The Words of the Davies Family |
Amsterdam, September 28: The Children's Folk Ballet of Korea, The Little Angels, touched the hearts of Korean War veterans during their performance on Wednesday, September 15 in The Hague; and the hearts of everyone else who saw them.
Their joyful dancing, based on traditional Korean court and country culture, must have been in extraordinary contrast with the tears and trauma of the orphaned children the veterans had seen more than half a century ago.
While the veterans had particular memories that were stirred by the experience of seeing these children, written testimonies as well as verbal comments attest to many more having been profoundly affected by the experience of meeting them, even those who only saw them away from theatrical performance itself.
The Little Angels, their ages ranging from nine to 15, were on the third stop of the second, Europe and Africa, leg of their world tour to thank the people -- especially the veterans -- of the 16 nations that came to the aid of the Korean people when they were attacked by the communists on June 25, 1950.
The Little Angels had appeared in The Netherlands many years before, way back in 1972, at a UNICEF performance in front of then Princess Beatrix and Prince Claus; and since then have given almost countless performances, particularly in the cause of peace, including in Moscow, where they won the heart of Raisa Gorbachev, in North Korea's capital Pyongyang, and at the opening ceremony of the Seoul Olympics in 1988.
They arrived by coach from Belgium, France having been their first country in Europe, on Tuesday, September 14, and were welcomed in Restaurant Engels, Rotterdam for a lunch that was also a celebration of the 80th anniversary year of Dr. Bo Hi Pak, their founding Director. Dr. Pak is himself a veteran of the Korean War, having rushed out of military academy to defend his nation from the attack from the north. UPF Ambassadors for Peace Prof. Gautam, Sheik A.S.A. Santoe, Imam Jansen and Protestant Minister Bijl were also present at the lunch.
The weather was very stormy and whole group was tired from their heavy schedule, but in the evening they all attended a dinner in their honor at the Korean Embassy in The Hague.
Korean patriot grave and museum, Dr. Pak and AfPs lunch, and Lucent Danstheater performance.
The next day, before afternoon rehearsals, they were up early to visit the grave of Korean peace activist Yi Jun and Yi Jun Peace Museum in The Hague, which was reported in AD Haagsche Courant the next day. UPF Nederland hosted a lunch at Church of St John and St Philip, where Dr. Pak was able to meet with leading UPF Nederland advisers and Ambassadors for Peace, Jhr. (Sir) Dr. and Mrs. Beelaerts van Blokland, Dr. and Mrs. Wim van Eekelen, Dr. and Mrs. Jan Willem Bertens and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Leurdijk.
Korean War veterans were the most important people in the audience for The Little Angels' Wednesday evening performance, that also attracted religious and political leaders, and ambassadors and their staff from a number of countries, including the USA and Australia, that figured so significantly in the United Nations action to repel the communist onslaught.
The audience was welcomed by jhr. (Sir) Dr. Pieter Beelaeets van Blokland, Chairman of the 60 Years Korean War Commemoration Committee, who called everyone to their feet to remember those who died in defense of a land that had many had probably hardly heard of before they went there.
H.E. Elmert van Middelkoop, Minister of Defence reminded everyone that this day, September 15, was the anniversary of the start of the Battle of Inchon, whereby General McArthur brilliantly reversed the communist ascendancy (which also led to Little Angels founder Rev. Sun Myung Moon's life being saved, as the forced labor death camp where he had been imprisoned was liberated).
H.E. Dr. Young-won Kim, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, also spoke, and Dr. Bo Hi Pak, who is also Co-Chairman and Executive Director of the International Korean War 60th Anniversary Memorial Committee, which organized the "KW60" project and tour, with the enthusiastic cooperation of the Republic of Korea government, emphasized the purpose of the tour and the motive of the Founder of The Little Angels, Rev. Sun Myung Moon; after which everyone was transported to a fairy world of traditional Korean court and country culture.
At what seemed the end of the show, Dr. Pak again took to the stage and announced that the best was yet to come. The Little Angels marched on in dress uniforms, parading the Korean and Dutch flags as they stepped to a Polanaise march, which brought former Defense Minister and UPF Ambassador for Peace Dr. Willem van Eekelen to his feet exclaiming Bravo, Bravo!
They then sang, concluding with old Dutch and other songs popular in The Netherlands, and everyone stood for the national anthem, Het Wilhemus. Mrs Beelaerts van Blokland later exclaimed they must be very intelligent to be able to sing in some many languages, so clearly and understandably.
