The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2013 |
Mo Nim -- September 27, 2013
Good morning, everyone. I am happy to see all of you.... Early on, Satan settled down, so at the start of Chung Pyung it was not possible for God to help us very much. As I offered ten thousand times full bows, in the middle of the condition I thought God would give me an answer to my questions. The environment was totally settled in evil. Means that the environment was not ready for God to speak with me. Now, the time is different. When you offer prayer, the environment is ready. In 1997, in 2000, now it is 2013 and Heavenly fortune is going around. Now, outside people say many things. Big enterprises, some of their staff can "see" spiritually. They examine the situation of a person seeking employment. If the person does not have good fortune, they don't hire the person. When you become one with the Absolute Being, good fortune can come. But, if you stay with evil, good fortune goes away. Good fortune stays with us if our lifestyle is Principled. True Parents taught us living life based on absolute faith, love and obedience. This means we cannot just receive heavenly fortune if we come to some place. It means it is not easy to become an absolutely good person.
We know what is un-Principled behavior, fallen nature, etc. We know this. We know fallen nature is the character of evil. We know it is un-Principled. But because we are people, we live life based on fallen nature. Because we are human beings we should not do like that. True Parents and us are in a parent-child relationship, so we should not do like that. How much percent do we live life with fallen nature? We need to check this point. Ask: is this fallen nature? If you get mad at someone, is this fallen nature or not? Please know that fallen nature cannot move heavenly fortune. We have to check our daily life. We need true love and we need to make a true family. The time has changed now. Heavenly fortune can be made. Members write letters to me, but no one says "I am to blame." Everyone says: "it is because of others." It is always someone else. If I tell them, "the problem is in you." They say "no, that is not right." One lady said: "since my husband did this, I got upset, so....." For the husband not to drink, it concerns your attitude. In all of your daily life, don't accuse others. You are the problem. You have the problem. You must check yourself.
We need not only to know Principle intellectually, but we need to practice it. To become a capable man or woman, we must live for the sake of others. We cannot blame others. Check yourself first. It is better if I endure more, or give better words, etc. Man should give love to woman. Woman must live life with absolute beauty. If there is love and beauty, then it is good, and they can become one. Love and beauty. Wife needs to treat husband centering on absolute beauty. Husband needs to treat wife with absolute love and beauty. The 2nd generation, when they are in high school, then in college, etc., parents think that they (kids) will recognize good, etc. on their own. This is not right. Parents must guide the children. Parents must become their friend, older brother, etc. Make a common base with your children. Be strict, but also give lots of love. Children, what they need, parents need to know. Heaven in the family needs to be accomplished. This is family education, character education is so important. I made Cheongshim high school and middle school. In Korea, they are the top level middle and high school. Students seek academic achievement, but also character is very important. Family education is important, then character education, and then social education. In this school, they stay in the dorms, so all the education is done together. So, this school is the best in Korea. 1,500 students each year in our school. Parents feel this school is good with parental love. Children can grow well, with parents love and care. The habits of a 3-year-old last forever. Become one to make a true family. The mind needs to be bright, and we need to live life according to Principle.
On Sundays, all members make a culture of giving to the church. Don't drink, don't smoke, etc. The content of drinking, smoking, drugs, if I look at it, is evil. It is totally filled with evil. Drinking, smoking, drugs, are completely filled with evil. So, don't do them. Parents can give blessing to you. Remove fallen nature, jealousy, arrogance, etc., take all of these out. Our mind and body need to be grateful and untroubled. If something bad happens, if you are angry, or you get upset, etc. the situation becomes more difficult. But, if you say to God: thank you; you gave me this difficulty, and so on. If it is like this, then fallen nature can be gradually reduced. You can become a person of character. You offer a report prayer, but if it is centering on fallen nature, then blessing won't come to us. Such report prayer belongs to Satan. Even though Heavenly Parents are giving us blessing, we cannot receive it.
