The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2013 |
Mo Nim -- August 11, 2013
"Good morning, everyone. Last week I was on a Japan tour, and have now returned. From this year, this is the last spiritual tour, 2013. Other countries I have not gone to, every month going to Japan. Many Japanese members are coming to Chung Pyung. Was the Japanese spiritual tour good? I also feel it has been so good. Today we have many Ambassadors for Peace with us who came from the Cheung Joo area in Seoul. In fact, for the Ambassadors for Peace, going to church and coming here to the training center is not easy. Not easy for you to think about this. Chan yang session in human history is so important. In time, you will come to find out about how important the chan yang session is.
Today is the 8th of December, right? I hope we can think about this year. Several years ago, True Father said he was waiting for 2013. Every morning, True Father would ask how many days left until 2013? True Parents had a longing heart. 2013, providentially, is a very precious year. Foundation Day, 2013, when we think of this Foundation Day, we thought a new heaven and earth would begin. 2013, even if we don't do anything, blessing is coming. With such a mind we waited for 2013. I explained that from 2013 on, it is a much more important time and era. Centering on Foundation Day, the Cheon Il Guk nation, if opened, we will be citizens of Cheon Il Guk. It is the nation of God, of Heaven. We need to live our life up to the standard of that nation. In one sense, after Foundation Day, before Heavenly Parents and True Parents, our lives need to be lived with one mind, one body, one heart and one mindset. We need to become such in the providence. True Father said many times, why we need one mind, one body, one heart, and one mindset. The reason is because there is true love inside there. In the world before Adam and Eve, there was no fallen nature. There was only true love. We need to become one mind, body, heart, and mindset. We need to live by those. In the era of Cheon Il Guk, we need to live life centering on true love.
In this world, there is so much pain, suffering, disease, accidents, etc. There is a lot of fallen nature, anger, jealousy, complaint, etc. All this fills the world. If I live life centering on true love, I can be happy, but with the fallen nature, there can be no joy. We need to live for the sake of others (live for the sake of others). Jesus Christ: you need to forgive; True Father: even before forgiving, you need to live for the sake of others centering on true love. This is the Principle and is why God created humankind. After creating Adam and Eve, God said let them live life with happiness and joy. So, God created with true love. Humankind was created as His object, and He created angels as assistants. Why did they fall? Because of lack of love. God created central angels, and Lucifer was in the central position. Among the 3 angels, Lucifer was the greatest. God created all things, and He would very often call Lucifer. He would bring him and give direction.
The natural world is so wonderful and mysterious! The human being is so mysterious! The hair, the eyebrows, the human body is so amazing! As we live life, if you take off your clothes, and see your physical body, it is just so amazing. In regards to this way of thinking, you often just see yourself and think, oh, this is just me. But from your head to your toes, see one by one. Feel the mystery of humankind. If you are of humankind, see your physical body, and take good care of it. Love your physical body and take good care of it. Those people who have diseases did not take good care of their physical body. If you go to a doctor, the doctor will say: you are eating too much, you have too much stress, you are overworking, you are too much over, too much fatigue. The doctor will explain this way. You don't look at or take care of your physical body. You don't see the mystery of the body!
God told Adam and Eve "you need to grow well." God created man and woman, which is + and -. Therefore, God told them, please do not "eat the fruit" if it is not the right time. God told Lucifer "let them grow well and educate them about how creation is, and let them know these things. Lucifer did a good job in conveying this content. What God asked Lucifer, He later asked "did you explain well"? God asked Eve: did Lucifer teach you well, etc.? Several times in a day, God called Lucifer. After Adam and Eve were created, God only called Adam and Eve, and only sometimes called Lucifer. So, a greedy mind is fallen nature. God created with happiness and joy. He created His son and daughter, and was so happy. Seeing parent-child, seeing God and Adam and Eve, should make one happy. Lucifer should also feel happy. But, Lucifer, seeing God and Adam and Eve together, had a mind of separating Adam and Eve and God. Lucifer conveyed the Shim Jung of God to Adam and Eve, but he said: eat first, and open your eyes, and your eyes will be bright. Lucifer told Eve "open your eyes and become like God." Lucifer taught Eve the mysteries of the creation of God. Eve believed Lucifer when he said eat the fruit. Lucifer and Eve ate, that was adultery, an immoral sexual relationship. Then, the distance between God and Adam and Eve became distant, and Adam and Eve felt scared. When they ate, they could not remember that God said, "eat, and you will die." After eating they remembered.
One 2nd gen member came to me and told me about the feelings involved with this kind of thing. After eating, he felt that he was in a very difficult situation. He asked me to make him crazy so that he could not remember about it. In just this kind of way, Adam and Eve felt so scared after the fall. Heavenly Parents are the parents, so, God asked: "Adam and Eve where are you?" God so sincerely called out to them, and we cannot imagine the tears with which God called out to them.
