The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2013 |
Mo Nim -- May 9, 2013
[The first few minutes were missed due to a technical glitch.]
There are many 2nd gen leaders in attendance.
… I know I am insufficient; the most insufficient person in the world. My heart felt pain to receive such responsibility. God told me that insufficient people are needed to separate Evil Spirits. Summer, 1991. I came to Chung Pyung in summer, 1992. I was offering conditions. For 3 years I offered conditions. As I made devotions, I could not help thinking, should life be as bad as this? I climbed and arrived at the Tree of Blessing. It was a stormy day, and windy, and in winter, so the river was ice, and it was so cold. The sounds of water and ice hitting together. Sounded like a tiger. Such a place I had to make.
I made the institutions 1 by 1. Sometimes, 12 midnight. I received the direction to build the Cheon Cheong Gung. This is the place needed for the Palace, and also here is where the hospital should be, and the graduate school, etc. I understood, but I thought I should not forget about the Palace. I should have asked. I went together with Dae Mo Nim (Hoon Mo Nim and Dae Mo Nim). The road was very narrow. Over 4 kilometers. Pine trees on the hill. As I climbed over, it was very slippery. I tried and somehow climbed over, and the snow and the trees. From "here" there is to be the Palace, and here should be the main building. Don't hurt the trees, etc. There was no light; it was very dark. It was winter, and very hard to see. I put things here and there where I had to build. I went back when the snow was gone, but I couldn't recognize the same spots again. I eventually built the Palace.
The Spirit World has very different words. If there had been no fall, "words" would be easy. But, after the fall, there is spiritual ignorance, and the word is so difficult. It was enhanced and given to me. So, working around the Spirit World is not simple. I truly had to invest my whole strength, at the risk of my life, as if I had died. I go to the Spirit World to do ancestor liberation. Do you think I feel afraid, or not?
At first when I went, Dae Mo Nim and Hoon Mo Nim went together. Due to the windy conditions (on the mountain), the candle was extinguished. Hoon Mo Nim was so afraid Dae Mo Nim said: why afraid? Since she could see spiritually, she was so afraid. She went to hell, and was so afraid. There is a place even lower than hell. Immoral spirits are there, and others. Spirits who fell went to that place. It is so fearful. I thought so fearful. We do 40-day course and 49-day ceremony, etc. This is for spirits going to their house. It should take only one second (for a spirit to go to its house in Spirit World), so fast, but due to the accusation of Satan, and Evil Spirits, the 40-days is given for you to go and find your house in Spirit World.
It is only 40 days in Physical World, but in Spirit World 40-days is a long time (transcendent of time). Some spirits can find their home, some spirits cannot. Heaven and hell; for a spirit to look for its house, even in 40 days the spirit cannot go, maybe. Then the doors of the Spirit World close. Those spirits, who stay out of Spirit World after 40 days, cannot enter and are just wandering around, not entering Spirit World. This is the reality of the Spirit World.
It was difficult for me to say to members that we cannot go to heaven. 2nd gen and blessed families believe that we become perfect and go to heaven, but if I say you cannot go to heaven, but must go to hell. I felt it was impossible to convey such a message. When they accept, how they accept. Think about Spirit World. Before the fall of Adam and Eve, all was heaven, but Adam and Eve fell, and the process of falling, we consider it was a short time, but this environment was made (long time) by Lucifer and given to Eve, and then they left God. They left that place. Then, Adam and Eve and Lucifer...Who became Satan? Centering on Lucifer, there were angels. After Lucifer fell with Eve, and left God, 2/3 of the angels went together. They became Satan. Adam and Eve gave birth to children.
Heavenly Parents gave responsibility to Adam and Eve. When you go to the training center in the Spirit World you can know. God called them, Adam and Eve where are you? At that time, Adam and Eve should have come to the Heavenly Parents, but they hid themselves! God looked for AW, then in the eras of Cain and Abel, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus' time, God has been conducting the providence of restoration. All the people were in middle level of Spirit World. Where is Paradise? This is the middle of Spirit World and that was a place of goodness. Now, Adam and Eve, Noah, Ham, Jesus, place where he was able to be, but now evil has passed this place and takes up 80% of the Spirit World. Only 20% is heaven, and the rest is hell. Such a fearful place has been established! You cannot see the light of stars, but it is filled with fierce animals, and the strong domination of Evil Spirits. There is no sense of living for the sake of others. There is always self-centeredness, they only think about themselves. At this time, what about us? Do I live for myself?