There is original sin, sexual relationship, etc. I always ask students: "what is the fruit of good and evil?" Some members say apple, or peach, etc.! We need to have correction about the fall of man. The fruit was not an apple; the fruit was love. All sin, disease, pain comes. When I see 2nd and 3rd gen members, and see who made a mistake, no matter how strongly I speak to them, they don't listen to me. Sometimes, a 2nd or 3rd gen member can ask me in tears: I made a mistake, what shall I do? Once they fall, the evil spirits leaves them and goes to another person. Before the fall, they don't listen to anyone. Absolutely don't do this! And don't misuse public money. That is more fearful than poison. If you don't offer 10 percent, this is also public money, it is not good. We need to tithe. Look at the ancestors; all had excessive lives. Lucifer, because of excessive desire, made Eve fall. Ancestors took property from others, acted unethically, had excessive desire. It is good to live a life of tithing. It is good for the ancestors. It is good to tithe. Let this money be given automatically. When a family member passes on, the question is asked about the person, did they offer the family membership fee? Tithing and the family membership fee, and don't hurt anyone's Shim Jung.
In the early time of Chung Pyung works I prayed for a lot of children, deaf, mute, hardships, etc. Ancestors reported wrongly, or hurt people, and then died wrongly. Because of the ancestor, another person died unrighteously. The family led such a difficult life. Then, that ancestor comes to the child's eyes. Continuously, generation-to-generation, based on that lineage. A person who cannot speak. Ancestor spoke wrongly, and came down through the lineage. If you say words about something, but you don't know for certain about it, and you still speak words, it is wrong. If you notice about 7 pm in the evening, and some people called and gossiped about some people. You should not convey such information to others. You will harvest according to the words you say. If you say good words, there will be a good harvest, but if you say bad words, there will be a bad harvest. We should not say bad words; say words of love and words of live for the sake of others. When I counsel people, they think: well, Dae Mo Nim knows why I came here, so I don't need to say anything. But, I ask them: why did you come? In the family, church, or society, try and say good words, and don't infringe upon other's hearts. Japanese members don't do it, but Korean members living in Korea, don't look at some of the internet. Your Shim Jung can be hurt. All of us need to attend church. Some people think: I don't need to go. But heavenly parents and True Parents are in church also. With gratitude you need to go to church. You can report your life of the week, and of next week, and receive the words of the minister. That culture needs to be settled down. Go to church. Also, we should attend elderly members. Love younger families.
Now, in spirit world, evil has developed. 80 percent is evil. The whole world is evil. But, now 480 billion absolute good spirits are used by True Parents so goodness is being developed. It is possible for people to become people of character. Let us become families to move heavenly fortune. The providence needs to be continued. If one person does not become a person of character, it is a problem. So, we need to do witnessing activity. We know we can do 10 percent (of time). But, out of 24 hours, we need to offer 10 percent. Your neighborhood, society, etc. True Parents have spoken to us of 2020. This was spoken by True Mother, but True Father and True Mother are one. They worked together. Before True Father went to spirit world, he came to see me (Dae Mo Nim), and said: please do this, and do that by the time I am 100 years old. When members come to Chung Pyung, they can have spirit of witnessing activity.
True Mother then said 2020. So, True Father and True Mother are one. Has True Father been working alone? No. True Mother and True Father together. People ask: how is it that True Mother is doing so well? Because True Father and True Mother are together. They are the center of the providence of restoration. By 2020 we need witnessing activity. 10 percent centering on time, 24 hours. True Parents: take pride in Principle and fulfill portion of responsibility. In Cheongshim church, it is a big church. I built it to hold 1,000 people at one time. People asked me: why so big? I told them: in the future, with absolute good spirits, and witnessing activity membership will grow. This sanctuary will, in time, become too small. For the people in Seorak, this place is small. After making the sanctuary, people do witnessing activity, and then 20, 30, and 50 people are in the church. This is not right.
Why can't we do witnessing activity? When I built the Palace, it was so difficult! I cried in prayer, heavenly parents please work. Heavenly parents: let's go, so Heung Jin Nim, etc. went with me. I stood there and watched. Many people came from movies, etc. Heavenly parents said: do witnessing activity to these people. Don't worry. Next work day, ancestor liberation ceremony, let people come, with papers, etc. This is God's work. So, don't cry, don't worry. In Seoul there are many resources which we have. So, open your heart. Even in difficult situations, please smile. Heavenly fortune can be there. There is nothing to fear. Don't forget my words. Live life based on these words of practice. This is a changing season (weather), so please take care of your health. Walking is very good for health. Don't stay in your house. Stretch your body every day. When you sleep there is shrinkage, but bones, blood, etc. can be served by stretching. Don't be too nervous. Please become filial sons/daughters of God and True Parents. I will close here. Thank you.
God bless, itn,
David Carlson