The Words of the Davis Family |
Today five brothers and sisters were on Streatham High Street. Our experience when witnessing directly was truly liberating, and very powerful, spiritually. We all met individuals who were attracted to what we were saying, some were alarmed, but many were curious to know more, and wanted details of our Sunday service and of the next proclamation rally.
Jenny shared about giving the blessing, and thought it could be an addition to the rally. This is a great idea, and will be a fitting conclusion to hearing the good news. We will confirm this later.
We would like to support the efforts of everyone, and we can go out any day of the week, in different areas. Just arrange with myself, Bruno, Elizabeth, Jenny, Alice, Edward M, Chizuko, Annerose, Nigel R, Paulo, Marie W, Masumi and David, Kaoru or Jade. Alternatively come along on the main days (Wed and Sat 11 am -2.30 pm at the PE). Just being there would be a great support and confidence booster.
When I think about South London brothers and sisters I feel strongly that the forces of evil are afraid of the power you have at your disposal. They will try to do all they can to hold back the storm. But they cannot hold back the storm of love through witnessing. It will only gain momentum.
God Bless
If we declare the Messiah we will receive spiritual help.
Centered on True Parents and our Declaration of True Parents, we will proclaim who they are, that they are our Messiah, that they are the returning Lord of the Second Advent. We will proclaim this, and based on that, miracles will start to happen with the Returning Resurrection.
The people in the spirit world will hear our declarations, and they will come down, and they will help their descendants, and they will help those with a similar spirit, to find us. And they will move together with us, and they will work together with us, and we will be able to, first of all, complete our 21,000 membership goal for this temple, with their help.
We, too, can feel the same thing. From this story, we can learn that if we declare the Messiah we will not be working with our own power alone. We will receive spiritual help and be able to accomplish miracles.
Just like that, if we proclaim True Parents, if we believe in our True Parents fully in our hearts, and we declare them to the world as the Second Advent, as the returning Lord, as the Messiah, if we explain the Seven Deaths and Resurrections, and explain what we are doing, if we explain how True Parents have died over and over again in order to save mankind, in order to fulfill God's Will, in order to restore this world to God's Sovereignty, if we proclaim this, we will not be working alone, but the spirit world will bring people here, and amazing things will happen!