The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2011 |
Cheong-gi 2nd Year, October 3 (solar
calendar: October 29) 8:00 am
Cheon Jeong Gung Museum
At a time of beautiful autumn sky, around 2,000 members from around the world gathered at the Cheon Jeong Gung Museum to attend the commemorative service for the 52nd True Children's Day and the 24th Foundation Day for the Unified Nation of Heaven and Earth.
The True Children's Day was declared on October 1 (lunar calendar), 1960 at Cheonpadong, Seoul, former HQ church by True Parents. Then on the 35th Parents' Day, 1994, the word 'True' was added to all 8 major celebrations and it became the 'True Children's Day'. The Foundation Day for the Unified Nation of Heaven and Earth was declared on October 3, 1988 at Ilhwa factory in front of 1,200 people.
Before the entrance of True Parents, Hyung Jin Nim, world president of UPF, lighted the holy candles. After offering a bow to True Parents the Cheon Il Guk anthem was sang really strongly by all attending members.
First there was the bowing ceremony which was offered in the following order; representative family members of the true children, true family members from the spirit world, bows from the 5 great saints, representative 2nd generation blessed couples, bow offered by all blessed families around the world that represents the spirit and physical world, bow from 3 central nations in God's providence (Korea, Japan, USA), bowing from continental directors (Asia, North America, Europe, South America, Oceania, Africa), bowing by representatives of central religions in God's providence (Judaism, Christian, Hindu, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Islam), bows by representatives for the boonbongwangs and national messiahs in the world, bows by representatives for True Parents' relatives, bows by representatives for the Abel Nations in the world, bows by the representatives for the Cain Nations in the world and the bow by representatives for the whole spirit world.
Then, the family pledge was recited by all the attending members which was then followed by Rev. Hyung Jin Nim's representative prayer, 'Let us engrave the meaning of this True Children's Day and the Foundation Day for the Unified Nation of Heaven and Earth in our hearts and offer our gratitude to True Parents who are doing the great works of creating the humanity into one big family, and let all members engrave 'Won Hyeong I Jeong is Heaven's path and Cheon Do Chi San is the way of life' in their hearts and before the Day of Origin let us become children who can return glory back to True Parents'.
After cutting the congratulatory cake, True Parents sat on the holy sacrament table they gave out the sacrament to the True Children. After listening to a congratulatory song offered by the members of the Dague Church, Rev. Kim Hyo-yul (Peter Kim) came to the stage and read True Parents' words which was spoken on the 9th True Children's Day (October 1, 1968) with the title 'What is the children's day?'. Then after the presentation of flowers, True Parents were welcomed to the podium with a great applause by all the attending members.
In his words, True Parents told all members who realized heaven's will before anyone else to fulfill their responsibilities by telling other brothers and sisters who don't know the will and emphasized to offer filial piety and gave their blessing that this gathering would be a gathering that God could have joy.
Then the ceremony ended with 3 great cheers of eog-manse by Rev. Yeong-seop Song, General President of UPF-Japan and True Parents left the stage after receiving a bow from all attending members.