God created the world so that people could live in happiness and joy. So many tears God had when He asked them. They were the beginning of humankind at the beginning of the world. If they had come to Heavenly Parents and asked for forgiveness, God could have given them some individual condition, and restoration. Who became Satan? Many people do not know. Some people ask: who made Satan? Some people even believe that God predestined Satan and made him [supralapsarianism in Christian theology]. 2/3 of the angels went with Adam and Eve when they fell. What is in their mind? Jealousy, anger, fallen nature, hatred, greed, arrogance, complaint. This nature was made by Satan and such education was given to the angels. Adam and Eve gave birth to Cain and Abel. God conducted the providence, through an evil world filled with pain, disease and suffering. Therefore, God was the Creator, but He knew people could not live life in such a world. So, the providence of restoration, but fallen nature was the... reason of failure. Even the Bible says 6,000 years, but it was actually much more. God, centering on central figures in the providence, try to let us throw away suffering, disease, and pain. For God to transform the world, conducts the providence of restoration.
God has been leading the providence to the point of the coming of the Messiah. We have been living life with the Messiah. When you go to the spirit world, you will believe. There is heaven and hell. Heaven is the place to live for the sake of others, be free and happy. Hell is a place of no freedom. In the world, people sometimes shout "there is no freedom," but this cannot even be compared with the situation in hell. evil spirits live life for themselves, screaming, and fighting, it is scary. This is hell. To restore heaven on earth and in spirit world, God sent central figures, including Jesus Christ, and True Parents. True Parents: I am not the only Messiah. You must be a tribal Messiah, the Messiah in your family. Be a beautiful family, and be a true person individually. Be True Parents in your family, without fallen nature. We have learned the words of Divine Principle. We have learned about love, etc. Evil is misfortune and unhappiness. Evil is misfortune. The time is past. We need to live life centering on Principle and true love. Those with fallen nature, they lived life well before, but now no longer; that time is past. From now, good people can live life better than evil people. We were born centering on evil, the time was not simple, we inherited evil through our lineage. We all have fallen nature. This fallen nature we have to throw away. When True Parents see us, this is like habits centering on evil. Evil spirits live in the spirit world, but they came down to live in our body. True Parents, seeing this, said we need to remove evil spirits. This is the chan yang session. Members, if you come to the training center after making mistakes...All are mistakes made by ancestors! Pain, disease and suffering are caused by our ancestors. A small percent comes from our mistakes, or from our environment. But most come from our ancestors.
You need to live life by true love and live for the sake of others. Don't live life according to what you received, but live for the sake of others. Giving. We also have to become a person of character. If your family becomes like that, your tribe also. Today, there is no love, no respect for siblings, or for children, etc. This is what evil wants. But we need to give love, care and interest. Our parents, etc. we need to check and see if they are living life like that. Through the year if I only know myself and my family, this is not the culture we want. True Father: we are family members; we need to make a family, tribe, and neighborhood beautiful. The entire society will become beautiful. Many things we do not see, hear, or speak well. Please don't speak poorly. We have more time until 2014, but not too much. Reflect: do I live life centering on Principle, or not? Confirm about your body as mysterious. Check your life centering on conscience if you are living life with true love; how much percent?, etc. For 2013 ending, think about these things. Have the mind to live life by true love, be grateful people. Will you do it? Then you can live life with joy and happiness. 7-year course, True Father is giving joy to all people. True Father: I did not come to the world to make a small church. I came to establish the whole world as a peaceful world. We need to spread this message to all people. Do you understand? Will you do it? I like to trust you. We need to think about spirit world. If I go spirit world, what will happen around me? What kind of place will I go to? Become a person of character; day-by-day we have to become like this.
Our beloved Ambassadors for Peace, I hope you can come to Chung Pyung more. In the world, food, the environment, makes our blood vessels become bad. With chan yang session blood vessels can become good. When you have an endoscopy [picture of intestine] in the hospital you can see, but you cannot see the outside fat. All blood vessels, all vessels are connected. Our posture is poor, our hormones are not well-balanced. You can adjust your bones well through chan yang session. Also your muscles, and blood vessels. With this understanding please come to Chung Pyung. If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. come to Chung Pyung. The works of chan yang session in this physical world is an amazing thing. From the scientific and from the spiritual perspectives the chan yang session is amazing. I am grateful you came to Chung Pyung even with your busy schedules. I hope all of you can become filial sons/daughters of God and True Parents. Be healthy and live life well. I hope you can become such people. I will close here. Thank you."
God bless, itn,
David Carlson