The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2014 |
Ja Han and Dae Mo Nim -- 2013
Good morning, everyone. It is very cold, isn't it? The students from Australia, from Oceania, must feel very cold, don't you? When I began Chung Pyung works in November, 1991, it was winter when I came here, and the lake was frozen with thick ice. Even a vehicle could drive on the ice, it was so thick. Between 1991 and 1995 it was very cold. But, now it seems not that much cold anymore. Also, at that time, Chung Pyung was just tents. Very warm clothes were not so available then, and there was not so much electricity, and a lot of snow. But, even in those conditions, Hoon Mo Nim had a big mission from God and Dae Mo Nim, so I could not even feel the cold, even though it was cold. During that time it was very dark, and it was a poor time, and lifestyles were more humble. But, again, I had a big mission, so even though it was dark, when I thought about Heavenly Parents, I answered yes when Heavenly Parents asked me to begin Chung Pyung works.
Now, Chung Pyung is the restored, perfected Garden of Eden. So, I am so grateful to brothers and sisters, those of you who helped build Chung Pyung. This winter, from Oceania, 21-day students, 2nd gen, came, so I want to speak about how to go the heavenly way, how to go to the heavenly kingdom. Heavenly Parents have asked us to become perfect in mind and body. But in this society it is not so easy to accomplish that, to accomplish Heavenly Parents desire. Even though this society is bad, how can I live beautifully, and how should I keep a beautiful spiritual life? I asked Heavenly Parents: What is the secret? Please teach me the essence. Heavenly Parents gave the answer as to how to go to the Heavenly Kingdom. Listen well, and act or live well.
One: Make a true family; this is the essence of our restoration course. A true family means unity of the whole family. We need true love, beautiful love, and we need to give and receive with beauty. Between Husband and Wife, this is unselfish, totally giving to one another, without any condition. Parents to children, also, give and receive totally with no conditions. Give beauty and love. If we cannot do give and receive action, there is some fallen nature. The heavenly way: we have to give beauty. On the earth, if we live happily, and then go to spirit world, we can be happy. If we make a true family, it means that we, as individuals, become perfect. If, amongst the family, if parents-children cut the relationship, if they cut communication, that is a big problem. That means there is no love. Recently, parents and children don't speak to each other; they only use telephone, or text messaging, and they don't see eye-to-eye at all. That is not good. That cuts the relationship. Whenever, at meal time, we meet as a family, we need to speak with each other, we need to talk, and have give and receive. This is just to share a kind of joke with you: recently on the train (subway), there used to be lots of advertising on the wall. But these days there is not so much advertising because everyone is looking at their cell phone! Then, someone said, perhaps we should make advertisements on the floor! In the family it is very difficult to achieve unity. In order to make unity and love, and feel happy, we need to communicate. If we have communication, we can feel happy, and there is love and unity.
Two: We cannot carry fallen nature. When I go to spirit world, I can see that many of the central figures of the providence made mistakes. Because those central figures have fallen nature. If we make a happy family there is always interest and love. But an unhappy family has fallen nature. Some people, if they are unhappy, then that person is always blaming other people: "they don't give me love." But that is wrong thinking. This kind of thinking makes an unhappy life. Don't complain. Just work harder, in order to solve the problem. If it is by love, you can solve the problem. Many people, because they don't solve problems by love, but try to solve problems by fallen nature, they just make more suffering. 2nd gen does not have original sin. They are different from the 1st gen. The 2nd gen need to become better than their parents. They can become better, they can give more love to God, and to their parents. If you love your parents and love God, with everything centered on love, then you can live a happy life. If you live with a positive mind, such people are going to have a more successful life. Live life centered on love. Live heartistically in order to live well. We have to make it a custom, make it a habit to live centered on love. Never live centered on fallen nature.
Three: Chapter 2 (Fall) is no good. Chapter 2 speaks of the source of the fall. Because of the fall, we have fallen nature. So, before your blessing, never, ever have any chapter 2 thinking; don't see, don't touch, never fall. After blessing, Husband or Wife should never have another, different woman or man. Never touch, never eat. In the spirit world, those with chapter 2 problems are dead. In the spirit world, that is the lowest part of the lowest. It is even under hell. Suicides and chapter 2 (immorality) people, are in the lowest part of hell. If you have trouble, ask your pastor, but if you cannot do that then please write a letter to Chung Pyung. I will give you guidance. Never, ever have a chapter 2 problem.
Four: wine, liquor, cigarettes, drugs are no good. Those are things which make a very bad atmosphere. Those things lead to the fall, and break the family apart. No matter what kind of reason, or excuse, you cannot do that. Even on your job, never do that. If you drink liquor, evil spirits come into you that way. Make a different character within yourself. Without drinking, you can make much more success at business. So, not only 2nd gen, but also 1st gen should take heed. As students, you should study hard, and have a good life of faith, and work hard and do well. You have to attend Sunday service, you have to report to God what you are going to do for the day, for the week, etc. Report to God what you are going to do. That way you can receive more and more heavenly fortune.
Five: never misuse public money. If you receive an allowance, you can give 10 percent of it, also. If you give that you will receive much blessing from God. And, please live centered on love. Don't ever use bad words. Don't believe everything on the internet is true. You should only talk, see, and think love. Only true love. You need to use nice words to your parents. These days, 2nd gen don't think their parents know anything. Then, you can talk to your parents kindly. Instead of that, to talk poorly, or never talking, or becoming isolated, that is no good. Make harmony; that is making a true family. During the time you live on earth, you are creating yourself as a spiritual being. Everything is exactly video-recorded on your spirit. You have to live well and live a clean life. Please become a heavenly citizen, with a heavenly character. You need to learn how to live in heaven. You need to practice how to live in heaven. Around you, you have to live a life full of love. 2014 may be a difficult year, but to overcome that, you can overcome that by true love. Please come to Chung Pyung for the special great works workshop, because the big spirits are going to be liberated. Please live with true love, and please become a child of filial piety. A filial son/daughter of God, and do witnessing activity, so we can do God's will. Please receive lots of heavenly fortune, so you can have more and more heavenly fortune. Please be healthy. I will close here. Thank you."
God bless, itn,
David Carlson