The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2013 |
Mo Nim -- January 9, 2013
Good morning, everyone. Are you happy today? I am also very happy and thankful that many members came for the 2-day workshop. True Parents, before Foundation Day, having been making many conditions of devotion. Regarding the blessing that is to be given on Foundation Day, True Father said through this blessing there will be given more and more grace and good fortune. True Father in Spirit World is preparing for Foundation Day and for the providence after Foundation Day. We have the mind that True Father "has already gone to Spirit World," but True Father is working as if he is "still alive." True Mother, while on earth, and all members, centering on True Children, all of this can be settled down. True Mother is one with True Father, one heart, one mind, one mindset.
Every day True Father and True Mother are thinking about 2020. As I meet with True Parents, I also wish that we could be more filial sons and daughters. Whenever I meet True Father/True Mother, they are making plans, making conditions of devotion, and preparing for the sake of God's will, and for the sake of Blessed families. The time is too short. We need to make haste and understand the Shim Jung of True Parents. For Foundation Day, you prepared a lot, with a big mind. But, now the Wine Ceremony is being done. Before True Father went to Spirit World, he worried a lot and thought deeply about how he could straighten out members' mistakes. When True Father gave forgiveness, we thought it came so easily. We thought True Parents could forgive sins, no matter how big a sin might be. When you hear of the Holy Wine Ceremony, instead of having a grateful mind, we think: what? Holy wine again? Last Autumn, True Father said to me: "I have to forgive all members on Foundation Day, so you must prepare Holy Wine. Hereditary sins, Original sin, collective sin, all have to be cleaned up.
Thus, some members may say: "I don't have any mistakes, why do I have to take the holy wine, again?" My thinking is different. We have Fallen Nature, and Satan is able to do evil; we subconsciously live our life with such Fallen Nature (jealousy, anger, complaint, etc.). We were unfilial in front of True Parents. If we look at our daily life, many things were done wrongly, and others are even worse. Foundation Day will be a new era of CIG, which True Parents are making. If no forgiveness, but True Parents declared Foundation Day, then to us, we have collective sin, and even made mistakes which we did not report. We had children, and even the children made sins, and did not report them. Sins are connected in many ways. An absolute good person is one having a good standard. A person has nobility. Some parts are healed, but other things are hidden. Some parts are not reported. All these things entangle us, and make for an evil history. This is not right.
Holy wine, even without our asking, will be given to all of us. After Foundation Day, centering on True Parents, life centering on the Unification Church, we must live a life of Absolute Faith, Love and Obedience. If you make such a resolution, holy wine can be given. I felt the value of holy wine. It is provided by True Parents. There is no reason for me to talk about holy wine. When I have the ancestor blessing, they become like this (clear glass of pure water). But with Original sin. After the blessing, they are completely clear without the blemishes of Original sin. Before the Holy Wine, at the ancestor blessing, I am nervous. But after the proclamation of the holy blessing, I am so happy. Often, there are 1-2 ancestors who could not come (attend). They are unhappy. After 100 days, they can come. I do holy water one more time for late-comers. 100% of our ancestors can become Absolute Good Spirits. When we have the ancestor blessing ceremony, we give 100% grace. When you do the Holy Wine Ceremony, our spirit self, there is no way to put a percentage on what part is individual sin, what part collective sin, what part is ancestral sin. This is not so clear.
You may think: I have no sin. But that is not right. You know your sin. Sin leaves a color on the spirit self. You might think: if I die, that will be the end, and when I go to Spirit World, nothing will happen. Spiritually, we became ignorant. Through death and Sunghwa, the spirit and the physical self are separated. The physical self goes back to the soil, and then you can see your spirit self. When the body leaves, you can see your spirit self. With surprise you see yourself as centered on sin and immoral behavior. The spirit tries to cover all its sins as did Adam and Eve. You try and cover the parts with the most sins. But this can be seen. In Spirit World, everything can be seen. In the Holy Wine Ceremony, all your sins are forgiven. The biggest sin is immoral sin. This is removed through drinking Holy Wine. Things drawn on our spirit self will be erased. Write your confession and give it to the local church. Report to Heavenly Parents, True Parents, so that your spirit and physical can be cleaned very well. For this to be done well, in May, at the holy burning ceremony, all this will be cleaned up. Therefore, before the Holy Wine Ceremony, write everything centering on your conscience.
