The Words of the Davies Family |
Report Summary of events in 2005
Christopher Davies
January 4, 2006
The Netherlands Chapter of the Inter-religious and International Federation for World Peace, including the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
Regular activity:
Sunday. Family Church services are held in Amsterdam Utrecht, and other members meet in homes.
Saturday: One Day DP workshops, on average every two weeks.
Wednesdays: service and lecture in Amsterdam, study evening in Utrecht
Thursdays; Cultural evening in Amsterdam, once a month.
WFWP: ongoing signature campaign.
HARP workshops and Kinderkamps, basically during school holidays.
Regular Reports sent out, after individual events & a monthly summary; & archived in Internet groups shown below.
By date, latest first
28/30. Kinderkamp, for children, pre high school.
21. 40 Years UM in Netherlands - for members & guests, talk & celebration, Huize Glory, Bergen aan Zee.
18. WFWP Christmas celebration - Amsterdam centre.
04. National Sunday Service & TP in Europe celebration, for members & guests in Huize Glory.
The month was dominated by True Parents' visit to Europe. The Netherlands sent "official" delegations to Poland (in October), Geneva and Copenhagen and hosted an UPF meeting in The Hague, having battled in court to secure permission for True Parents to enter the country, which was granted only one day before the meeting (during his speech, on two occasions, Father complimented the "Dutch leaders" on organizing the meeting in such short time - of course, we were well supported by members from Germany and other countries, inspired in particular by Mr Hashimoto. Three members helped with the Zagreb, Coatia campaign (see below). And some members also went to UPF meetings in other countries. The media, AfPs, friends and contacts were kept informed of the UPF world tour and reports and photos were posted on Internet sites and groups.
27. The Significance of the Kingship of Peace _ Sunday service in Amsterdam.
24. 40 years Unification Movement in NL regional celebration in Wassenaar (Den Haag).
19. UPF Denmark inaugural meeting in Copenhagen. NL sent one bus (48) and some cars.
17. UPF, special UN meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, attended by Wim Koetsier & Elfi Verstraten, accompanied by:
AfPs Jhr. Dr. PA Beelaerts van Blokland, who has held many senior positions in Dutch society, including that of the Queen's Representative in the province of Utrecht , Prof Dr MK Gautam IIFWP-NL Chairman, Pandit Dr Tewari - Hindhu, Dr Tanwir - Moslem, presidential candidate in Afghanistan, Dr ASA Santoe - Moslem, and his daughter, Mrs Max van der Kooij - wife of a Christian minister, and Dr Eva Latham.
12. IIFWP-NL Conference in Huize Glory. "De waaier van godsdiensten, samenwerking, zingeving en uitdaging."
(The challenge and purpose of cooperation between religious groups. Speakers included Ds. G. Berveling - teacher, minister & campaigner for Esperanto; Mevr. Ds. Dr. Magda van der Ende - theologian & expert in Kabbala; Dr. Haji August Abdul Samad Santoe - European coordinator of the Ahmadiyya Lahore Hindhu movement, and drs. Wim Koetsier - sociologist & Secreatary Genaral, IIFWP-NL; the chairman was Prof. Dr. M.K. Gautam - Chairman IIFWP-NL.
12/13 HARP workshop in Huize Glory. _The Parent/Child Relationship - Hans Campman taught and Jonathan &Maggie van der Stok gave testimonies of the Blessing.
12/13. Media Workshop in Schmitten, Germany, attended by Christopher Davies.
03. Hoon Dok Hae with True Parents in The Hague.
02. UPF-NL Inaugural Meeting , inc. speech by Dr. Sun Myung Moon, in The Hague.
02. UPF-Croatia Inaugural Meeting in Zagreb, with help from Rudi & Thea Rijntjes and Reinaard Klerkx.
24. UPF-Poland inaugural meeting in Warsaw. NL sent one bus (48) and some cars.
10-13 Nobuko Bruins and Sunnie van der Stok attended WFWP meeting in Moscow, Russia.
02. 1st 40 years UM in NL National Sunday service and celebration, including testimonies and peformances.