In conclusion, Dr. Pak called five representative veterans to the stage to receive medals honoring their service, and asked all veterans present to stand that they might be applauded.
All the speakers also received medals, tall Minister of Defense Van Middelkoop lifting the little girl assigned to decorate him so she could reach around his neck.
Cees Motshagen, leader elect of the main Korean War Veterans Association Vereniging van Oud Korea Srijders (VOKS) -- strijders means fighters, expressed the gratitude of all his comrades for The Little Angels visit to The Netherlands by reading a message from one of his fellow veterans who had not been able to attend the performance.
Members of the audience were impressed not just by the brilliance of the Korean dancing, but also by the thoughtful investment in showing respect to the Dutch veterans through singing in their own language. Many were moved to tears by the experience.
On Thursday, The Little Angels visited the Royal Military Care Home Brombeek -- Het Koninklijk Tehuis voor Oud-Militairen en Museum Bronbeek (KTOMMB). After two videos, the officer in charge welcomed the group, Dr. Pak gave a short address, explaining the purpose of the KW60 tour and praising and thanking the veterans for their commitment, and The Little Angels sang Arirang and Dutch folk songs -- and all stood for the Wilhelmus. One of the veterans thanked The Little Angels in Korean, which was quite special.
The next and last stop was the Dutch UN forces Korean War memorial at the Oranje Kazerne (Barracks) of Regiment van Heutsz in Schaarsbergen. The regiment was on "maneuvers" in Germany, but following a request from the Minister of Defense and the cooperation of the Chief of the Netherlands Defense Staff and the veterans association Vereniging Oud Korea Strijders (V.O.K.S), the gates were opened and The Little Angels laid a wreath and sang the national anthems of South Korea and The Netherlands. Two Korean War veterans were in attendance, as well as the officer in charge, who expressed his appreciation for the visit.
Having fulfilled their mission to communicate the Korean people's heart of gratitude to those who defended their country, some at the cost of their lives, The Little Angels boarded their coach to drive to Luxembourg, after which they would complete this second leg by travelling to South Africa, Ethiopia, the UK, Greece and Turkey.
Little Angels arrive in Rotterdam from Belgium
Lunch in Restaurant Engels: to receive Little Angels and honour / celebrate Dr. Bo Hi Pak's 80th Anniversary / Birthday -- with Ambassadors for Peace: www.engels.nl/restaurant%28s%29/Restaurant%20Engels -- 60 photos at EngelsRest.Sep14. AfPs present included Prof. Gautam, Sheik A.S.A. Santoe, Imam Jansen, Protestant Minister Bijl.
Dinner at Korean Embassy. Hosted by Korean Ambassador, UPF Nederland represented by Wim Koetsier and Hans Campman.
Visit to Yi Jun grave and Yi Jun Peace Museum
Lunch at Church of St John and St Philip, The Hague: www.stjohn-stphilip.org Dr. Pak met with AfPs: Dr. and Mrs. Beelaerts van Blokland, Dr. and Mrs. Wim van Eekelen, Dr. and Mrs. Jan Willem Bertens and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Leurdijk; no photos
Reception and Performance at Lucent Danstheater, The Hague. This was a profound experience for the veterans and everyone else, particularly when The Little Angels sang in Dutch. Everyone spontaneously stood for the Dutch National Anthem, Het Wilhelmus.
Visit to Royal Military Care Home Brombeek -- Het Koninklijk Tehuis voor Oud-Militairen en Museum Bronbeek (KTOMMB): www.defensie.nl/cdc/bronbeek
Laid wreath at Dutch UN forces Korean War memorial at the Oranje Kazerne (Barracks) of Regiment van Heutsz in Schaarsbergen. Photo of monument on VOKS site -- home.tiscali.nl/swankhuizen/korea/korea_index.htm
Left for Luxembourg
Wim and Hanneke van Eekelen thank UPF for the opportunity to meet the Little Angels, their angel Gabriel and their leader Colonel Bo HI Pak and his wife and others at the luncheon in the English church and later in the Lucent DanceTheater.
The performance was out of this world, the dedication, the discipline, the perfection and the artisticy were incredible, it was a feast for the eye and soul. One veteran told me he was so moved that he had at a certain moment tears in his eyes.
