The Words of the Davies Family |
I have rarely thought about at what stage I or others were at since it has seemed to me its best just to press on trying to serve Father and treat each situation as it comes. To try and see at what stage I am seems like giving Satan a wonderful opportunity to work. However, praying and thinking about life and progress in Principle, it seems to me that there are three ways that we are inspired to act and that these three ways reflect the three stages of growth.
Firstly, we do thing because we are told to do them. When I came to Principle I thought I should spend all my time writing songs and singing to inspire people. I felt if the people in the Family really believed Principle they should be out on the streets shouting their heads off. I felt the power of God very strongly but also went through periods of tremendous negativity. I stayed with the Family because I knew the Principle was true and I felt a love stronger than I had ever felt before. If I hadn't stayed in the Center I would never have survived. Many of the things I did because I was told or because I felt there would be strong disapproval if I did not do them. Often I acted because of fear. Through experiences like this I began to see that I did not know everything and could and must learn from others, both regarding my personal behavior and approaches to witnessing. Many times I resented and often argued in my mind or outwardly, but in the end I would have to comply, because I recognized my course would separate me from Father, since He works through our Leader, national Leaders, center Leaders, etc., and to disobey a center Leader is akin to disobeying God. The last thing I could bear would be complete separation from God, because of the love I felt from Him, and this fear often led me to do things that of myself I would have regarded as stupid.
Secondly, we do things because we feel somebody else would approve, or it is the way they would do. This may also be inspired through fear of going against God, but as you see the wisdom of a leader as he tells you to do things, so you try to emulate him. This is like obeying God while eagerly seeking to understand. I have often found it very good in situations to imagine I'm with other Family members, particularly Dennis and Doris. Would I behave like this if they were here? What would Dennis do in this situation? In the Divine Principle the second stage is that of Division. It seems this is the stage of Cain humbling himself to Abel in heart, and learning to do as Abel does. He still does not see completely clearly so it is not Perfection, but his spirit is growing as he becomes more sensitive to what God wants through his observations of how Abel behaves. When I was at Mitcham, the Sunday service at Dorney was like a glimpse of Heaven, inspiring me for the new week. Though judgment was stronger there and the possibility of strong chastisement much greater, it was a tonic I craved like an addict, which enabled me to face the week whatever might happen. This was Cain inspired to try to follow Abel, still unable to follow God on his own.
Thirdly, we do things because we are directly inspired by God. This does not mean inspired by the spirit world. Since in this stage we must be able to control the spirit world, that is, to dismiss evil inspiration. In this stage we will be able to stand before God, to be inspired by, and follow His will, and to overcome all Satanic attractions on our own, (as inspired by Him.) This is the goal of each one of us which we must attain if we are to be reliable leaders. We may have responsibility for a large number of people. If our Leader asks us, say, to move somewhere else, we must be able to understand what he means. Does He mean today, or tomorrow, or next week, or when it is convenient? He may not know all the facts and be relying on our Judgment. The wrong interpretation could mean disaster. If we are still in stage one of obeying the law, Our Leader will have to examine the whole situation himself before giving us an order. How can He do that? He has said the third stage of obedience is obeying after knowing God's Heart. Feeling as God feels we should know what to do.
But we can't do that unless we have been through the other stages first. I thought God wanted me to sit and play music all day -- I thought it was His inspiration and what I was being forced to do was not His will.
Therefore humility is necessary to be able to grow. Fortunately for me, God often shows patience and works even to create humility in us through chastisement and our paying indemnity. How much quicker He could work if we made ourselves humble! When I have been chastised and have been low I have often felt sad because I have caused God so much trouble, and caused him to take the 'alternative course' as happened in the life of Jesus. However, I know He does not want me to remain saddened by this, because He wants to forget it Himself, and it is a favorite tool of Satan to deplete us and put us out of action. I can only be thankful and try again.
In our period of growth we have highs and lows -- we have mini-falls. Sometimes we are to respond to Formation type inspiration, sometimes to Perfection type inspiration, and these may all happen in quick succession; thus I still think it's wise not to think 'at what stage am I.' Be humble and prayerful and seek to follow what you feel as you seek God's will. Act in faith, trying to do best.