The failure of central figures, it was due to fallen nature, etc. They failed. Even though they should have faith, hope and love, they failed due to fallen nature. Hell is fallen nature, heaven is love. When I went to Spirit World, and met Heavenly Parents, I was so surprised. Spiritual members say Heavenly Parents is light. Yes, because the evil world expanded. So, Heavenly Parents protects Himself with light, and has been conducting the providence. Children of the Principle of Creation, they are supposed to be living in happiness, but are living in pain. No matter what difficult a situation, the Messiah came to earth, laid all the conditions, and waiting for Heavenly Parents. When Jesus went to Spirit World, he said he would return soon, but it took a long time. It took 2,000 years preparation time period. When True Father came as Messiah, he laid Foundation of Faith, Foundation of Substance, Foundation for the Messiah, he laid all the conditions, and history was resolved. He shed tears, sweat and blood, and removed the Original sin. But, for True Parents to remove these things, took excruciating efforts, with Absolute Good Spirits, angels, etc. all together.
The first time in the main building, He (Heavenly Parents) showed his image, and with the protection of the angels, Absolute Good Spirits, and etc. He came down, and with the establishment of Chung Pyung works, it is now the era wherein goodness is developing, with 480 billion Absolute Good Spirits. At the time, dark, but now Spirit World is like being lit with street lamps. We don't know when we will go to Spirit World. Will I go to heaven or hell? Have you thought about it? If you consider your conscience, we cannot go to heaven. Do you believe me? Do you believe what I am saying? Why? Because of fallen nature. Is there anyone confident that they don't have fallen nature? All of us have fallen nature. We can go to heaven only if we are without fallen nature.
We need to become absolute good members, but the way to do so is by living by Principle and by love. If you live life centering on fallen nature, like you are doing now...We are fallen people, even without fallen nature. Satan dominates. Evil Spirits and evil Satan dominates humankind. Evil Spirits are inside the body. We need to live life centering on Principle. 2nd generation leaders study Divine Principle. Lecturers are teaching Divine Principle. We understand it intellectually, but whether we understand it or not, practice! We need to educate centering on the mind, and reduce our fallen nature gradually. We need to practice! Such members we need to become, but we have not been doing it.
Inside the Unification Church there are many bad voices. "He did this" or "she did that." This is fallen nature. Make no sound, no voice. But, we make many sounds and many voices. Fornication and the fall is bad. But, hurting the heart of someone is such a big sin! After listening to someone's words, then answer. Don't answer without listening. That is infringement of the heart. The wife talks, but if you talk about the husband, is that words of love? Or fallen nature? The Evil Spirits inside of our body must be removed. In removing fallen nature, centering on love, see positively and have a mind of gratitude. Then fallen nature can be reduced, and you can become a person of character. Not 100%, but if the situation becomes better day by day, you can become one heart with True Parents. Then, goodness can be developed.
Now, this is opposite. Absolute Good Spirits need to be made first, and then they can help people on earth, and they can become better. So, centering on words of Principle, we need to know this kind of world. We need to know where we will go in Spirit World. But, we don't think about it. When I go to Spirit World, the member says "I didn't practice Principle words." All of them said like that. We need to go to the Principle level of Spirit World. But, spirits came to earth, and in 1991, at the Holy Ground, spirits were showing peeled skin, but the spirits didn't look like spirits, but like ant eggs. They spoke very strongly. They became the size of a man when they were taken out (of the body). How can we deal with such strong spirits?
At the time, I took them out with my hands, for 500 people. Angels could not help me. Why? Before Adam and Eve, angels were servants. Before the fall they could help man and woman. After the fall, they could not help. There was Original sin. It was not simple. These angels, later, together, remove Evil Spirits from members' bodies. But these Evil Spirits were so strong. To separate Evil Spirits that are in the body, I had to have much power. An Evil Spirit is like 12 people in their power. It gave me a lot of pain. Made it so that you cannot even think well, etc. For us not to be dominated by these Evil Spirits we need one heart, one mind, and no fallen nature. We need this kind of path. When we do (wrong), we must think this is how Satan wants me to do. We must calm down. Don't complain, etc. Evil Spirits make such a situation. We talk bad words about other people so often to people around us; we don't often talk well, but we talk bad words. I don't see people talking well about people. This is fallen nature. We are going to hell this way. These Evil Spirits are inside the body.
