The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2013 |
Ja Han - March 8, 2012
Good morning. Isn't it cold? No? As the month of May comes close, I always worry because the flowers for the Azalea Festival may not bloom well. This morning it was cold, so I was appreciative. Do you know why I felt that way? I heard that the flowers in Korea opened 10 days early, so what if the flowers in Chung Pyung open early, and then fall down? So, this morning, when the weather was cold, I was happy, because the flowers should bloom beautifully.
As we live our life, we often forget how fast time goes by. Centering on God's Will, if life is busy, you can forget about how fast time goes. I saw Hoon Mo Nim's face in the mirror, and it is a grandma's face. Hoon Mo Nim now has become "an old lady." When Hoon Mo Nim first came here to, she was age 42; now, she is over 60. Thinking about that, being alive, to live true and die, we have to know. Living life as a young person, we don't think about death. If we are not sick, we don't think about it. The problem is: someday we will die. On earth, we are destined to die. We say Seonghwa. Now we know about Spirit World through the works of. Even though we know about the Spirit World, and works, and we prepare a lot, because we understand. But, normal people don't think about dying. They go to Spirit World without preparation.
We have a spirit self and a physical self. Death is physical, but mind and spirit self last eternally. However, as we live life on earth, the world we will live in is eternal. The world we live in, we are born at about 3.2 kilograms, and when human beings grow, we eat food, and our physical body grows, even without thinking. In the same way, our spirit self will grow through our daily lives. If we have a healthy mind and live positively, our spirit self will grow beautifully. If we are short or tall, it connects to our parents' DNA. In daily life, with positive thinking, and eating well, our physical self will grow well. In daily life, if we live life beautifully in every aspect, we grow well. But, if we look at the spirit self, our whole life is recorded, on how we live. Can we see this spirit self? Why? In daily life, good and evil things of the spirit self, for 24 hours, are recorded, like a painting on the spirit self. Through TV we can see the different colors of different regions. Just like that, there are different colors on our spirit self.
If we live well, on our spirit self, there is a white color. What about if we live immorally? Two days ago, 2 Japanese 2nd gen, as I gave Divine Principle lecture on the fall, I asked them what is the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? One of them told me: (___) meaning apple. Immoral behaviors will be painted red on the spirit self. Lewd sins are painted in red. Anger is red. If we steal, there is a black color. In which colors is your spirit self painted? We have to think about that. If we pick up a white color pencil, and if we want white color painting on our spirit. We all want that. People are like that.
This doesn't mean that all colors in heaven are white. Heaven has all different colors. But this white color, with a white color pencil, if we want to write on my spirit self. But, Satan gives us an object to grab. In chanyang session, this morning the spirit inside us is damaged. Evil Spirits and resentful ancestors remain. The color of the descendants is what they want to give us. So, you paint the same colors subconsciously. The era we are living in is dominated by Satan. The time we could go on direct is over. Satan is dominant. We have works; those spirits dominate us and give us bad colors to paint with. These spirits we want to remove. If Adam and Eve had not fallen, we could see our mind and spirit self wrapped by the physical body. But we became ignorant. When we reflect in the mirror, we should see our physical self and spirit self at the same time. I can see both when I look at you. I see your (spirit) self with different colors. The Physical Self and the Spirit Self stay this way. On the day of Seonghwa and death is the day of separation. Due to the fall, since this separation occurs, and you become a spirit self, and you can see your spirit self. The Physical self returns to the soil. The Spirit self lives on eternally in the Spirit World.
When is the spirit self going to the Spirit World? At the gate to the Spirit World is there someone who will judge you? Or do you go by yourself? You go yourself, and if your spirit self is colored with different colors, if the white color is little, do you go to a white place? You go where your spirit self possesses the most color. The place where the same kind of spirits are gathered. For example, if it is angry an spirit, you go to the environment of angry spirits. It is like a pit of fire. There is no understanding, there is no yielding. They only think about themselves. Even if the space is small, they want more, and they ask the spirit "can you move?" They will never move. The immoral hell is 300 meters underground below the hell. The thinking, the behavior here is only looking, touching, eating. The spirit thinks this is good. Among ancestors I have to look for tonight, if there are such spirits, they bring hell with them from 300 meters below. Those with lots of jealousy; their eyes cannot look straight. They look at us fearfully, and their mind is filled with pain.