And how thoughtfully chosen, the Dutch songs and our national anthem Het Wilhelmus, the pronunciation was such that we heard every word very clearly spoken. So many in the hall were or not born or were very young at the time of the Korean War, but we all felt the gratitude of the Korean Group and knowing the situation in North Korea, we understood what they had escaped.
So many initiatives of Rev Moon, we don't know of, but every time we hear about a new one I am amazed how thoughtful, creative and effective they are. God is really helping him. Let we hope that he also finds a way to bring North Korea out of its self imposed isolation. His initiative to create The Little-Angels to thank the veterans is really unique.
Wim and Hanneke van Eekelen, AfPs; he a former ambassador and government minister, now a highly respected elder statesman and advisor; she very active in promoting new teaching methods At an AfP meeting the next day, Dr. van Eekelen spontaneously said "it was fantastic, we enjoyed it enormously".
We want to thank you dearly, from the heart, for the invitation for September 15 recently. It was a very special evening, which we appreciated very much. With kind regards, Annemargreet en Peter de Rotte-van Eekelen
Just a short reaction. What a perfect performance! Fantastic. Unbelievable. I have only "superlatieven" for describing Majorie's and my feelings.
And as far as the initiative is concerned, to honour the veterans: I am sure this was a gesture no one of them will ever forget. A "feel good" performance at an Olympic level.
Certainly the 10 millions dollars worth that Rev. Moon spent to make this possible.
Dick Leurdijk
UN expert, attached to Clingendael
From the bottom of my heart I like to thank the UPF for the invitation to attend The Little Angels performance in The Hague. I was greatly impressed by the sheer beauty of the dancing of these young Korean Ambassadors.
The discipline and spirit of these young people is something the youth of Europe should admire and cherish. Asia is leading the way I was thinking, looking at the stage with all those dedicated little Korean Angels.
I was made an Ambassador of Peace because of my work for Linggajati -- www.Linggarjati.org, but those little angels are your real Ambassadors. And I know what I am talking about: I spent three years in a Japanese concentration camp in Indonesia during World War II. In a way I am also a veteran, I was 14 when the war broke out.
My heart was especially touched by the songs in Dutch they learned by heart. It was very moving.
Thanks again. I want to give my life to help to bring peace to the world, so I can fully appreciate the efforts UPF in trying to create world peace.
Mr. and Mrs. van Eeklen introduced me to UPF.
With kind regards,
Joty ter Kulve
Little Angels reacties: told to and reported by Mw. Elfi Verstraeten
Dr. Beelaerts van Blokland and his wife commented that The Little Angels must be very intelligent to be able to sing and speak in so many languages, so clearly that everyone can understand. Mrs. Beelaerts said the evening was incredible. Dr. Beelaerts was very impressed that the Minister of Defense stayed until the end, enjoying and participating in the whole evening; it raised the event to a higher level.
Dr. Jan Willem Bertens and his wife, who is an artist, found the performance fantastic; he will talk about The Little Angels being a symbol of peace at an international conference on War and Peace this week.
She had been sitting next to Dr. and Mrs. van Eekelen during the performance; he had jumped to his feet and shouted "bravo" when The Little Angels appeared in soldiers uniforms, he was so emotional, as if forgetting where he was.
Prof Blankenburg, shining with excitement, told Mrs. Vestraeten he had never seen anything like this in his whole life, "thank you so much for inviting me".
I was not able to be at the main performance, but unexpectedly I was present with the Little Angels in Bronbeek, Arnhem at the Royal Military Home for War Veterans.
I was struck by the simplicity and beauty of the Little Angels. The film about the Korean War gave me more background information and I realized that some wars are justified, even though I am against war. Actually for me it was a very sad thing that people who have sacrificed their lives can be so forgotten.
Therefore, I was very happy that our heroes were being commemorated and thanked at the Monument in Schaarsbergen for their sacrifice, through the initiative of Rev. Moon.
The singing of the National Anthem by the Little Angels made me realize that also the cultural community in the Netherlands needs to know their national anthem. It is very important for the feeling of belonging and also for the realization that your country is important. This awareness should be more imbedded in education and through tradition so you become proud of your nation.
The presence of the Little Angels was not a simple visit, it gave me many realizations.
Mr. R.F. Abdullah Haselhoef
Director Foundation Zakaat and
Sadaqh Fund Ambassador for Peace Netherlands
Magnificent, beautiful.
