The Words of the Doroski Family

Korean Suffering Course

John Doroski
February 8, 2001

Obviously I have not the answers but am merely a brother attempting to understand. As someone suggested I have a history of aspiring to leadership ... this is not represented by the facts. In 1987 I returned from being a regional/continental leader (Australia) after telling Rev. Kwak I just want to return to USA and be a member on the frontlines and help with America. I was recognized with a badge of honor about 6 months ago given by Rev. Joo ... he said, "Behind every great woman ... is a great man." I serve my wife primarily to enable her to make major breakthroughs.


Koreans come in all various forms and may I remind True Father often sends Koreans to America ... not to teach us or even lead us but for them to be trained, broaden, humbled, etc. TF's primarily mission is to establish one restored nation before he dies, to sacrifice everything for this one mission ... it is not possible for this to be America for many reasons. America is merely a workhorse the Lord rides upon to judge, purify, use to build the K of H with his "two edge sword." America is a nation built upon sacrificial Christian beginnings and beginnings of extreme selfishness. We exist to sacrifice ourselves for the world...and our badge of honor is the same badge of honor the Filipino members are wearing behind the scenes. If one has this mindset the "arguments" would be taking on a different flavor.

Papasan Choi when pioneering Japan was imprisoned at one point, on a boat due to be deported. I understand he fasted for days, then intentionally drank ... started bleeding and throwing up. This caused the authorities to remove him from bars and he eventually dove overboard to swim ashore and go into to hiding to serve the movement he had birthed.

Sometimes there will be books written about Col. Pak, Rev. Kwak, Tiger Pak, Rev. Joo, Miss Kim, Mrs. Choi, David Kim, etc. etc. suffering course. I do not have the info and hesitate to bother my wife in her health recover moment ... she could write books with what she knows. Again TFs mind is so vast and he is thinking 200 years into the future. TFs purpose of the Korean elders occupying leadership position maybe very far from the purpose we think they occupy leadership position for. I remember thinking 5 years into the movement ..."how dumb the Messiah is to give me a butter knife to dig weeds out of the lawn in Belvedere and his giving me a steak knife to cut brush and small trees with in the surrounding forest"… of how I could just squirt poison on the weeds and use a chainsaw ... thus being done in 1 hour verses weeks. Later in foreign mission I understood how True Father had prepared me for life and death situations and having patience to struggle years for the simple achievement of building strong foundations by going the hard way rather than what appeared to be quick and easy solutions.

May I suggest our short-term, limited understand is the cause of much confusion. I from personal experience have discovered answers to "questions about our movement and True Father" that I had 20 years ago, endured with faith, to find the answers playing out 20 years later.

True Father exists in the spiritual plane, his actions/our movement is of "conditions" being made in the physical world to effect the invisible spiritual plane; it is the changing of the "universal-eternal-though-form" effecting all planes of existence. By western intellectual perspective many of the actions seems absolutely crazy ... only later make sense.

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