The Words of the Doroski Family |
Dalai Lama vs. Rev. Moon in Smiles and Heart
John Doroski
May 19, 2001
In 1971 when I passed a note to True Father via Col. Pak of the Spirit World pushing me to serve True Father directly rather than my working under Papasan in S.F., True Father smiled, smiled when I entered the room. I felt as if I had walked from a cloudy day into the brightest noonday sun. My perception of Rev. Moon as a harsh Lord of Judgment vanished in that instant. When True Father first came to America in 1971 we called him Master. He spoke of fire and judgment and appeared stern. However as the membership grew through Americans joining and German, Japanese and other nationalities coming as missionaries to participate in pioneering America. ...True Father seemed to lighten up and we started calling him Father rather than Master. This new perception or side of True Father was so much easier on me because I had expected a hippie, peaced out, love bombing Messiah as my image of Jesus was. True Father first seemed like an army general.
My first one-on-one experience with True Father was his speaking in Dallas, Texas; I was the state pioneer. We worked very hard to prepare everything for his visit and when he arrived I was blessed to sit behind him in the limo. Right from the beginning I was touched with his parental loving heart. This man who had the weight of the world on his shoulders would reach back into my seating area to lock my door for protection, he manifested a mind caught up with world problems and yet instantly care about the smallest details.
A few weeks later when we Texans traveled to Oklahoma's speech True Father again revealed a most intimate side ... we were gathered at 6:00 AM waiting for him to come down from the 2nd floor. He arrived and spoke to us in a quiet whisper which soon was followed with floods of tears streaming down his face. The words that remain in my head from this moment when he felt like my father for the first time were, "You Americans are so wealthy. Please, please don't ever forget the third world people who are suffering so physically and dedicate yourself to ease their plight".
Towards the end of the 120 day foreign missionary training in 1975, True Father would return sometimes 4 times a day to speak to us. He said when returning, "I was on the thruway, but my heart would not allow me to travel to Belvedere. I just had to come back to see you guys because soon you will be traveling to foreign lands and I will not see you again for quite sometime. Some of you will suffer". Then he would share his heart again with us.
It seems to me the Dalai Lama does not have the weight of the world upon his shoulders. My understanding his path is one of detachment from the world and people. He possibly has not confronted fallen natures within himself due to that detachment. One finds out what they're made of when those closest, are nasty and one responds with parental love or self-centered anger. Emotionally is the Dalai Lama much different than the physical statue of Buddha?
It seems to me, Sun Myung Moon is fully engaged emotionally. He drools tears from his eyes, nose and mouth because of his emotional attachment to his fellow humans and Heavenly Father's heart. True Father is the lord of warfare, lord of judgment, destroyer and rebuilder of the new heaven and new earth, with resentment eating love. He teaches us to not run from feelings but to run headstrong into feelings, disgust the pain and shower love upon our oppressor. True Father walked the wilderness course, but now he walks the grandpa course. Members or even the world who hold on to past concepts of who True Father is, are so far from reality. Some keep portraying the media's, the world conspiratorial network's portrayal of True Father being less than infinite parental love and the solution to humankind's problems. Stop trying to put Satanic clothes on Heavens Prince. True Father is evolving, growing, intensely experiencing. He is a grandpa and those who are around him now can testify to his grandpa smoochy love-smiles.
True Father and True Mother vs. Mr. & Mrs. Lama - I have not heard of Mrs. Lama - Has the Dalai walked the interaction/emotional restorational path of blessed marriage. I am just so blown away, embarrassed by the public displayed affection whenever True Father and TM are together. The smiles and smiles they delicately exchange between each other. The atmosphere becomes one of slow-time-stopped-spirit-world flow. A dance of energy between them. No matter what difficulties our movement faces, no matter what accusations or philosophical questions arise ... this romantic love between True Father and True Mother that we experience in their presence is World Testimony to their True Conjugal Coupleship. And I lifetime again and again would give all to achieve such infinite romance.
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