Imam Kailani
What I have witnessed that night of the performance of the Little Angels cannot be beaten by anything. I expected it would be fantastic but not of this level. It was gigantic. I am very deeply impressed and very very happy with this initiative by making all this effort to show to the Korean War Veterans that they are not forgotten. This was a supreme event organized by the UPF and Unification Church.
Imam Hashim Jansen
I am delighted to say a big thank you for you having given me the honor and privilege to see the performance of the Little Angels on 15th September 2010 at Lucent Danstheater The Hague. It is unbelievable to see that a company of 40 young artists, aged 9 to 15, from Seoul, Korea could convey a powerful message of peace and harmony to the audience through their dance drama. The packed auditorium and the clapping of the audience was so spontaneous to encourage the Little Angels. It brought to me a positive attention to Korean culture and the message of peace through dance program. Through music and dance, the Little Angels presented timeless moments from Korea's folklore and legends. This was the first time I had seen a singing/dancing troupe made up of all little girls.
This Korean classical children's dance troupe, with its motto Love Heaven, Love Humankind, Love Your Country, had a powerful message and inspiration for world peace. In short it was wonderful performance of the expression of gratitude by the children of Korea to the veterans of the Korean war. I wish and pray May God Bless the Little Angels to spread the good news of peace and harmony in the world.
Fr. Dr. A.D. Kunnekkadan,
SVD (Societas Verbi Divini, Society
of the Divine Word)
International student pastor, The Hague
I thought the performance was really great. The children were very professional, so it was a pleasure to look at the little stories presented by dances. Every little detail was taken care of, costumes, face expressions, etc.
I thought the project is really good. I, for example, basically didn't know anything about the Korean War and this is not the way it should be as those people did an incredible job over there. With this project, the war was presented for the attention of the public in a very positive fashion. So nothing but respect for the way the event was set up and the purpose of it.
Merel Remmerswaal
PR-vrouw Scientologie kerk Amsterdam
I was very impressed with the way in which South Korea expressed on that evening through the Little Angels their thankfulness for the countries that helped the Korean people in the war of 1950/3. The Little Angels gave a beautiful, sparkling, cultural performance. Thank you once again for the invitation.
Mohamed Sini
Chairman of Islam and Citizenship Netherlands
I attended the performance of The Little Angels in the Lucent Danstheater in Den Haag.
That evening gave me many thoughts and a lot of energy to do more and more for a real peaceful world which the humanity needs.
It was an amazing, fantastic and enjoyable show and included unforgettable ideas and a very clear message for Universal Peace. I want to thank The Little Angels for making such nice evening possible and my special thanks for the founder of The Little Angels Mr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon -- all I can say is: My brother, You are doing a big job. Together we can rebuild the international peace.
Director, Nasr Foundation
Foundation and Sadat
Institute in Kabul
For 55 years, I travelled through and round the world as a performing Singer-Actress. I thought. I'd seen it all. Hurting knees [now] couldn't keep me at home away from having the blessing to see THE ANGELS. I know what discipline is needed to perform. When there are people with Love and Heart Care, like Dr. Moon, then one can reach this at most highly performance with young ladies.
From one old artist to all the young performing Angels: watching you makes me feel young.
Very happy and bringing out deep emotions. May all the great AA Angels watch over you. God bless.
Singer/Actress Milly "Miss Rhythm" Scott
When I came home with the DVD and two wooden dolls, my two year old son exclaimed, seeing their dances: "my princesses"! He likes to see them over and over again.
I had the honor to help preparing lunch for the Little Angels. It was done with love and prayer. While setting the tables, I had to think of the victims of the Korean War. When I saw the Little Angels coming in and I saw their faces, I felt love and peace, but at the same time I also felt pain and suffering. I felt what happened during this war must never happen again; my eyes were full of tears but I had to suppress my feelings because there were guests. It was Heaven's gift that I was allowed to serve them.
During the evening program, my friend sitting next to me became very emotional. She told me her uncle had fought in Korea, but never returned to Turkey. The act of the Minister of Defense to lift up a Little Angel while he was getting a medal touched me very much. It symbolized to me that the Netherlands will always play a role in the peace process. For me, the Little Angels represented the future of peace: wherever they go, they will bind people together. They will bring the Freedom for Korea.
Fatma Aktas
Chair of Avraysia -- www.avrasyakafkas.org Director
of Selamnetwork -- www.selamnetwork.nl
Mr. Ran, Manager of The Lucent Dansthater watched the performance, together with the Director and a staff member. They enjoyed it very much, appreciated the high quality of the performance; they also liked the audience -- so varied in age, class, nationality, everything, the atmosphere and everything "around" the evening.
