The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2012 |
Good morning, everyone. Today, even though this is a normal 2-day workshop, our beloved 2nd gen are here, and there are other workshops, such as the 40-day and others, so I would like to say hello to everyone. Inside our church, we want to educate our 2nd gen very well. I hope the 1st gen parents can give more love and truth to them. Last week at the Special Great Works workshop we did so. Amazing special grace and love were given to them. During a Special Great Works workshop, always, my heart is intense. I always never know how to prepare, so my heart is very intense, but I did many devotions and conditions. After reporting about everything to True Parents, God told me: you didn't do just a good job; you did SUCH a good job! Thus, I felt that my works were done okay, and I appreciated that so much. This week, even still, much grace and blessing are still remaining here for you.
Those of you here are doing well. In October we will have the Autumn Special Great Works. Personally, I thought I had a chance to do something else, but God told me to begin devotions for that Autumn Special Great Works. It will be such a wonderful workshop. All of us, because of the fall of Adam and Eve, we are ignorant. In Chung Pyung, no matter how much we do, inside our mind, it is not easy to explain the works. But now, I feel more and more that the works are manifesting, so I feel much hope for the future.
The world created by God, in which we can live is coming; I thought this. You can feel this spiritually and physically. You are working very hard so I feel hope. Now, still the size of hell is larger than the size of heaven. God is suffering with tears. We know God with our intellect, but when you meet Him in Spirit World, He is experiencing so much suffering. Because people in the fallen world live with fallen nature, God feels so sad. And Spirit World, whereas before it had heaven, now it is mostly hell. So, God is sad. I felt I had to work even more. All of us need to help them (spirits, people) live in the heavenly world. From the beginning of Chung Pyung, in 1995, and ever since, we have been working hard. Family members are working hard, the works and the words of True Parents we have heard many times. So, we know about heaven and hell. But, unless you go you cannot experience it, really.
I don't know how much you feel it. Because there are many 2nd gen here, I will explain about the Spirit World. Hell is 80% and heaven is 20%. Why? After the fall of Adam and Eve, people lived centering on evil, like that. And they made even more mistakes in Spirit World. God, to this moment, without rest, has been carrying out the providence of restoration so that the world can be 100% the heavenly world. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, to Jesus' time, all was God's providence.
All central figures, and those working with the central figures, through irresponsibility, the providence of restoration failed, and evil increased more and more. Jesus said: to change this world to good, I will be back, quickly. But, after many years of preparation, 2000 years, Jesus Christ, and later the True Parents came. All those people at the time of Jesus, since they heard Jesus would return, they prepared but they didn't prepare as they should have done. They needed the mind to construct heaven, but they didn't have such a mind. So, when True Parents came, it was not easy to find us. So many conditions were made by True Father. Since I do works I know how many conditions they make.
True Parents are removing Original sin. In doing devotions so that Satan cannot accuse, it is not easy. True Parents gave us great blessing after removing Original sin. After that, we needed to (God wanted us to) live a Principled life, in our life after the Blessing. Up through the 1990s, we did witnessing activities well, but then it seemed to stop. When I go to Spirit World and see 80% hell, I know that without heaven on earth, we can't even make heaven in Spirit World. True Parents told us: live centering on Principle and do Witnessing Activity. Spirit World is already prepared. He is doing the work of transforming Evil Spirits into Absolute Good Spirits, and making good angels.
To do this is very difficult. Evil has settled down and 80% of the Spirit World is evil. Making Satan into a good angel was not easy. Although True Parents are living in the Physical World, through works, Evil Spirits are being made into Absolute Good Spirits. 80% of the Spirit World is hell, but now, the power of the development of the evil world is so strong, and yet True Father made it stop. He is making a good world by making Absolute Good Spirits. Heaven is becoming larger and larger. Because of Absolute Good Spirits, ancestors being made, in heaven, around the Palace, our house can be built. Such works are being constructed. There is Heavenly law and heavenly fortune is increasing. True Parents words are the source of our happy life. Please have the mind to think this. Heaven is so beautiful!
In there are flowers, and the lake, and beauty all around. You can think it is like heaven. is the restored and perfected Garden of Eden. It is a little bit lacking nevertheless. Heaven is so beautiful, and clean, and pure. When I pick one leaf I can see inside. This is heaven. There is abundant freedom, and there is lots of true love. Here there are many 2nd gen with various concerns, and there in Spirit World you don't need to worry about clothes, or about eating. Yesterday, I went to Kangwon Province to speak; they like to eat chicken, etc.