Members ask me: What if the church leader opens this (confession letter)? They won't. So write everything down. During the Azalea Festival time, the burning ceremony will be done. If you haven't done this yet, go to the local church, and do the Holy Wine Ceremony. Without asking these things to us, True Parents will forgive unconditionally. This is such blessing and grace! With the grace and love of the True Parents, and with a clean body, we can go to Spirit World. If we live life well, by Principle, it will be a good era for us, with good fortune. But, if you live an un-Principled life, God will not let you live life like that. True Parents: I will have to educate them one-by-one. If they live life in an un-Principled way, they will get hit by the whip of love, as if they (True Parents) were alive. This is all part of the preparation of True Parents for Foundation Day. As you often hear in my speech, you have to make a true family. You must live with absolute love. Give absolute love, and live for the sake of others. You have to give absolute love and beauty, so good give-and-take can be done, seen and respected. Absolutely, there should be no drinking, smoking, or drugs. Not even in business. The matching was done, but if you drink after Foundation Day, your business will decline. Indemnity will be coming on your life.
After Foundation Day, there should be no fallen nature. This is difficult. Centering on lineage, after Adam and Eve, the ancestors lived with Fallen Nature. This can't be solved in one day. Reduce Fallen Nature little-by-little. After Foundation Day, don't become immoral. Don't look at immoral books, videos, and don't go to immoral places. If someone is not your husband or wife, then don't look, don't touch, don't eat. If you look, you want to touch, and if you touch, you want to eat. Immoral people go to a terrible hell. Suicides and adulterers go to a place 30 meters below hell, You should not become immoral. Don't look, don't touch, don't eat. There are some people who cunningly try to escape the Divine Principle, but looking, touching, eating are not allowed. If you do this, indemnity will be made unimaginably. If you look, or touch, or eat, then an even bigger feeling will come. You should also not kill others with words. Don't infringe people's heart. Don't act as if you know 100%.
When people report to Dae Mo Nim, if the person does not speak something, then she cannot say everything. You should report to Dae Mo Nim, and tell everything, and then she can respond. If a member does not talk, Dae Mo Nim doesn't talk. Otherwise, she is infringing on their heart. We often speak even though we don't know 100%. And, the sins on the internet. This is also sin infringing on peoples' heart. After Foundation Day, don't look or speak roughly. If someone makes a mistake, this can come to me as collective sin. If there is someone and we wish them not to be successful, and if they do wrongly, that can come to me as collective sin. We have to live rightly. We cannot misuse public money. Tithing is part of public money. People at Chung Pyung (staff) do not use public money. Thus, I trust them. In daily life, don't misuse public money. Japanese members should tithe. Go to the church without fail. Attend the church pastor and the church leader. We must fulfill God's will by 2020. We have to settle the culture. Witness, and respect and love your seniors, and love your juniors. 2013.1.13, become one heart, one mind, one mindset. Do you believe me? Then True Parents can try to help us. By Foundation Day, we have to finish 210 generations. We need our ancestors' help.
People to whom we witness also need to do ancestor liberation. To have a heavenly future, and to live well, we have to do 210 generations. An ancestor came to me and talked to me about their descendants. They said: this descendant did the registration, this person "came" to Chung Pyung. The ancestor said: please remove such and such an Evil Spirit from them. The member was in the store and bought a colorful vase. The ancestor asked: "can they live beautifully like that colorful vase?" I sent the Absolute Good Spirit to remove the Evil Spirits. That person is a young person. We wave to our exiting ancestors after the ancestor blessing. They say, "thank you" to you when they leave. They come to me and tell me about their descendants. I give a sign to the MC, and nod my head. Some of the ancestors, even after 100 days, are not yet Absolute Good Spirits, before they are 100% clean. Until the beginning of the ceremony they ask if they can come. If yes, those who come late, there is Holy Wine on the platform, and I give them the holy water, this is how it goes. If we live life according to Principle, heavenly fortune will come to us. If not living by Principle, indemnity will come and life will become difficult. Do you understand?
Has a good world or a bad world come? Since we have Absolute Good Spirits, if we live well, then we have been living according to Principle. If we are not living well, it means that we have not been living according to Principle. If you have such a mind, then you can live well. Centering on Chung Pyung, evil spirits will be removed. Good husband/wife, beautiful children. Foundation Day life with Foundation Day content. I hope you can do this. You reported in prayer centering on your conscience. During chanyang sessions, these things will be cleaned up. Some people drank the Holy Wine, the contents that you wrote down, these things will be taken out during chanyang session. You can then live life very well. After Foundation Day, even if we see peoples' eyes, we need to feel love. Again, the weather has become colder so take care of your health. Please become filial sons and daughters of God and True Parents. I will close here. Thank you very much."
God bless, itn
David Carlson