It was so marvelous, I bought a CD and hope I can get a DVD, I want to see it all again and again. I was in Korea with the Navy for two years (40 altogether) and was active in the Inchon operation (our ship was bombarding the shore installation). I'm happy to hear I contributed to saving the life of Rev. Moon, the Founder of The Little Angels and The Universal Peace Federation.
Herman Repping, still very active at 80; will present a model he made of his ship to the Korean Ambassador in The Hague.
It was a wonderful experience. There were many problem on the road outside and I had to park my car a long way away and it was raining so heavily and cost me a lot in parking, but it was all very worth it. I was fortunate to be on stage to receive a medal. I asked myself, why me and not all the others, but I realize I was just a representative. Yes, I liked the singing in Dutch, but really enjoyed most of all the Korean part.
J. Klardie, Royal Dutch Navy
I was not able to come to the performance, my health is not good. But I hope I can receive a program for my book of memories. Every day I think of Korea.
Jan Smit
Mrs. Elfi Verstraeten, UPF Nederland PR Manager, noticed that many veterans were crying; it had been the same when she accompanied them to Korea and they had seen how the city of Seoul had been transformed. She reports:
Mr. C. Motshagen, leader elect of the Korean War veterans association Vereniging van Oud Korea Strijders, said he had many positive reactions from veterans.
The commandant of the Dutch Army Regiment van Heutsz, that has a special connection with the main Korean War veterans association Vereniging van oud Korea Striders (VOKS), had been on maneuvers / military exercises with his regiment in Germany, but had come back especially for the performance: "we look after our veterans". He enjoyed the experience.
Very beautiful and moving evening! The whole event made me more aware of the sacrifices that have been made in Korea, 60 years ago. I appreciate everyone who was willing to help in this Korean war. Also, I realized that it is very special that an individual, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, has initiated this world tour and is in a way taking responsibility for Korea to thank all these veterans. I think this is really something special. I am truly grateful also for everyone who invested so much in this evening to make it a great success. I am looking forward to the next time I can be present at a performance from the Little Angels.
Helen Bressers, student and Unificationist
I helped out with the reception of the VIP's and some small organizational matters afterwards, however I also was able to attend the performance. I very much appreciated what they did and when I spoke to some of the veterans I heard that they also appreciated the gesture that had been made. I feel it is very important that these kind of events do continue, and I would like to thank everyone especially True Parents who founded the LA organization for this wonderful event.
Rebecca Toumi van Dorsten, student and Unificationist
I volunteered to drive veterans that attended the performance to the station. They were all very emotional, impressed with the quality of the show and very grateful to be remembered and recognized in this way. They were particularly appreciative for hearing the Little Angels singing Dutch songs, especially the National Anthem.
It was a blessing to see this beautiful performance, I also appreciated being able to drive veterans to the station and hear their reactions. They could feel the wish to make connection with our country, with the Korean and Dutch flags, a real desire to please and make harmony with us. It was much more than a show. This started at the beginning, with the first girl speaking in good Dutch, with so many sentences, that already touched the heart.
Olga Hammett, Unificationist and UPF activist.
A beautiful dance hall, so grand, so amazing, even better than when I saw them in 1972. I was impressed by so many people in the audience.
Elke van de Stok, Unificationist
The performance of the Little Angels was so beautiful! When looking at it from a distance, where I was seated, it gave the impression, in several dances, of adult young ladies performing, with so much dignity and elegance, like the fan dance, and the drum dance, which for me was one of the best of all, with so much musical rhythmic artistic quality, just fascinating! But at the video, seeing them much closer, you see that they are so young children of at the most 15 years of age!
I was helping in receiving and welcoming them the day before. I am really, really impressed by the enormous hard work and total commitment of brothers and sisters, to make the whole event successful! Also, when they arrived, I saw how well organized and disciplined the dancing group is, and so much hard work of the surrounding staff to make everything work.
The wonderful conclusion is, that based on total commitment and hard work, Heavenly Father could deeply touch and move the hearts of the invited guests, and work out miracles!
Bert and Jacinta van de Ven, Amsterdam.
From KW60 staff
It was such a good stage, large and with a good floor, the girls really enjoyed dancing on it. And we could use all the back drops / scenery, the facilities were excellent.
Mrs. Un Hi Smith, travelling with The Little Angels