The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2012 |
"Good morning, everyone. Thank you so very much for coming for the Azalea Festival. Was it good? Last year at the Tree of Blessing, on days of Special Great Events, we always report to God at the beginning, and at the end. We work very hard.
Yesterday, at 7 am, we met at the Tree of Blessing. Members who came at 7 am, and we began a prayer. True Children in the Spirit World were very happy. We received a special candle this time. Such an amazing blessing. We should light it with one mind, body, heart, purpose. This is what God told me.
God not only receives our sincerity and dedication, but He will give us all of His blessing and love. As you light the candle, I pray that you can receive much grace from God. Many, many members came this time, so I sincerely thank you. My speech time is usually in the evening, but True Parents will speak at 6 pm, so I am speaking to you now.
I made many sincere prayer conditions. I have been doing lots of counseling for members. Also, I receive many letters from you. I also received your registrations. I know all aspects of your life. God can solve all your problems. I offer sincere prayer conditions so that God can resolve everything.
When I do sincere prayer conditions, you may not know about it. When I do sincere prayer conditions, and when you come with your conditions, in combination great works can be done. Two things especially this time: spiritual disease and cancer.
You may think "I don't have a spiritual disease" but I see that all of you do have it. Also, cancer. If we see spiritually, we all have the possibility. This will be removed, and also fallen natures, jealousy, arrogance, etc. will all be removed. Then, we can live with happiness and joy. Such works will be done through the Azalea Festival.
I always speak to you about spirits and ancestors. They mostly are living in hell, as a ghost, or in your body. I was so shocked to realize this. Their sins, while on earth, were not many. Their sins since they came to the Spirit World, because their situation is bad, are much more. Many problems came to descendants. We are working to make them into Absolute Good Spirits. Such work is being done. The spirits came to dwell in our bodies. These Evil Spirits invade us because our ancestors made them "victims."
The Evil Spirits know our ancestors, and how they lived their lives. Even their spirit body becomes clean when they become Absolute Good Spirits in the training center in the Spirit World. But they remember their memories of the past life. They are Absolute Good Spirits inside and out, so clean and beautiful. On earth or in the Spirit World their mistakes and their victimization. They remember.
So one more thing I have to do. This memory of the past, of all spirits and of ancestors, must be removed or erased. I had to think about this a lot. And I had to make many sincere prayer conditions. The burning ceremony today, and the wish papers: through these the memories can be erased. If they are removed, then there is no problem. If we remove the whole memory of earthly life, cannot live in Spirit World with joy and happiness. If bad sins are removed and erased, if it is done centering on Principle, 50% makes it better. Then, all good memories, is possible.
Last year, before the Azalea Festival, if ancestors received the blessing, they received that grace, but ancestors blessed since last year's Blessing ceremony...They will go in the body and remove Evil Spirits. Only bad things are removed. If there is a bad memory, an Evil Spirits will accuse the ancestor. If there is no memory then there is no accusation. As they come inside and remove Evil Spirits, memories are clean also. When go to Spirit World, all ancestors' lives are based on an absolute standard. They can live with a happy mind. Burning ceremony will be outside, but we will be inside (World Peace Temple).
Ancestors, for the first time, they will be waiting outside. Before, the burning ceremony was held at the tree of love, so you could feel the heat, etc. But this year you won't feel the heat so much (you will be inside), and it might be hard for you to receive grace. But I made many sincere prayer conditions, so you will feel the grace and the heat and the spiritual power of the burning ceremony. Even inside you will feel it. It will come inside. It was very difficult for me, but once it is done, we can do it easily next time.
It was not easy for me to find out how to do it, and how to make such conditions. If we center on God's will then it is easy. God and True Parents will teach us. We are people without Osin. Little by little we can remove our fallen natures. As we live life, we can discern if we should or should not do something. If we recognize like this, we can repent and make effort to do better. It is Satan and fallen nature versus God and the good world. We have to connect with God. The Absolute Good Spirits world knows our lives. If we live with Absolute Faith, Love, and Obedience, if we have a grateful mind, we can change our life.
Foundation Day, 2013, centering on this content. God really wants us to fulfill our Portion of Responsibility for Foundation Day. Therefore, God gave us this special candle this time. We didn't even give a donation for it, because this is God's love. The more we offer sincere prayer conditions, the more blessing can come to us. After the Azalea Festival, when you go back home, all the blessing and fortune that is here, the candle will bring all the Shim Jung of God and True Parents with us, with all of our devotion. We need Jung Seong in witnessing. Become one in mind, body, heart, purpose and mindset. If you pray hard, I will show you God's words. Do your best in Witnessing Activities.
If we don't do Witnessing Activities, we will die. Pack here and there with accomplishment. For 2013.1.13 you are here for that. Reserve a ticket. Prepare. If we can't go inside the WPC, even if we are standing outside on the road, we have to receive the grace that is prepared for us. Become that kind of family! Centering on the WPC, True Parents are preparing. If you stay in your living room, that is not right! You need to change and live well. Attend Foundation Day here at Chung Pyung. If you come with empty hands, it is not right. So please make much accomplishment!
There are 440 billion Absolute Good Spirits here, and the True Children in the Spirit World are here to help you. 2013. Move forward. We are so happy! God, True Parents, angels, Absolute Good Spirits are on our side. And we don't have Osin. We are living with fortune. With a thankful mind, move forward. Our lives can develop and we can go with heavenly fortune.
The Azalea flowers are all open! True Parents said that the flowers will be open. Now is the best time. One million two hundred thousand azalea flowers planted. This is the restored, perfected Garden of Eden. As you go to the tree of blessing, etc. report all the content of your life, and live well. I thank very much those of you who came this year. You trust Chung Pyung works. I will make even more sincere prayer conditions for you; please become true children of filial piety to True Parents. I will close here. Thank you very much."
This year, Dae Mo Nim also spoke briefly at the end of the last chanyang session, with was a rather unique thing.
She spoke: "It is not at all easy for me to prepare for the Azalea Festival. Works of spirituality must be done correctly. If a mistake is made, Satan will take it all away. If my conditions were not enough, or if members are not able to take all the grace home with them, a problem. I offered so much, I did my best to prepare. To the very last moment I felt I did well, and that members are happy.
As members do chanyang, I see Evil Spirits trying to come out, but maybe their head is stuck, or their feet. I see you walking around, and it is so frightful, you have Evil Spirits hanging out of you, or you are carrying around something, etc. There are so many situations like this. Today, at chanyang, I sent lots of angels. I sent spirits so the Evil Spirits could come out of your body. Today, things went well, so that way the conditions were sufficient.
The world is coming to an absolute good world. For the next Second Generation Workshop, I will offer even more devotions, so you can receive even greater blessing. Our opening prayer was an amazing time. During these 3 days, God gave so much blessing and grace to us. When you go back home, feel God's heart and the providence through the special candle. Be grateful for everything in your daily life and lifestyle. In your heart, have conversation with God all the time. Offer gratitude and prayer. Please always be healthy and be a son/daughter of filial piety. Thank you."
God bless,
David Carlson
Professor at the
Cheongshim Graduate School of Theology