The Words of the Doroski Family |
I attended a 10 day workshop in Alaska being held by Rev. Moon since Nanette and I were the New York State Leaders for the American Family Coalition. There were over a hundred different leaders from a multitude of various organization Father Moon had established in America. I had not been to a workshop training with Father Moon in many years, longed to be mentored by him and thus was excited and committed to invest myself a hundred and fifty percent into the training.
My first actions was to make sure I was one of the first attendees to show up each morning and at all sessions to "own" the seat on the floor in the first row, directly in front of Father Moon, face to face. My energy level and determine was such that allowed me to stare directly into Father Moon's eyes for hours at end and absorb all he gave out. By the end of the first day I started having metaphysical experiences, the first being the total loss of time, space and physical presence; which allowed me to sit cross legged for hours in each session without any discomfort or pain as did come in earlier years of sitting on the floor for long hours. However at the end of that first day a mind numbing experience started occurring; as Father Moon talked "in Korean" I started hearing simultaneously "in English" what he was saying, and then was confirmed each time by Rev. Kwak's translation. Wow, a mind to mind connection with the man who was determined to build God's Heavenly Kingdom on Earth. Yes, through this I was getting "twice" the message Rev. Moon spoke each time; first telepathically through hearing his thoughts and second through hearing Rev. Kwak's translation and thus I really absorbed Father Moon's mentoring on each subject! The first day the workshop ended at Midnight and we were told to be in the meeting room at 4 AM. I had only two thoughts: get to bed quick and would this "mind melt" or telepathic oneness with Father Moon continue the next day?
Well after three hours sleep I arose and took my position opposite where True Father would be sitting at 4 AM and waited. In the beginning the oneness of minds did not occur, I guess because I was too sleepy but after a few hours, snap, again I started hearing Rev. Moon's Korean as English in my head and all my body aches and pains vanished and time stood still. From that point I became so filled with energy beyond my normal self (I was in my late 50s at that time) that it was like my physical body had become a spirit or super human and thereafter for the next 9 days I only had 2 to 3 hours sleep per night but remained in this energized state and all day existed in a telepathic union with Father's Moon's thoughts, which continued to be confirmed by Rev. Kwak's translations.
Of course I had all kinds of fantastic experiences, but one other significant experience to share was on the ninth day it was my teams time to spend around "Father Moon's Campfire". I must say it was such a warm atmosphere and a privilege to be loved up by him the way he did to us at the campfire; a few boys and their dad in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness. At one point I found myself sitting at his side and I decided this was my opportunity to both volunteer myself to take on a heavy load of new mission in America (even though I did not want to) and or get a confirmation that what I was currently doing was ok by his Providential Decision. I spoke up, "Father, there are many strong older members in America who were foreign missionaries before, are very capable, and..."; I did not get to finish, for he interrupted me,
as I so many times before in my experience with questions to him (Father Moon telepathically "reading the question in my mind before I spoke more than just a few words") saying, "Tribal Messiahship is the Most Important Mission, they should work in their hometowns". In a flash I absorbed more than his words, but absorbed his total thoughts providentially on the subject and most importantly his compassionate heart of care for me personally. Father Moon knowing my age, my health, struggles to support and raise my now six children after giving so much in pioneering in America and in many foreign countries over 35 years did not want to overload me, for I had volunteered myself to a potential heavy sacrificial mission and was told, no, just work to make your hometown and personal family the restored Heaven on Earth. Such a gift and thus the next day I made sure I gave him a gift back.
The following day we were instructed that True Father wanted to hear each of our personal testimony's of the missions we had and our accomplishments. I thought, "this would be so cool to hear what all my brother and sister had been doing while I was not around them"; but then Rev. Kwak told us, "don't do this, just tell True Father how you're a sinner and repent for your failures". My mind went into confusion, Father Moon wanted to hear our testimonies and now were being told to report we were failures, to not inspire him with all that we had done for the Providence, but to possibly make True Father feel depressed. Wait a minute, I am not going to do this, was my strong conclusion and thus when it came my turn, I stood up and with strength and pride told True Father a short summary of my life course and mission history. I did my best to inspire him and reveal how much "Americans" can do with their determination and freedom to be creative. True Father had such a big smile on his face.
At the closing meeting on the last day of the workshop I impulsively raised my hand and just had to ask one final question to True Father, "Father, Father, during this workshop, we have only averaged two and a half hours sleep, we are empowered, is this the new standard and the hours of work and sleep you expect us to maintain when we return back to our missions?" True Father, laugh and laugh and said, "No", to my surprise, but in an instant the understanding flashed in my mind, that we were in a special energized atmosphere that allowed our physical bodies to do super human activity. Of course we all made strong determinations to do much more that we had been. I then returned to New York with seven baby Alaskan trees I collected nearby the workshop center to plant in my hometown as a constant reminder of this experience.