The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2013 |
Mo Nim -- August 22, 2013
Good morning, everyone. The weather is so hot, isn't it? It seems this year is very hot. But, compared with Seoul, here is cooler. We had lots of rain. Therefore, here at Chung Pyung we didn't even see that the weather is hot. But, it feels hot, and also we need to save electricity. So, there is some inconvenience to members. 40-day workshop members, you need to save electricity in your lecture room.
We unintentionally found that True Father suddenly left from our sight. Of course, True Father, whether in Physical World or in Spirit World, is an eternal being, and will stay together with us. True Father went to Spirit World and we cannot see him with our physical eyes. As we think about blessed family members, True Father educated us throughout his entire life. He showed us everything, but we need to practice. Our life should have been lived that way, but it wasn't. What shall we do? Since True Father is not here? Such a mind we didn't have. As I lead the Chung Pyung works, if True Father is not here, what will happen? In the world, out of all the billions of people, only the small group of us understands about True Parents. When you go to the Spirit World, you will understand who True Parents are, and what they did, what they accomplished. Through True Parents words, we understand the value of True Parents, but if we attended True Parents in the sense of being united or not, or whether we lived life that way or not, we must reflect.
Next Friday is the first anniversary of True Father's Seonghwa. I feel that the time went so fast. I ask myself: did I do what True Father wanted me to do? In one sense, I feel I didn't fulfill my duty as a filial daughter. There is Original Sin, fallen nature. If your 5 senses are open, and you could see Original Sin, if you could see it, I feel it would be nice. When you go to Spirit World you have to live together with normal spirits. True Father removed Original Sin and gave the blessing, and gave us registration blessing, and then with Foundation Day, we became citizens of Cheon Il Guk. Such Parents we have. Now, there is just one week until the first Seonghwa memorial service. We need to know True Parents, at some time, we need to go to the realm of True Parents. If Original Sin had not been removed, what would have happened? Original Sin, inherited sin, collective sin, personal sin. Satan took very deep root. We have all the fallen natures. Without removing Original Sin, it is hard to remove all the sins. Those with fallen nature and Original Sin, True Parents removed Original Sin from us, and gave position blessing.
True Father said: you have to walk the path of original Principle. We did not do that. We lived life centering on fall nature. We didn't live life centering on Principle. We should have become people of character, and changed ourselves. Such people who didn't do that, True Father gave the registration blessing and wanted us to grow. Citizens of Cheon Il Guk, centering on Foundation Day, Heavenly Parents will be in us. All of us need to become one heart, one mind, one body, one mindset, and live in the Cheon Il Guk world. We didn't understand Foundation Day. You might say: I am living life in Cheon Il Guk. But, are we really? Centering on my conscience, am I qualified? You have to be honest. True Parents, after shedding tears, sweat and blood, went, and walking an unimaginable path, made conditions so that Satan could not accuse us, etc. This is our....We have to think about this. How much blood, sweat, tears they offered. We have to reflect about "me" centering on my conscience. Am I really a Cheon Il Guk citizen? Can my family live life in Cheon Il Guk? Can we qualify? Though we didn't do anything, True Parents gave us registration, and gave us the nation of Cheon Il Guk.
So many words True Father gave. Every day, sometimes more than 20 hours. If we look at those words: "become a person of character," "become a central person in God's providence. Whether awake or not, we have to work harder. If I look at True Parents words, sometimes more than 20 hours. True Father didn't even drink one drop of water, or go to the bathroom. True Father: I have to give these words. If I don't give these words, who will? You have to be children living True Father's words. One day, True Father went for a medical checkup. True Father gave words. True Father went to the airport, and gave more words. Then to a department store, and gave more words. Even to a restaurant, or speaking to a member, often for 2-3 hours, True Father spoke. True Father continuously conveyed words. Such people are True Father and True Mother. Sometimes we felt: the words are so long (True Father is speaking so long!) True Father felt: if I am not here, who will give the words. After so many words, we have to work harder. To live life we have to live centering on True Father's words, but we forgot. So, for one year we have to read and practice words. But, in this year, did we do it? We think: True Father went to Spirit World. What should I do? We should have read and practiced the words. The outside world is a world of evil. Satan has settled down. To live life in the world, we must become one mind, one heart, one body, and one mindset, or we will die. We should have thought like this, but we didn't.