In Spirit World, chicken can appear in front of you immediately when you think about it. In Spirit World you can see with your senses pizza, hamburgers, anything. You can feel the wonderful taste. The difference between heaven and hell; if there is one piece of pizza, I want to eat that. But, in heaven, you give it to others and ask why don't you eat first? This is heaven. In hell, stronger Evil Spirits dominate weaker Evil Spirits. Now, there is a lot of violence existing in schools. But, the violence in Spirit World cannot even be compared with that. With intense violence and hatred, strong Evil Spirits dominate weak Evil Spirits. Evil Spirits in hell; there is no freedom at all. You cannot go freely anywhere, anytime.
On earth, it is easy to go from here to there, but not so in Spirit World. Spirits have to ask Evil Spirits for permission, can I go? If Evil Spirits say no, then I can't go. So there is no freedom. You can enjoy pizza in the physical world, but you can't feel this in hell. Who is it that goes to hell? Those with fallen nature. At times, it is sleepy people who may go to hell. Centering on selfishness, arrogance, dissatisfaction, jealousy, anger, hatred, etc. Such people go to hell. These are among the many sins we should not commit. God said: make an ideal, true family. Parent-child; Father-Mother become one.
Drinking, smoking, drugs, absolutely don't do. No fallen nature. No immorality! If it is not your husband or wife, don't look, don't touch. Don't take off your clothes in front of them. All 2nd gen members in this room, don't drink or do drugs before your Blessing. After your blessing, don't do it. You should not look or touch. There should be no kissing. Don't touch the breasts. Never do sexual intercourse! ABSOLUTELY don't do these things!!! If you do, you will go to a place even below hell. Since we don't know Spirit World well, we must be careful in the Physical World. Books, videos, etc. can cause immoral thinking, so you might look, touch, etc. You will have to go to a place lower than hell. Before their blessing Adam and Eve ate the fruit. They ate and had a sexual relationship. They fell into sin and evil.
To become people in heaven, God conducted the providence of Restoration and eventually True Parents came to earth. True Father knows well the reality of the Physical World, and all the evil. Us, who did not prepare so well, they have saved us, they forgave us of Original sin, etc. Beloved 2nd gen members, you are without Original sin. Original sin is immoral and illicit sexual relationship. Sexual relationship before Blessing.
ABSOLUTELY DON'T!!! Don't drink alcohol. From today don't be that kind of person. Don't hold hands; don't look, don't touch, don't eat!!! Some people from the 2nd gen, they did look and touch and eat. This is fallen. ABSOLUTELY DON'T DO IT!!! Hell is a place where...are. It is the basement of hell. 300 meters down below hell. A place of sexual sin. People committing illicit sins go there. When I go to Spirit World, it is the basement of hell. I prayed to have spirits brought out of there because it so scary! You must have a strong mind not to do illicit sex. Do you 2nd gen understand?
Okay, give me your promise that you won't do it. Thinking about God and True Parents, Japanese members are working very hard; members in the world are working hard. I will try and resolve your problems. I have the mind to work even harder. Hoon Mo Nim wants to sleep tonight. She has that kind of mind. But, she cannot sleep because the situation is so urgent. Many things inside of us must be cleaned up. Foundation Day is coming. Satan has a locked-in system. In us there is a locked- in place. True Parents want to open this locked door so that heavenly blessing can come, and so we can live happy lives. True Parents will unlock this door on Foundation Day.
It is not easy though. Family members in the Physical World, should do Witnessing Activity, and bring one member per month. As 2nd gen please study well, and work hard. You can help your family with washing dishes, or doing laundry, etc. so that your parents can do Witnessing Activity. In my family, Dae Mo Nim stays at a lot, but 3 children took charge of many things. They did many things. They told me: elder brother studies hard, to go to a good high school, even though his mother is working hard. His sister made 3 lunch boxes, etc. They supported each other. So, he could go to Pucheon (?) high school. 3 children, in tears, said because he went to Pucheon high school, please be happy and work hard. They helped each other. Even now, they are working hard so that Dae Mo Nim, Hoon Mo Nim, can work hard.
This is not a story I tell you because of my pride, but to show that 2nd gen, if you work hard, your parents can go work for God's providence. 2nd gen from Japan, it is not easy, the time is not easy, but you can't just do things that you want to do. Our life is like climbing a mountain. To go over the hill, we have to work hard, to the end of 2012. I hope you can become people like that. Beloved members, thank you for coming to this workshop. You may have wanted to go to the beach, etc. in this hot weather, but you came here. So, I thank you. I hope much heavenly blessing can come to you through my devotions. I hope even more will come in the future. To prepare for Foundation Day, attend True Parents, and become filial sons and daughters. I will close here. Thank you.
God bless, itn,
David Carlson