The Words of the Davies Family |
It is surprising and rather disappointing that there is virtually no event in the Netherlands, where we pride ourselves on being international and supporting the UN and other international organizations - and have a new Ministry for Jeugd en Gezin. UPF Nederland had hoped to connect with some already organized event, but finding none, we decided to do ourselves - and invite anybody and everybody to participate.
We hope you and your family and friends can attend and would be grateful if you'd forward this to anybody you think relevant / interested.
Universal Peace Federation Nederland an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the UN's Economic and Social Council One Family under God -- Universally Shared Values -- Living for Others www.upf.org and www.upf-nederland.nl
Universal Peace Federation Nederland, in partnership with the Dutch chapter of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU-NL / Familiefederatie voor Wereldvrede en Unificatie), will celebrate the United Nations International Day of Families, 15 May 2009, with the theme "Mothers and Families: Challenges in a Changing World", on May 15, 20.00 - 22.00, in the Christus Triumfatorkerk, Juliana van Stolberglaan 154, 2595 CL 's-Gravenhage.
We welcome the support and participation of organizations and individuals in celebrating this day and heightening awareness of the importance of the family as the cornerstone of the society, also by message if attendance is not possible. UPF Nederland maintains that it is of vital importance that we do all we can to strengthen nuclear and then extended families (gezin en familie) in order to increase our happiness and the well being of the national family. UPF Nederland has long advocated the establishment of a National Family Day, we understand that André Rouvoet, Minister voor Jeugd en Gezin (Youth and Family) is similarly minded.
UPF chapters throughout the world are celebrating this day, sometimes organizing celebrations themselves, sometimes participating in celebrations initiated by others. Our research has not discovered other such celebrations in the Netherlands and that is why we feel our initiative is most important. We will be happy to hear of other such events and be glad to publicize them.
UPF Nederland Secretary General Wim Koetsier announced this initiative on April 29, the day before Koninginedag, in which the Netherlands honors the Queen (and the memory of her mother) and by extension the Royal Family, and in festivities celebrates the national family of the Netherlands. Sadly, on April 30, we saw how fragile (though also compassionate and resilient) that family can be.
Coffee and refreshments will be at the church's cafeteria, it may also be possible to eat there earlier in the evening on notifying the church in advance (see contact details below), cost five euros.
The family is a microcosm of the global community. If the world is to finally come to an era of sustainable peace and harmony among civilizations, that peace must be founded on this basic, most intimate social unit of humankind. In other words, the family is the central building block of society, as well as being an instrument for peace and reconciliation.
The family is universal. Regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, and religious affiliations, we are all members of families. Most importantly, the family is the school of love and ethics. Through the lessons in our families, we learn to embrace and value all relationships, with friends, neighbors, co-workers, colleagues and strangers.
Marriage and family are the basis of human development and the core institutions for education in character, ethics, social relationships, and citizenship. Family has the ability to buttress society from the moral decline of its youth, increase in crime, drug abuse and corruption, as well as the spread of diseases, such as AIDS. In addition, it can help break down the age-old resentments that have fueled religious, tribal and civil conflict.
Throughout history, the family has successfully adapted to change. It has survived revolutions, outlived empires, and lived through the economic and social unrest of many societies. This adaptability, however, is now being threatened by a wide range of social developments, economic, cultural, and political. Now is the time to renew the family. Restoring the family is one way we can address the proliferation of social and civil problems plaguing the world today.