The Words of the Daugherty Family |
Dear Family,
I have always felt tremendous pride to have the opportunity to work with our True Parents at this time in the providence of human history. The more I work with our True Parents the more grateful I feel. But after going on the Jerusalem trip I had a new understanding on the importance in helping the ministers understand the true value of our True Parents.
After we crossed the Sea of Galilee I stood on the shores where Jesus once stood and was trying to take in the vast understanding of what Jesus wanted to share with all of the people who tried to follow him. I tried to understand his predicament, but it was impossible.
I stood at a waist length fence and looked down into an area where it was pointed out was the house of Peter. All that was left was the foundation of the place where Jesus stayed when he came to this area. The guide pointed out that in the Bible is recorded that Jesus' first miracle was turning the water into wine. But the guide further explained that perhaps the first miracle that Jesus did was in the House of Peter when he healed Peter's mother-in-law, who was sick for a longtime. Of course by now, 2000 years later, there was nothing left but the foundation. The rocks were black in color because they were created from volcanic rock. As I looked around the area I could see the whole village in one glance. I saw how incredibly small this village was. From Peter's house to the temple was just a few yards away -- perhaps 100 yards. At that moment something very interesting began to happen.
As I was looking at the rocks they begin to speak to me. They said, "Yes, it was the act of love and kindness that gave Jesus his fame of being a miracle worker, the magic man. Indeed, it did have Jesus become famous and many people followed him, however, not because of his teachings or him being the son of God, but because of his miracles. Just a few yards away is the place where Jesus taught the Divine Principle and understanding on how to become like God, how to regain the ideal and image and likeness of God. The very thing that made him famous became his cross well."
The rocks led me to understand that we cannot allow the same thing to happen to Father, and if we're not very careful, because of Father's love and kindness he will be misunderstood, and instead of listening to the words of the Divine Principle and Father's eternal wisdom, people will follow him for his money. The rocks said, "You must show them it is God that is doing everything they see happening around Rev. Moon." They further said, "It is not because of a miracle that these great things are happening but it is because he is using the Divine Principle, and because of the Divine Principle everything is being entrusted to him.
For Jesus, for the people to understand Principle was more important than performing a miracle, but the leaders could not listen and the people did not understand, so all Jesus could do was to continue to do miracles and hoping that someday they would understand. The rocks said, "No matter what you do you must teach the Divine Principle to the ministers and through understanding the Divine Principle they will gain wealth, wisdom, deep understanding and everything that comes along with it". Remember the Bible said, seek ye first of kingdom of heaven and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.
I wanted to share with you my rock story because the Israeli Brothers and sisters gathered rocks from holy places in Jerusalem. They washed them and prayed that America can help Jerusalem and Israel. Rev. Jenkins received these rocks graciously and promised the brothers and sisters that he would take them back to the U.S. and ask brothers and sisters to help the Israeli providence by a giving a donation for these precious rocks. As a gift for their donation they would receive a mounted rock from Jerusalem as a reminder of the sacrifice and hard work the brothers and sisters are doing. It is hard sometimes to understand the difficulties of those living in countries where the native religion is a dominant culture. In America it is so free to worship as you please sometimes we take it for granted.
Let us all contribute no less than $100 donation for each one of these rocks. The rocks are being mounted on a very beautiful stand. Perhaps you could purchase or give a donation for more than one. One may be given as a gift as a Birthday present, or a Christmas present.
As Vice President of Family Federation for World Peace and the Executive Director of ACLC I ask you kindly to let us all rally around our President's request so that we may be able to assist Jesus in this great mission. Father spoke very candidly recently about Jesus working in America and how the wife of Jesus is the central point on the earth. He also said we should report to the wife of Jesus about such providential matters. She is the physical connection to Jesus on the earth.
I know we have been asked so many times to support various things but please brothers and sisters let us help as much as we can in this effort. If you cannot give the minimum amount of $100 please give whatever you can. All is very much appreciated.
With the love of God and our True Parents we thank you with all of our hearts.
Thank you so very much in advance for your love and sincere desire to help the providence of God.
With all of my love and sincerity,
Rev. Levy M. B. Daugherty