The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2012 |
Mo Nim -- November 7, 2012
Dae Mo Nim spoke the following at 7:30 pm on 6.18 by the heavenly calendar (Aug. 5, 2012) at the Main Hall during the Prayer of Gratitude for the '2012 Summer Parent and Child Chung Pyung Special Great Works'. Dae Mo Nim said that with the grace of removing fallen nature there was also the grace of clearing essence that caused difficult problems. (Edited: Department of Education and Planning)
Even though the weather was hot, more members gathered than last summer. I believe that many more members came because they believe in the developing Chung Pyung Works.
Through these 3 days, when I look back thinking, 'Was I able to prepare everything so that everyone could do everything without feeling guilty?' then I believe I can say, 'I prepared everything and I am not embarrassed,' towards all the sincere devotion and conditions that I offered.
This time, it was the Chung Pyung Special Great Works of 'Parent and Child'. When parent and child unites as one God's Will can develop and when fallen nature is removed, parent and child are able to unite. Also, through removing fallen nature before the Foundation Day results us in living with heavenly fortune. That is why, I worked hard so that fallen nature could be removed. If you ask me now, 'Did everything go as planned?' then I can answer you, 'Yes, it has!'
God says, 'I will always do the works.' God said that if we prepare the Chung Pyung Works with truth, fact with love and sacrifice, dedication and diligent then He will do the works. There were much great grace and Works by God, True Parents, the True Children from the spirit world and the 440 billion absolute good spirits.
Whenever I prepare for Chung Pyung Works, there were many times where I had to organize problems beforehand, but during this Great Works, it was a time where God and True Parents, and the absolute good world cleared your difficult problems beforehand.
They wish you to be grateful for such content and welcome Foundation Day. On that day, there will be various events being held but the most important thing is that it is a day where True Parents will offer everything back that he promised with God and become one with Him.
Until now, we were unable to complete our responsibility 100% according to God's Will. In the remaining time, please witness towards Foundation Day and you must offer your achievement back to God and True Parents. Also, we must complete our responsibility in the remaining period so that True Parents could open the gates of heavenly fortune which will clear evil and Satan.
Please tell your neighbors and tribes of the grace that you received today. Be proud of the principle, True Parents and the Foundation Day and complete your responsibility so that more people could attend the Foundation Day.
Even after you return I will offer sincere devotion with the name list. I will also do my best so that you could live with a heart that you could love Chung Pyung and complete God's Will together.
Today, the Korean members will be going home but if you are tired then please rest before you go and drive safely. Especially the Japanese members, right now I heard that Japan is facing many difficult situations. But before thinking that its difficult please have the mindset 'I can do it' and please do your best. If you do so then Chung Pyung Works is able to help you. I am also grateful to all the members who came from Asia and western countries. Whenever I read your letters it always says, 'please come to my country' and I will try my best.
Ladies and gentlemen! I hope that you could be grateful for this Special Great Works after receiving heavenly blessings of heavenly fortune from God, True Parents, True Children from the spirit world and the absolute good world. I always pray that you will be healthy and ask you to be sons and daughters of filial piety in front of God and True Parents and please become precious members who could live a life of completing God's Will.