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Europe: Heading for which Future - What are the Core Values on which Europe needs to focus?
Christopher Davies
June 20, 2006
On Friday, June 23 (13.30-18.00) the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) will hold a conference on the Future of Europe, in Hotel Bijhorst, Zijdeweg 54, 2245 BZ, Wassenaar (near The Hague).
An invitation, provisional program and some background information about UPF and its founder is pasted below. Also a response form.
* The language for most of our events in the Netherlands is Dutch, but for this conference will be English.
NB. On July 14, Dr Hak Ja Han Moon, co-founder of UPF, will address a peace rally in The Hague, on the topic "God's Ideal Family and Peace Kingdom". Same contacts for information.
"Europe: Heading for which Future?"
"What are the Core Values on which Europe needs to focus?" UPF conference: June 23, Hotel Bijhorst, Wassenaar Maarssen, June 2006
Dear Sir / Madam,
You are invited to a Universal Peace Federation (UPF) conference on the Future of Europe, to be held on June 23(13.30-18.00) in Hotel Bijhorst, Zijdeweg 54, 2245 BZ, Wassenaar (near The Hague).
Prior to 1945, for hundreds of years, Europe had been plagued by individuals who sought to conquer Europe and force it into their image. Following the end of World War Two, there have been many initiatives to bring the peoples and countries of Europe together by mutual consent and for the benefit of all. The European Union (EU) is possibly the most comprehensive result, but some European countries are not members and there is dissent about the EU from many quarters and on all levels of society: we should perhaps remember that Europe and the EU are not necessarily synonymous.
Our discussion will seek to address some of the issues facing Europe, and the EU, today. Firstly, after welcoming remarks by UPF-NL Secretary General Drs Willem Koetsier, and a video introduction to UPF, Hans van Borselen will give us "a bird's eye view" of the "History of European Cooperation since 1945". Later in the afternoon, looking at the European Union, Dr. W.F. van Eekelen will question, "Is Europe possible without a constitution?", and Mr. J.P. van Iersel will ask, "What is the Common Perspective for 25 Member States and more?"
The Universal Peace Federation suggests that for substantially developing "Europe", in whatever form, we need to a new vision, that goes beyond political treaties and economic considerations, to touch the hearts and awaken the aspirations of all those who live here. This requires an acknowledgement of Europe’s history, its struggle for freedom, justice and human rights, and in particular the efforts of spiritual and religious men and women to focus on core values in their striving to live out the ideals of their faith. Johannes Campman will look at "The Divine Providence and the History of Europe" and suggest what lessons we can learn from the past to aid us in the present and in planning for the future.
You will find enclosed the program and some background information about UPF and its founder.
We look forward to meeting you at our conference on June 13.
Yours sincerely,
Willem A. Koetsier, Secretary General, UPF-The Netherlands
N.B. On July 14, Dr Hak Ja Han Moon, co-founder of UPF, will address a rally in The Hague, on the topic "God’s Ideal Family and Peace Kingdom".
"Europe: Heading for which Future?"
"What are the Core Values on which Europe needs to focus?"
UPF conference: June 23, Hotel Bijhorst, Wassenaar
Program 13.30 registration for 14.00 start - 18.00
1. Welcoming Remarks: Drs. Willem Koetsier, Secretary General, UPF-The Netherlands.
2. "World at a Turning Point" - video.
3. "The History of European Cooperation since 1945: a Bird’s Eye View" Hans van Borselen is a member of Team Europe-the Netherlands at the European Commission, focusing on Education & Culture, Enlargement, General EU Policies, Employment and Social Affairs. He is also participates in the Organization of European policy of private social welfare and has advised several Baltic states.
4. "The Divine Providence and the History of Europe" Johannes Campman, Education Director of the Dutch Chapter of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.
5. "Is Europe possible without a constitution?" Dr. Willem F. van Eekelen studied law at Utrecht and political science at Princeton University, joined the Netherlands foreign service and served in New Delhi, London, Accra, Paris and Brussels/NATO. A member of V.V.D. (People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy), he has served in both chambers of the Dutch parliament and as State Secretary for European Affairs & Minister of Defense. He has been Secretary General of the Western European Union. He chairs the European Movement in The Netherlands and is active in many organizations, including Advies Stichting Vredespolitiek, the Center for European Security Studies, Noord-Atlantische Assemblée and the Center for European Policy Studies in Brussels. He is committed to the creation of a draft "EU Constitution" acceptable to the electorate.
6. "What is the Common Perspective for 25 Member States and more?" Mr. Joost Peter van Iersel is actively involved in the European Movement, the Atlantic Commission and the Interkerkelijk Comité voor Tweezijdige Ontwapening. He studied law at the Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen and has been a member of the Tweede Kamer (second chamber of the Dutch parliament), representing CDA (Christen-Democratisch Appèl). Amongst his many appointments, he serves on the European Social and Economic Committee in Brussels.
7. Appointment of Peace Ambassadors and a toast to World Peace.
The program will also include a musical interlude and moderated & open discussion, with breaks for refreshment.
UPF Background Information
The Universal Peace Federation (UPF) was inaugurated by the Reverend Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon September 12, 2005, in New York City. The event was attended by distinguished leaders from all around the world. Since then local chapters have been inaugurated in some 170 nations.
The UPF offers help with cooperative peace-building efforts among government, religious, cultural, educational and civil society representatives. The philosophy of the Peace Federation is based on universal values which have been confirmed in the long course of human history. At the root of these inter-religious and international values is the principle that God is our parent: we are God’s children. Living for the sake of others, tolerance, good family values, the moral education of young people, respecting the spiritual dimension of life in nature and human society - these are natural expressions of this parent – child relationship.
Central to UPF’s practices and programs are its convictions that:
* There exists an ultimate reality, God, our common parent and origin of true love & lasting peace;
* Human beings and the cosmos they inhabit manifest both a physical and a spiritual dimension;
* Lasting Peace is rooted in the principle and practice of true love and of living for the sake of others;
* True and lasting peace is nurtured in true families, which function as "schools of true love";
* The attainment of Peace requires humanity to work to overcome the barriers of race, religion, nationality and culture that historically have divided us;
* Both inter-religious and international cooperation are necessary for the attainment of lasting peace.
The life and works of Rev. and Mrs Moon, the Founders of UPF, have touched the lives of millions of people and demonstrate an extraordinary vision and scope. They have influenced leaders in almost all fields, including religion, politics, academy, the arts, sports and NGOs.
UPF is in the process of building a global foundation, with the help of its international network of Ambassadors for Peace, who are working through our local Chapters and Peace Embassies throughout the world.
Its programs are currently focusing on good governance, inter-religious dialogue and peace initiatives such as those in The Middle East, on the Korean Peninsula and in South Asia. In the area of human development, UPF supports educational projects targeting character development, pure love, HIV/AIDS prevention, marriage & family, sustainable development & literacy, as well as an extensive program of service projects and relief work. Efforts aimed at creating good governance include the advocacy of an inter-religious council at the UN and a series of world summits on that topic.
UPF-The Netherlands recognizes and is grateful for the many efforts that have been and are being undertaken for the sake of World Peace and one of its goals is to bring together people from different religious and cultural backgrounds who are active for peace, in order to share ideas and experiences: and through this, to discover common values and areas of cooperation, centred on those values.
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