Due to the fall, we cannot see spiritually. At the time of separation from our body (death), we can see my spiritual self. When separation happens, there is no one who can think "now I am ascended; why am I 'here'"? When I go to the Seonghwa place, on the altar, I had not seen any spirit stay over. But, the spirit goes to the most beloved family member. When the spirit (of the deceased) ascended, the spirit (that came out) goes to the descendant. This is why the situation becomes worse. Later, an autistic child can be born. With stomach cancer, the cancer can become worse. The Evil Spirits will go to the child's body. This is inherited disease. You can't come out of the body of the beloved one. Once the spirit is liberated, it can go to heaven.
We can do 2 things if we have lots of Absolute Good Spirits. Work hard in chan yang session. Those Evil Spirits will drag your spirit and go, but if there are lots of Absolute Good Spirits, they will take the Evil Spirits to the training center in the Spirit World. If you have more Absolute Good Spirits than Evil Spirits in your body, then they will take them to the training center in the Spirit World. Then we won't have inherited disease. To become perfect people, you must release many Evil Spirits from yourself. When these Evil Spirits settled, in the 1980s, these Evil Spirits became stronger. True Father: in 1980, if you had conducted Chung Pyung works, then Evil Spirits would not have settled down. So, if we don't remove these Evil Spirits quickly, evil can be settled down even more strongly in you. If you have Evil Spirits you cannot go to heaven. Do you believe me? You are sleepy, aren't you? What I am saying to you is fact. You must believe me. You need to remove these Evil Spirits so inherited disease does not come out in you.
As I went to Japan, to the rally area, and to the training center, the sons of a 6,000 couple were lying down. 5 kids in one family are mentally ill. In all 24 hours, results of ancestors are being shown through life, and through behavior. We need to be people able to show what True Parents have taught us. Who can easily remove Evil Spirits? Those with love or with fallen nature? Those attending church well, or those not? Now, we need to live by Principle. One heart, one body, one mindset. Truly so, as True Parents say, become a person of character, and make heaven on earth, and in heaven. I spoke with people in the morning. In Spirit World, without a body, you know what to do, but because you have no body, you cannot do it! While on earth, do what you need to do! Now, we must work towards 2020.
As I did the Chung Pyung works, building the Palace by 2005, I didn't have any money. We began with tents, and nearby we had more tents for people. In 2000 I was told: build the main sanctuary by a certain date. True Parents told me: make the water purification system quickly. Within one week. The water system. The swimming pool and the water purification system were made. The Korean inspectors came to take a look. The concrete was not even dry, and they came. Because we are in the countryside, the water system was a good thing to have, so they gave permission. I had no money, but it only took 150 million won. Why did True Parents say to build the sanctuary? Because of the Seonghwa of True Parents.
The water system was needed, so it was built. Go and see the water system. It is the first of its kind in Korea. It was made so well, people were so surprised. Why do I talk about this? I came here to Chung Pyung with nothing. I began with nothing. If I worked centered on human thinking, I couldn't do it. Learn this from Chung Pyung works and Korean culture. Do in advance, and beforehand. The Palace took 6 years. When I received permission for it, I had already made the curtains, prepared the cement, etc. Because I did things in advance, I could build the Palace in 6 years. By 2020, in 6 years, witnessing activities for 100 people? If you do it by human thinking you cannot succeed. If by prayer, etc. you can. But if you pray for even 21 minutes, you pray, and then open your eyes, and check the time, etc. We need a Witnessing Activity mind until 2020. When you do Witnessing Activity, you can understand the heart of parents, and of people, etc. Work hard for Witnessing Activity until 2020. Take pride in True Parents, the Principle, and your life.
Here are the leaders of the various prefectures. 5-day workshop. I have taught many contents. Go now, and work hard. I hope you can become such members. Have the mind that you will become a person of character. Don't have a bitter mind. Become an adult. Do you understand? Before True Parents let us fulfill and become filial sons/daughters. All of us become the body of True Parents and work hard. True Mother: Do Witnessing Activity by 2020, and complete your Portion of Responsibility. True Mother: do you know how many people to bring every day? Make the situation so that you can do Witnessing Activity. Be healthy, you need to be positive, and do Witnessing Activity, and appreciate everything. I hope you can become such members. Always, Spirit World is helping us. We have to go. Don't say: hey, Heavenly Parents, help me! Heavenly Parents are helping us! You listened well, so I appreciate your presence very much. Become brothers and sisters who love each other. I will close here. Thank you.
God bless, itn,
David Carlson