29. Thursday 2nd 40 years UM in NL - Place God at the Centre - speech & celebration, Utrecht - De Paraplu.
24-29. Two Dutch AfPs to IIFWP Symposium in Israel - Imam ARH Haselhoef , Mr. Santoe
22. Thursday 1st 40 years UM in NL - Place God at the Centre - speech & celebration - Amsterdam Centre.
22. Free Teens Tilburg - organized, together with T-Podium,an open air concert featuring a gospel rock band.
18. Sunday Service Amsterdam - Eenheid - Unity is the state, Unification the process of becoming
17. Saturday AfPs One Day Workshop - Vision & Background of IIFWP & FFWPU & Dr SM Moon - 3 AfPs - Imam/Sheik Hanza Kailani,Imam ARH Haselhoef, Mr. Santoe - plus guest and members. Report sent out
10. Two Dutch AfPs, Prof Dr Gautam and Dr Eva Latham, to Universal Peace Federation inauguration in NewYork;FWU Blessed member Jan van Winden was also there, having been in Alaska, from August 29.
10. Saturday One Day DP workshop in Amsterdam - 10 members & guests
04. National Sunday Service in Huize Glory.
General, not a particular date
*HARP WS: Second Generation members attended WSs in Germany & Spain, some as staff.
*Elfi Verstraeten accompanied Dutch Korean War Veterans to Korea at the end of July and stayed on in Korea to attend Cheongpyeong WS.
31. Pal Jeong Shik - NL represented on behalf of Europe, per request of Pres. Song, by Jan van Winden.
Amsterdam Wed. ev. Service. Hans Campman completed a series of lectures on the Blessing, this one concentrating on the Change in Blood Lineage. 9 members and regukar guests attended
28. Amsterdam Sunday Service. The Universal Family. Wim Koetsier used text from True Family Values as his basis. He concluded Let us develop the attitude and action of Parenthood in our Society.
28. IIPC inauguration conference in New York
27. Sat. IIFWP Symposium in Huize Glory. Introduction to Life and Thought of Dr Sun Myung Moon. Wim Koetsier read True Father's speech. Hans Campman gave lectures on The Principle of Creation & The Fall of Man. AfPs Gautam and Kailani attended, plus five more guests, one of whom also told of her Rose of Peace project. Less material was presented than planned but everyone attentive and involved.
25. "Impressions of China". Adam's Thursday Cultural Evening. Mihoko Koetsier spoke of experiences with the WFWP there, with photos on the TV, and showed a film of Chinese artistic acrobatics.
18. WFWP Conference in China. 4 sisters attended: Nobuko Bruins (Pres. WFWP-NL) & her daughter, Mihoko Koetsier and Elfrid Langenes.
07. Blessing in Huize Glory
01. 4am Adam meeting to view Blessing
24. Eight Dutch Korean War Veterans went to the special meeting in Korea, accompanied by Elfi Verstraeten
23/6. Kindercamp in Huize Glory
21. Intelligent Design/Evolution Lecture by Jean Pierre Verstraeten, (Masters degree in Physics, specializing in the development of stars), followed by discussion - Amsterdam Centre.
General Hans Campman helped with HARP WS teaching in Germany, and Dutch HARP children attended workshops abroad, the media were kept informed about the Peace Cup, IPSF, Blessing and WCSF.
26. IIFWP-Europe - Symposium on the life and vision of the founders, Rev Dr. and Mrs Dr S.M. Moon in Spain. Attended by IIFWP-NL Ambassador for Peace Mr Kailani, a Moslem imam, originally fromPalestine and FFWPU-NL Director of Education and master musician Hans Campman.
21. IIFW/IIFWP-NL advisory committee members planning meeting and, later, participation in Dag van de Dialoog meeting. Report sent out a few days after the event.
11. IIFW/IIFWP-NL Conference in Huize Glory - Interactie Levensbeschouwingen en Samenleving theme: The interaction of differing views of life and society division and interaction, separation and cooperation. High level speakers, two IIFWP-NL Ambassadors for Peace appointed.
26/9. IIFWP-Europe conference.
01. National Service in Huize Glory
01. HARP 3 Day workshop in Huize Glory
27. Special meeting in Yeosu. The Netherlands represented by Mr Kanhai, assistant of NL AfP Kailani, and by FFWPU-NL members Jan van Vliet and Frans & Elizabeth Battenberg.
15. Silvio van Pragg, Dutch FFWPU member, who with his wife Barbara Burrowes, moved to London some years ago, passed to the spirit world.
09. WFWP-NL: 13th WFWP Annual meeting Let's expand the women's network for peace in Breukelen
08. IIFWP-NL Conference in Huize Glory. Topic: Rampen, Solidariteit en Vrede - Dealing with Disasters: how religious organizations and people can/should/might (opportunity/challenge for) work together.
30/1. Dae Mo Nim workshop in Germany - 75 attended.
