weather. To prepare a Special Great Works at this Chung Pyung Works many sincere devotions is needed. Because members have filled up this Main Hall I can forget my tiredness and think 'I must create a precious time so that everyone could inherit much Heavenly Fortune'.
The Summer Great Works is a Great Works where Parents come and attend together with their 2nd and 3rd generations (blessed children). The blessed children were born without the Original Sin so they are 'Flower of all flowers, treasure of all treasures, and love of all loves.' But because the parents were unable to educate their blessed children with the principle the blessed children are facing difficult problems. For example, the world today exists in much difficult environment, and among the blessed children there are children who are not living a principled life. And when I have conversations with these children I can feel that 'So much responsibility lies on the parents!'
The education today goes like this, 'The Fall means of eating the Fruit of Good and Evil'. However, there are blessed children who think, 'What is this Fruit of Good and Evil? What does it mean to take and eat? What does this 'Fall' mean?' So I teach them, 'The Fall means when a person shows their naked body to another gender other than their loving spouse and let them touch it and go over the line and have a sexual relationship before receiving the Holy Marriage Blessing. That is the cause of 'Original Sin'.'
For the blessed children to liberate Satan and evil, True Parents said, "All 2nd generations must attend three Chung Pyung 40-day Workshops before they receive the Blessing". Some of the junior and high school students have difficulty attending three 40-day Workshops so if they attend two 21-day Workshops it can be certified as attending one 40-day Workshop.
During this workshop, we tried to remove Satan and Evil Spirits that attached to these blessed children due to their bad doings and bad habits but 21-day and 14-day workshop was not enough. True Parents and the True Children in the spirit world said, 'Open a Special Great Works and make sure that all the Absolute Good Spirits could come and do great works', and that is why this Summer Special Great Works had started. Also, with the mindset, 'When the parents are spiritually cleansed they can live a beautiful lifestyle and properly educate their children', I also made it possible for the 1st generations to attend this Summer Special Great Works. The Special Great Works provides a grace of receiving Heavenly Fortune and solve problems that couldn't be solved during other 2-day and 40-day Workshops.
In our bodies, because of fallen nature and bad habits we have small or big number of cancer cells in our selves. I will remove all those cancer cells during this Great Works period. That is why, before a Special Great Works you should offer much sincere devotions and make sure that greater contents can be solved. But there are members who don't offer any sincere devotion and come to this workshop and just attend it, that is why, I have already offered conditions making sure that all members could receive the spiritual grace of this Chung Pyung Great Works.
Also, one of the saddest things in a blessed family is the reality of not being able to have a four position foundation. Among the 3 great blessings, 'to be fruitful, multiply and have dominion over the creation' there are members who couldn't give birth to a child and their heartache is indescribable in words. If those members attend a Special Great Works there will be a time of grace to cleanse their spiritual background.
Chanyang is a very important time. It is a time when all the 420 billion Absolute Good Spirits and True Children from the spirit world comes together and work on you. Please do your best in removing evil spirits from the top of your head to the tip of your toe.
I once again, offer my boundless gratitude to all those members who came here in midst of this hot summer weather. We will promise that Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center will solve your difficult problems even after you go home.