What have I done last year? Look at True Fathers words, and practice. We try to practice. Faith is needed to become one with the center. If some friend does not go to church, then we think ok, and maybe I didn't go, we thought like that. If so, you, your family, your descendants will receive damage. Chung Pyung, centering on Dae Mo Nim, relates in many ways to the Spirit World, so one member didn't want to do it (come to Chung Pyung), but when she went to Spirit World, she saw that she needed to do it. People who went to Spirit World, and see True Parents, realize that they should have lived life differently. Seeing people in hell, they felt so sad. All the spirits were governed by fallen nature, sin, etc. They felt the 4 great sins. We should not separate from the Principle; with words we need to practice. The first anniversary of True Fathers Seonghwa is coming soon. The Special Great Works was scheduled for this week. After True Fathers Seonghwa a Holy Candle will be given. I hope you reflect deeply. Centering on True Parents and God's will, I hope you can resolve to accomplish God's providence. I changed the time of the Special Great Works so that this kind of reflection can be done.
After the anniversary, I know a lot of spiritual change will come. True Father, at the Tree of Blessing, said he would come and listen to everyone's prayer. True Father resolved many things in Spirit World, but now, substantially, True Father will come and go back and forth between the Physical World and the Spirit World, and accomplish much. People didn't recognize Special Great Works, so True Father felt sad. Dae Mo Nim asked God: how can I do all this (Chung Pyung)? Heavenly Parents said: if you work with true love, based on fact, diligently, etc.... I will do the work. To change Evil Spirits into Absolute Good Spirits, etc. All of it was done by Heavenly Parents and True Parents; they did it. True Father thought of making the proclamation of the substantial words early. They become one. True Father proclaimed this in advance. The last proclamation of the words on Foundation Day. Why did True Father give this early? I asked True Father, but True Father just smiled. I asked True Father to write a calligraphy, so True Father wrote it. Centering on those proclamations of substantial words, Heavenly Parents and True Parents become one. They come to this earthly world. Now, therefore, we need to reflect centering on our conscience and become one heart, one mind, one body, and one mindset. On this first anniversary, all of you need to erase every bad habit. Not in one day, but day-by-day. In the Cheon Il Guk era, I hope you can become such precious members. We all need to go to Spirit World, to Heaven. But we can't. Only 20% is heaven. Inside me is fallen nature and sin. We cannot go to heaven. Evil Spirits come to those who have sin and fallen nature. If you don't have sin or fallen nature, they don't come to you. Members come to God's will.
Nowadays, I feel we can go to heaven, because through this chan yang session and through living a Principled life, we can go. Good spirits (Absolute Good Spirits) will guide us to heaven, to the training center in the Spirit World, etc. Such is my thinking. We need to become proud children of Unification Church. Make many good accomplishments in the physical world, make many good results. Then we can go to Spirit World. Do Witnessing Activities, centering on heavenly fortune. A good world has to be made. This world is so strong. Parents must lock doors, must worry about their daughters, etc. All of us, when in the Physical World, listen to True Father's words, and we have to work harder, and do well in this world. You answer well, but the problem is you didn't practice. Become people united in one heart, mind, body, mindset.
As I attend True Mother, she cannot sleep well, because she worries about the whole world. True Mother goes to True Father's library, and does many other things to communicate with True Father. True Mother sheds many tears. True Mother really wants us to have a sense of happiness, because True Mother is here. True Mother cannot sleep well. I ask her. She didn't sleep well. True Mother: I have so many worries, do you think I can sleep well? This is the kind of person we should become.
In heaven on earth, and in Spirit World, I hope you can accomplish. Here at Chung Pyung, we made Evil Spirits into Absolute Good Spirits, made Satan into good, so we are so lucky. When you return home think about True Father's words, and reflect deeply upon yourself. The things we are going to do one week before Special Great Works, and chan yang sessions, is the humanistic thinking which is caused by the spiritual background, I want to remove that. Absolute Good Spirits, doing chan yang sessions, I cannot randomly call all of the Absolute Good Spirits to come here, because there is so much work to do in the Spirit World. But, today, True Father and Tue Children in the Spirit World gave permission, so I brought many Absolute Good Spirits. So, if you have humanistic thinking, that thinking can be removed.
If you live life well, change is coming. Before, people might steal money, or do bad things and they seemed to be able to live well; but now if we live life well, we will have heavenly fortune. To do so, Evil Spirits which made you live life well centering on humanistic thinking, will be removed. If you live life like this, this world can be settled down. Hit every part of your body. The climate in the world is now very uneven. All people need to love the natural world, and climate can be settled down. Always be healthy, and every day check and confirm that you are practicing words, and becoming a filial son/daughter. Next week, during the Special Great Works workshop, I will give as many Absolute Good Spirits as I can. I will close here. Thank you.
God bless, itn,
David Carlson