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Inter-religious Cooperation For Peace - Reversing The Cycle Of Mistrust
Christopher Davies
October 17, 2006
Universal Peace Federation - Inter-religious and International Federation for World Peace NGO in Special Consultative Status with the UN - www.peacefederation.org - www.iifw.nl
Dutch Chapter Secretariat and Regional Offices: Kamelenspoor 60, 3605 EC Maarsen, tel. 0346.572989,
fax. 0346.555003; tel. Amsterdam: 020.7720838/9; Den Haag: 070.3835938; email: info@iifw.nl.
"Inter-religious Cooperation for Peace" ‘Reversing the cycle of mistrust, prejudice, alienation and extremism’
Maarssen, October 2006
Dear Sir / Madam,
UPF conference: November 11, Glory House, Bergen aan Zee, The Netherlands
You are cordially invited to a Universal Peace Federation (UPF) conference on Inter-religious Cooperation for Peace, to be held on November 11 (10.30 -17.30) in Hotel Glory House, Elzenlaan 2, 1865 BM Bergen aan Zee (near Alkmaar).
Since 1945, Western countries, in particular, have focused on encouraging economic growth and realizing a welfare state, in their determination to prevent a repeat of the poverty and unemployment of the 1930s that made countries unstable and vulnerable to the totalitarian ideas that led to World War 2.
But after half a century of centering on economic development, governments are increasingly realizing that not enough attention has been paid to norms and values, the spiritual and cultural dimension of society. Also the spiritual landscape has changed: from Christianity as the main religion to a multicultural society with people from different religions, and even more with no religion; and a society confronted with a strong tendency towards materialism and a confusion of values.
In The Netherlands, the present government has started to pay more attention to the importance of norms and values, also as a remedy against increased aggression, violence and indecent behaviour of people in our society. Jesus taught about focusing first on the Kingdom of God - and then on our daily needs. The opposite has happened and the question is whether the neglect of the spiritual dimension has not led to substantial social, health and environmental costs, which in turn affect economic growth.
In this conference, we will seek suggestions as to how to stimulate a renewal of the spiritual and cultural dimension of our society, taking into account the new circumstances of a multicultural society and a strong tendency towards materialism; ideas to help reverse the present destructive cycles of mistrust, prejudice, alienation and extremism? We will also discuss Dr. Moon’s proposal for inter-religious councils advising governments and the initiative of councils of Peace Ambassadors.
The conference will be part of a European UPF/IIFWP symposium on Leadership, Good Governance and Innovative Approaches to World Peace (November 10-12). Symposium participants will join the conference, which will start at 10.30 and end at 17.30 hrs. Conference participants who would like to stay for the symposium program dinner and Family Evening are very welcome to do so.
Looking forward to meet you at the conference,
Sincerely yours,
Willem Koetsier, Secretary General, UPF/IIFWP The Netherlands
Conference Programme (10.30 – 17.30)
1. Welcoming Remarks - Drs. Willem Koetsier, Secretary General, UPF-The Netherlands.
2. "Introduction, UPF Founder" - video.
3. "Inter-religious Cooperation for Peace (I)"
An introduction to this topic by Jhr. Dr. P.A.C. Beelaerts van Blokland, a former Minister of Planning and former governor of the Province of Utrecht, still very active in public service. In reference to the theme of this conference, in the 1980s, he was a member of the advisory commission "Government, Religion and Philosophy of Life".
4. Lunch (12.30 – 14.00)
5. "Inter-religious Cooperation for Peace (II)"
Mr. Abdullah Haselhoef is an Islamic counsellor and publicist. After the tragedy of 9/11, he became a national spokesman for the Moslem community in the Netherlands. He is currently the president of the Dutch Moslem Council.
6. Break (15.30 – 16.00)
7. UPF’s Founding Principles: Conflict Resolution – the Path to Peace and Cooperation
8. Appointment of Peace Ambassadors and a toast to World Peace.
The program will also include a musical interlude and moderated & open discussion after the lectures.
UPF Background Information
The Universal Peace Federation (UPF) was inaugurated by the Reverend Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon September 12, 2005, in New York City. The event was attended by distinguished leaders from all around the world. Since then local chapters have been inaugurated in some 170 nations.
The UPF offers help with cooperative peace-building efforts among government, religious, cultural, educational and civil society representatives. The philosophy of the Peace Federation is based on universal values which have been confirmed in the long course of human history. At the root of these inter-religious and international values is the principle that God is our parent: we are God’s children. Living for the sake of others, tolerance, good family values, the moral education of young people, respecting the spiritual dimension of life in nature and human society - these are natural expressions of this parent – child relationship.
Central to UPF’s practices and programmes are its convictions that:
There exists an ultimate reality, God, our common parent and origin of true love & lasting peace;
Human beings and the cosmos they inhabit manifest both a physical and a spiritual dimension;
Lasting Peace is rooted in the principle and practice of true love and of living for the sake of others;
True and lasting peace is nurtured in true families, which function as "schools of true love";
The attainment of Peace requires humanity to work to overcome the barriers of race, religion, nationality and culture that historically have divided us;
Both inter-religious and international cooperation are necessary for the attainment of lasting peace.
The life and works of Rev. and Mrs. Moon, the Founders of UPF, have touched the lives of millions of people and demonstrate an extraordinary vision and scope. They have influenced leaders in almost all fields, including religion, politics, academy, the arts, sports and NGOs.
UPF is in the process of building a global foundation, with the help of its international network of Ambassadors for Peace, who are working through our local Chapters and Peace Embassies throughout the world.
Its programs are currently focusing on good governance, inter-religious dialogue and peace initiatives such as those in The Middle East, on the Korean Peninsula and in South Asia. In the area of human development, UPF supports educational projects targeting character development, pure love, HIV/AIDS prevention, marriage & family, sustainable development & literacy, as well as an extensive program of service projects and relief work. Efforts aimed at creating good governance include the advocacy of an inter-religious council at the UN and a series of world summits on that topic.
UPF-The Netherlands recognizes and is grateful for the many efforts that have been and are being undertaken for the sake of World Peace and one of its goals is to bring together people from different religious and cultural backgrounds who are active for peace, in order to share ideas and experiences: and through this, to discover common values and areas of cooperation, centered on those values.
Response Form
"Inter-religious Cooperation for Peace" ‘Reversing the cycle of mistrust, prejudice, alienation and extremism’
UPF conference: November 11, Glory House, Bergen aan Zee, The Netherlands
** Registration fee: € 20
Date: Saturday, November 11, 2006
Time: 10.30 – 17.30
Location: Hotel Glory House, Elzenlaan 2, 1865 BM Bergen aan Zee Please return this form by E-mail: info@iifw.nl or fax: 0346 555003 / 020 6957440
Yes, I will come to the conference.
In case of a delegation /guest: I come with ______ extra person(s)
I cannot come, but I’d like to be invited informed about UPF/IIFWP activities
I wish to stay for Dinner and the Family Evening (extra charge of € 10,-)
I would like to also attend the European UPF Symposium Leadership and Good Governance -
Innovative Approaches to World Peace (please use separate registration form for the Symposium)
Name: ____________________ Given Name/ Initial(s): __________________
_____ Man _____ Woman
Position/Title: _______________________________________________
Organization you represent: _______________________________________
Post address: ___________________________________________________
Postcode: __________________________ City: _______________________________
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