25/8. Second Generation Blessing workshop in Germany.
24/8. SHUK workshop in the South of the Netherlands - Let's be Friends.
21. 40th Anniversary of the Unification Movement in the Netherlands: celebrated regionally, in Amsterdam in Wed., 23rd evening service; in US, 2nd Gen. brother Constant van Winden phoned Teddy Verheyen.
19 WFWP -NL sponsored seminar, _Seks, Liefde, Relaties an Huwelijk in de Multiculturele Samenleving (Sex, Love, Relationships and Marriage in the Multicultural Society) with Centre for Educational Media (Reinier and Marian van Hofslot_s youth education programme), in Utrecht
14. True Parents Immigration court case in the UK. NL supported with a prayer chain.
16. International Women's Day - WFWP-NL - members attended local CDA women's meeting
06. Nationale Dienst Huize Glory "Building Cheon Il Guk" resentment, forgiveness and reconciliation and Report on European Leaders meeting in Rome.
27. Amsterdam Sunday Service. Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Blessing - Peter Verbiest gave the sermon, inspired in particular by True Father's speech from his 2004 US Four City Tour.
24/7. Annual European Leaders in Rome, attended by Wim Koetsier, Jean Pierre & Elfi Verstraeten & Sunnie van der Stok.
20. Amsterdam Sunday Service. Awareness, Lifestyle, Leadership and Methodology Renewal: Mihoko Koetsierspoke of experiences in Korea: True Parents Birthday celebrations & Blessed Wives 40 Day Workshop.
14. True Parents Birthday and the King of Peace Crowning Ceremony of Cosmic Unity - NL represented in Korea by Rev. Myung Ho Moon Adam National Messiah, Mihoko Koetsier National Leader wife, Jan van Winden - Regional Leader and elder, Nobuko Bruins - WFWP President, and Frans & Elizabeth Baatenburg who live in Korea. Jan & Nobuko took the gowns, made by sisters in the Netherlands and the crowns were made in and taken from Poland, both following the design for Dutch royalty.
12 /15 World Summit in Seoul, Korea. NL sent IIFWP-NL AfPs Dr Eva A. Latham & Dr Sofjan S Sirega.
07/11. Netherlands period of fasting and prayer for the _True Parents entry to Europe court case in UK.
03/6. IIFWP-Europe symposium in Italy on the life and vision of founders Rev Dr. & Mrs Dr S.M.M. Moon: NL represented by Hans Campman (also for music) and IIFWP-NL.AP Dr Mohammad Tanwir.
30. National Sunday Service in Huize Glory
29. Saturday One Day DP Workshop in Maarsen, Utrecht
28. Start of Gown Making for True Parents Coronation in Korea - in Amsterdam Centre
28. Avond van de Dialoog evening in Amsterdam centre - Seven people discussed life in Amsterdam
21. Blessing preparation: lecture/afternoon workshop: Hans Campman, Amsterdam,
22. IIFWP Ambassadors for Peace/Committee meeting to agree on 2005 programme in Amsterdam
01/5. HARP workshop: Hans Campman gave lectures, Donna Martijn internal guidance, also other activities.
01. TRUE GOD'S DAY. All members and families were invited to attend at Huize Glory.
Internet Resources and On Line Outreach - Summary
IIFW/IIFWP-NL - www.iifw.nl
IIPC-NL - http://iipeacecouncil.nl
FWU/FFWPU-NL - www.fwu.nl
Familie Federatie - www.familiefederatie.nl
International Education Foundation material, in Dutch - www.ief-ned.nl
Women_s Federation for World Peace-NL - www.vrouwenfederatievoorwereldvrede.nl
Free Teens Nederland - http://www.gezondeliefde.nl/index.html
IIFWP information is archived in in internet group IIFWP-NL - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/iifwp-nl - which also has links to many other groups, including for IRFF, WANGO, RYS.
Following inspiration from President Song about internet news publications, we offered our support for the European www.european-tribune.com and opened the Dutch www.doorbraaknieuws.nl. These are unofficially supported by http://groups.yahoo.com/group/european-tribune and http://groups.yahoo.com/group/doorbraaknieuws and http://groups.yahoo.com/group/chriscrossnews & http://groups.yahoo.com/group/chriscrossnieuws .
Reports sent out are archived in FFWPU-NL group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ffwpu-nl and also in other relevant groups. All groups listed in http://groups.yahoo.com/group/iifwp-nl . Details of events above can be read there or ask Christopher Davies.
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