The Words of the Doroski Family |
This is hitting on the core of the issue.
Does the Messiah come in the Last Days to separate the Goats from the Lambs; With a Two edge sword to slay the wicked; Do fallen humans have to Wash their Robes so they can have the "right to the tree of life"; Is it a Conditional or Unconditional Blessing that is given; With a knife to cut off the holy organ that goes astray Or to appoint homosexuals in leadership positions over unsuspecting members because of their political leadership skills and good reports; Is Noon-Day-Sun living a bull crape jingle or a standard of metaphysical judgment that will unfold with all humans confronted by the spiritual world instantly with their sins after True Father's marriage ceremony in 2013; Are the Last Days a time of transformation (violent turning upside down as the Koran predicts) of "all" aspects of human culture -- the world of education, finance, multimedia, etc. to a God-centered standard or a watering down of all moral standards for the sake of peace?
True Father has mentored us that unity, unification will take place by "all" rising to the "top" of the mountain, not by shaking hands at the base of the mountain and maintaining the status quo. So many times he asked us do you want to go up the mountain fast or slow, that there are many paths winding horizontally with no incline or many going up and then more down, beware the steep path is painful, do you members still want to go to the top where eternal peace is located?
I was a hippie, a peace demonstrator and can testify that meetings and festivals for the sake of peace are bull crap and only by each human going through a belly of the whale repentance course will peace be achieved. All are sinners in the presence of the Lord and have alliterative motives. GPF -- beware of those in wolf's clothes who are playing you at your festivals, they have big fangs, vested interests and cartels in their backside! Just as you GPF are a front for your hidden agenda, they each also have their hidden agenda.
Peace begins within each individual and then expands into his family and social spheres. Peace does not come about through a meeting, festival, hand shake, but through self-repentance, self-denial, fasting, meditation, and especially a personal prison course. Those on an ego trip, position concerned, building an empire do not know peace for there is no end to their quest for love through such shallow replacements. If the Kwak-Preston group and leadership are really into peace then let them show up at Unification Church functions with bowls of water to wash the feet of all attending and then distribute money to those members who are struggling to put food on their tables or are now elderly with medical needs.
They can fool some with their nice photos and great speeches but not all. Peace can only come through educating with a complete 40 day Divine Principle workshop of mainly chapter one and its application to "sealing" the Blessing. Only by giving the Blessing, an understanding of the responsibility to fulfill it and empowerment of eternal love will true peace be achieved. Stop the bull fraud going on here and at the festivals!