Heaven is a place of love, and living for the sake of others. If a long spoon is given to a spirit in hell, they cannot eat well [a famous image in spiritual lore: because they try to feed themselves and can't because the handle is too long]. If in heaven, they feed each other, and so can eat well. Heaven is such a nice and beautiful place. Those going to heaven must not have fallen nature. Must become like a small child. Hatred, jealousy, anger, complaint, etc. They will go to hell. Do you want to go to heaven or hell? I often have to go to heaven, since True Father is there, and I have work to do. It is soooooo beautiful! God/True Parents/angels and our Absolute Good Spirit ancestors are there! It is sooooo beautiful a world. Since it is a world of mind, we feel everything. If I say "I love you, Father" then that mind can be conveyed. So the Absolute Good Spirits are so excited. You received the house for Absolute Good Spirits; it is near the place where True Father is staying.
At meal time in Spirit World, we have to "eat," but it is not made of matter like in this world, but it is different. The mind becomes real. If True Father wants Kona coffee, it is there. As Kona coffee, Absolute Good Spirits: I want to drink also! Even if they never tasted in life. When we make hot food, the steam rises. It is just like that. More, mouth, our five spiritual senses. True Children are attending True Father, and True Mother offered meals for 40 days. Food is prepared for True Father in the Spirit World. True Father would eat delicious barley shrimp, and other kinds of food. Spirits don't understand this food, but they order the same food. In heaven they feel the genuine taste. Those ancestors we liberated are living this way. These spirits in heaven are so blessed. When ancestors talk with Dae Mo Nim, they always say: we are so happy due to our descendants! They come to see the flowers in, and in heaven if they want to see millions of flowers in, then those flowers also gather in heaven.
To go to heaven, we have to live life here beautifully! Even we make mistakes and come to. I forgive you with love because this mistake was not by you, but by the Evil Spirits inside you. Everything can be, and is being, forgiven. After Foundation Day, we think "I am perfected," but this is not right. In after Foundation Day, more people should come to workshop. As those people who should receive blessing, we have to remove Evil Spirits.... people with Evil Spirits, as I look at their lives, about 100% evil. Because Satan and evil directly dominate those people. So, all of us, for the Spirit World not to dominate us, we have to take the Evil Spirits out, so that we can live well. As I see Japanese members in a 5-day / 4-night workshop; before Foundation Day, many, but after Foundation Dat... After Foundation Day, we have to remove more Evil Spirits, and have to make effort. Evil Spirits are working stronger and stronger after Foundation Day. We have to live life in a perfect way. A time when we don't need to come to will hopefully come quickly. But now is not that time!
Pain, suffering, etc. are with us. Centering on Foundation Day, we register as citizens of Cheon Il Guk, and so we should live. But, if we make mistakes, or go back to our old lifestyle, what will happen? Several days after Foundation Day, a member came for a lineage problem. Satan does not want to lose their world, so we have to be alert! Our life must connect with Principle, with attending church, etc. All 7 days we have to report, and receive heavenly fortune. We have to create such an environment, and... If you and your spouse are working together. I check members, if they offer donations or not. Some people go to different churches and don't offer donations. When Husband and Wife work together, donation needs to be offered. If children receive money, 10% must be offered. Until age 8. The environment for children needs to be established. Seeing, talking about many things, we should not have such an environment. If there is a good environment, a good life, then can live well, and can do Witnessing Activity to tribe, etc.
By 2020 we have to succeed. The goal of the Korean church is 600,000. I was surprised! All people must do Witnessing Activity to reach the goal. With this goal, we have to feel responsible. By 2020, 7 years. How many people in one year? Per month? Each week? Per day? How many do we have to bring? Each person has to bring how many? If this is the goal, we have to fulfill it. Now is April by the solar calendar. This year will pass so quickly. If you put holy wine in say, in the clouds, the providence will be delayed. We need determination and a kind of practice. We need a mind of Witnessing Activity so many hours in a day. So by 2020 the world we want can be established. May 3-5 come, without fail, to. After the Azalea Festival the ancestors who received the blessing last year, the wish papers grace will be given to our ancestors. The ancestor color is shining or better. But, still they have memory of past wrongdoings. But, with the burning ceremony, this will be erased. We wrote confession papers for Foundation Day, and all will be cleansed. So, please come to for the Azalea Festival. We will have chanyang session, the Evil Spirits will be removed from today. The Azalea Festival will come soon, also the Absolute Good Spirits are coming, so this weekend is different from normal.
It is a cold season, so wash your hands well, and wash your eyes well. Don't forget we are children of True Parents. Please become members of filial piety. I will close here. Thank you.
God bless, itn,
David Carlson