The Words of the Davis Family |
My passion for witnessing re-ignited after I discovered what the Chung Pyung providence was really doing. I became aware that my emphasis should be on witnessing and teaching Divine Principle. For the first time in many years I felt very clear and focused, almost as if I'd just joined the church. I felt confident to speak to anyone wherever I went, and these feelings have stayed with me.
During the very week I decided to teach the Principle from home, I met a young lady while visiting a friend. She decided immediately to start a course of Divine Principle study. She and her two children became the first members to join in our local community for some years.
I began my direct witnessing approach in 2009 after receiving Hyung-jin nim's encouragement through his sermons. Hyung-jin nim emphasizes direct witnessing, proclaiming True Parents are the Messiahs. I realized that after all these years I had never done direct witnessing. After watching videos of his sermons, I felt liberated, as though it were truly a revelation. At the same time, I was deeply sorry to all my contacts whom I had not informed about the Messiah's being on earth. I am now contacting them to rectify this.
I find this way of witnessing truly liberating; it gives me an opportunity to share honestly with anyone. People no longer ask, "Are you with the Moonies?" or "Don't you guys believe that Rev. Moon is the Messiah?" I feel more confident and in control of any conversation; I also feel that the spirit world is happy to have an opportunity to declare through me that the Messiah has come.
In 2008 I began working in a hospital in south London. I taught the Divine Principle to colleagues during breaks. One friend I worked with spoke to me of his experience with Jesus. As a result, we would go out every weekend street preaching. To date, he has received the blessing and will soon start his own Divine Principle study course. He is a very strong and committed Christian; nevertheless, he was able to accept that the Messiah has indeed returned.
As you can imagine the direct witnessing approach is a huge obstacle for many of us. It challenges our faith and asks us to come out of our comfort zone. It requires a change of mind regarding our approach. I feel direct witnessing is the key to bringing success by 2013.
Here in south London, members who are not confident to witness directly will work at times with those who are, in order to learn and to gain confidence.
Through my conversations with people, I have found almost everyone is searching for truth and many are waiting for the Messiah's return. It becomes a good challenge to give what is needed. Gradually, many new guests are coming who can receive the Messiah's teachings.
I often think of the great religious reformers of this nation and how through direct witnessing, we can mobilize their help and put the United Kingdom back on the providential map.
If we who have been called by God, as the reformers were, can be bold and strong and proclaim that the Messiah has come and if we can teach his message of hope and new life to all people in the nation (and the world), those in the spiritual world will work with us. This will allow the nation to fulfill its providential calling. I feel a sense of urgency leading up to 2013 and see myself as an apostle whose sole purpose is to testify to all people about the Second Advent. I cannot bear to think that True Father is over ninety and still witnessing. Am I a devoted son if I don't witness in his stead?
As Hyung-jin nim has said, "Our purpose is to help people to understand that True Parents are the Messiah and the Returning Lord. Our purpose is not just to make people feel good; our purpose is to not just to make contacts; our purpose is to witness."
I feel energized, excited and internally confident. For me, the fun part of being in the Unification Church is witnessing.