The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2012 |
In other proclamations, True Parents have never notified us beforehand. True Parents said, "I have completed everything else". He liberated God and blessed us. When you look at True Parents from different angles they are truly the victorious True Parents but they are just opening the paths for us so that we could achieve our responsibilities.
True Parents have selected a specific date and asked us to fulfill our responsibilities however, we have yet to achieve this. What does this History for the Providence of Restoration mean to us? It is witnessing. Who does this History for the Providence of Restoration belong to? It belongs to us. It belongs to all human beings living on earth and especially to the blessed families. There are members saying, 'The History for the Providence of Restoration belongs to True Parents' but this is not the case. It belongs to all of us.
There was a number that True Parents had to bless in the Providence. He didn't suddenly tell us 'To bless' but have given 'Home Church' to us in the 1970s and 80s. The door to witnessing was already open. He had already opened the doors so that we could do our best. Among the contents of tribal messiah and restoration of the homeland, they had opened the path for us to witness.
We each have many achievements to offer in front of True Parents but when we look at the activities of witnessing and blessing in the History for the Providence of Restoration, we were unable to meet this standard. True Parents had already selected the Foundation Day and opened the path for us to do witnessing and blessing activities everyday.
As we entered the year 2012, True Parents said, "We must bless a lot this year". When we do our best in witnessing and bless many people, the doors of the revolutionary era will be opened. If not then these doors will not be opened. I cannot give heavenly fortune and other many blessings."
There are no families without sickness and pain. There are many difficult problems when you look at individuals and families. True Parents have taught a way to liberate all of these difficult problems. "You must complete your responsibility until the Foundation Day. If you do this then I shall open the path for you to live with joy and happiness and solve your difficult problems with heavenly fortune. I shall open the gates of revolutionary era." We who are carrying problems at an individual and family level must go out on the path of witnessing. The church by their own method should find a way for others to do witnessing. Churches should hold workshops and regions should hold workshops by their own standard and if one is brought then give a Divine Principle Lecture and light the flame of witnessing, however, this is not the case.
That is why Chung Pyung started to give out witnessing prize. By the way, through this Special Great Works we have to remove fallen nature and all members together with heavenly fortune must witness one person per month in this year 2012 and accomplish revolutionary era on the Foundation Day and move the providence into that direction. But this cannot be done if we still have the attitude that we have right now. If you don't have the mind and will to practice then nothing will be accomplished.
My heart ached as I accompanied True Parents through their Korean tour. We call True Parents our 'father' and we think he is young but he is actually 94 years old. That True Father standing on the stage for so many hours speaking to members and we must understand the parental heart of True Father. He is appealing with tears. He appeals to members in tears, he appeals to the general public in tears and he appeals in tears "What am I going to do with this tribe and God's Will".
We who are younger than True Father and we who know the Principle and we who are in the center of this History for the Providence of Restoration must do witnessing with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience according to True Parents' words.
I have already heard from God on how True Parents would hold the Foundation Day event and I am already in preparation for it. What would you think if there were no one to attend this event even though so much preparation has been invested?
On that day, the blessing that we could actually receive depends all on the number of people that we witnessed. We must witness like the church that won the first prize today, make people come to the church and make them do ancestor liberation ceremony and create people who can serve True Parents. If we do not achieve this then we will be left standing in a very serious position.
Don't we still have fallen nature within us? What does it mean for us to have this fallen nature? It means that we have evil spirits creating fallen nature within our body. Spirits that cause jealousy, rage, hatred, falseness, greed, thought of 'me', pride and discontent are in our body creating fallen nature.
The path of liberating all of these from our body automatically happens when we open the gates of the revolutionary era. When we completely liberate fallen nature, hereditary sin, collective sin, and individual sin we are able to bestow the standard of true love and true life to our descendants. However, if we went to the spirit world right now what can we leave them? They have no choice but to inherit sickness and pain through our lineage.
Where did this pain come from? It came from Satan and evil. Witnessing is the way to open the gates to the revolutionary era to completely clear and remove all these things. What is the weapon, sincere devotion and condition to open this gates to the revolutionary era? It is witnessing. That day is drawing near each day. That is why I cannot sleep. True Parents would also say, "How could members eat and sleep? Members are not moving even though that day is coming close."
For all blessed families to complete this witnessing one person per month they have to run through this year 2012. You cannot just walk through it. You have to run through it. Do you understand? ('Yes!')
True Parents are holding this tour, "I will open the path so that you could do your activity".
Don't blame others and move from yourself, and show your activities to others so that they could follow you and each complete your responsibility. Do you understand? ('Yes!')