The Words of Dae Mo Nim (Mrs. Hyo Nam Kim - Hoon Mo Nim) from 2014 |
Mo Nim -- March 28, 2014
The following speech was given by Dae Mo Nim on March 30, 2014 to the participants of the '26th Cheong-a International Spring School' and '6th Seonghwa Students Cheong-a International Spring School' and the '20th Chung Pyung Parent Education Workshop'. Around 180 parents and children ranging from primary to high school attended the workshops. Dae Mo Nim spoke about what must be followed to be true 2nd generations. (Edited: Department of Education and Planning)
Whenever I look at the lovely Japanese 2nd generation I feel very sorry. Probably your parents spend much more time outside doing activities than spending time with you. Your Parents are doing their best living a life centering on the providence more than any other members in the world. That is why the Heavenly Parent and True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind have a heart of gratitude towards your parents.
When you do your best with concentration and endurance You are students. What is the responsibility of a student? It is to study. Before I have asked the Heavenly Parent about how well can a 2nd generation do good at school. He then replied, 'They have the ability to be in the top 5 of their class'.
The CheongShim International Academy is located near here. The students who enroll this school were top students in their own school. When I look at these students I can see that they have studied really hard. They don't just have high concentration but they also have endurance and stamina.
Do you know how much they invest in studying? The lights at their boarding school go out at 11 o'clock at night but once the light goes out these students will continue their studies with a torch in their bathrooms or in their bed. It is quite astonishing when I see these students doing their best with high concentration and endurance.
Must go to Church on Sunday
A life centering on faith is far important than studying. Do you go to church on Sunday? You must go to church on Sunday. You cannot say, 'Mother, I'm not going to go but study'. You must report to the Heavenly Parent and True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, 'I lived like this in the past week. I will live like this this week so please help me.'
Do you have friends at school that you have fun with? I sometimes receive letters from mothers saying, 'My child is refusing to go to school. Please help me.' You have to go to school and become children who can spend joyful times with your friends with a heart of love of wanting to help them. You all have studied the principle before right? If you are nice with love then your friends will like you and people will gather around you. However, if you get mad and be greedy and arrogant then your friends will hate you. Those who are short tempered will be disliked. Those who are greedy and arrogant will not be liked as well. That is why you cannot be mad and be greedy but always have a heart of gratitude and have the mindset of helping others as you go to school. True Parents often say, 'To live for the sake of others'. Didn't he tell you to not to live for yourself but to live for the sake of the other? If you can do your best for the other person then your friends will start to respect you. When something happens at school you must quickly report to your parents. You have to say, 'This kind of problem happened. Father, mother, please help me.' The mother and father must have many conversations to help and solve the problem. So you have to do your best in studying and have a proper life of faith as 2nd generation.
Do not show your body to the other gender
You must grow into a beautiful person as the Heavenly Parent wishes you to become. You inner self and lifestyle must be pure and beautiful.
You cannot wear hot pants or miniskirts as the children in the society are doing so. When I go to Japan I just can't understand why the girls of middle school and high school wear short skirts. You can see their underwear as they go up the stairs. Students should be studying and do various other activities so if their skirts were short then their underwear would be seen very easily. Satan is fond of this.
Girls shouldn't be wearing clothes that reveal most parts of the breast and tank-tops with strings. You have to be careful and hide your breast with your hand as you bend over and be careful when you sit down. Until you receive the blessing you cannot take off and show yourself to other genders.
This also applies to the boys as well. Some boys will dye their hair and pierce their ears but this is what Satan likes the most. That is why you should always maintain good haircuts and clean clothes and nice short nails.
There is an old saying in Korean, 'The habit of a 3rd year old lasts until 80 years old.' The habits of an infant will last until the adulthood. That is why you have to live a principled life style. You cannot be involved with sexual problems. This applies to girls and boys. So before you receive the blessing you must establish a culture of taking good care of your own body.
Mother's Important Role in Child Education
The mother's help is very important when a child is growing. The life of a child is easily influenced by the environment so you must become parents who can give interest and love so that they could live their lives centering on faith and live a beautiful posture. You also must have many conversations with your children and become parents who know really well about their children's lifestyle. You cannot always be in the parents' position but sometimes listen to what they say from a friend's position.
The children of today seem to experience adolescence earlier than before. There are some children who reach their 3rd and 4th year of primary school to have adolescence. When your children enter adolescence the mothers should try and overcome this ordeal with love in their hearts.
At school various students with difference personalities live together so there are times when there would be clashes. That is how people grow as they bump into each other but that involves pain as well. That is why it is important to become a mother who can have interest and solve a problem when something happened at school. Nothing will be solved if you just scolded them. It doesn't matter how different point of views you may have with your child you have to try and understand them so they will feel, 'My mother understands what I say and solves my problem'. Please do not forget this important role of a mother and live your life really well.
Please grow up to be a great person. Please become members who will do their best in studying and have a good life of faith. Gamsahamnida.