The Words of the Davies Family |
Myung Moon May 5, 2011
When True Parents were in Europe for the football competition in Spain, Father blamed Pres. Song for many of the things that went wrong, even though Pres. Song was not at all involved in the organization, he being European ''Church'' leader / Continental Director and the football coming under Rev. Kwak. But he just ''took'' it, feeling in some way responsible since it was happening in Europe. Father did some strange things that even Mother wondered about, but Pres. and Mrs. Song just ''went with the flow'' (my expression, not his).
When True Parents came to Europe this time, Pres. Song was consulted about the schedule, but he did not decide it. Included was a visit to Greece for Father to have a break, but when Father arrived he was angry that an event had not been organized, said there should be an event that day and only reluctantly agreed to give Pres. Song 24 hours to organize it. There are three families in Spain, the National Leader lives in London. Members flew in from all around Europe, some just having returned from Oslo, and somehow it all came together. Father explained how important Greece, together with Turkey, was for Europe, and there are now plans to develop activities there. Other things happened that indicated Father's pleasure with Europe, including him changing Pres. Song's name and explaining the providential symbolism -- which Pres. Song didn't keep for himself but shared with all -- and great efforts were then made to support the Nigeria meeting from Europe.
The last meeting in Europe was in Berlin, in what was the East. From our hotel, near the venue, to True Parents hotel for Hoon Dok Hae, we passed by Hitler's last bunker. It all felt so real, past and present. Hoon Dok Hae was brilliant, someone on hearing about it said, ''it sounds just like the good old days''. Yes and no: it was all very now, and we were all part of it, whatever our own personal situation.
We in Netherlands managed to send 7 Ambassadors for Peace to Nigeria plus two Blessed Unificationists originally from Nigeria. And as soon as they came back, yes, wondering why Father spoke so long, two Unificationists took off for the Original Divine Principle workshop in Las Vegas.
It ain't easy, but somehow it feels as if Europe is, just, ahead of the wave -- and it feels good.