The Words of the Doroski Family |
On a Fundraising Team: Thinking back it now is clear God was preparing both of us to stand together as a team or parents to care for members as our own children. We were getting close and bonding, but because of our philosophy of not dating, viewing the opposite sex as only ones sister and that our "spiritual teacher" would guide us to an appropriate spouse I never thought for one moment that she should become my wife. But then as weeks passed through telepathy, angels and perhaps Heavenly Father himself kept pointing all Nanette's good qualities and how she would make a good wife. I, to deal with these thoughts simply remembered how clumsy she was physically, how I needed a wife who was athletic and could go snow skiing with me in the mountains....
My fundraising team was sent to Albany to focus on gathering needed funds for the seminary facility. Upon arrival I rented two rooms for the team's members in a motel, one for the brothers and one for the sisters; which meant just for Nanette for she was the only sister on our team at that point. Once everyone got situated I went out and bought food for everyone and brought it back, knocking on Nanette's door and bring it inside to her. At that moment I got struck by a lightning bolt or more specifically went into a trance beyond time and space of infinite peace, joy and tranquility I had not prior to know, which was as if I had been married happily already for a hundred years. After some minutes I came out of this trance and realized I was standing in Nanette's room with her staring at me. I said, "excuse me" and ran out of the motel room to the safety of the brothers' room...
Actually after the experience in Albany of feeling like I had been married to Nanette for a 100 plus years, I now had to deal with the question in my head, "is it my responsibility to tell Father Moon in Korea the message I was getting from God that Nanette should become my wife, or keep quiet". I did not have long to deal with this question because a week later Nanette and I found ourselves on an airplane bound for Korea...
Shortly thereafter in a large room filled with about 100 men and women with Father Moon walking between the two groups matching couples and my turn coming up soon, I had to make my decision. I started raising my arm up and then back down repeatedly, not able to make a decision to speak out or not and disturb Rev. Moon. Soon David Kim who was in the center of everything, acting as Father Moon's interpreter, took notice of my motions and in a side conversation asked me, "what is the problem?" Then Father Moon noticed David Kim engaged in a conversation with me and ask what is this distraction from our proceeding, and directed me to stand up. I standing then explained that God had been telling me strongly that I was supposed to be matched with Nanette, but I explained adamantly that it was not my choice. Father Moon looked at me carefully, then Nanette and back and forth three times; he then said, "very busy" when looking at Nanette and then said, "very good match, ok!" A couple of days later we were Blessed in Holy Marriage in a large group of 1800 couples, taking their marriage vows at the same time.