The Words of the Doroski Family |
True Father's Authoritative Decisions
John Doroski
July 2, 2001
The world has waited 2,000 years for the Messiah to make decisions for it. This is his job. Dirty faced people don't realize they are dirty face or think clean until the one comes alone that has a clean face. However, as they become Messiahs, Central Blessed Families (CBF), Tribal Messiahs, thinking in terms of providential restorational conditions, mediators between the spiritual planes and physical planes they progressively make their own decisions.
For 40 years members were faithful disciples of the Messiah, but since January of 2001, members are Messiahs themselves. True Father is getting upset that members and leaders are not going on the aggressive to take responsibility for their own decision making and own war against evil to build the Heavenly Culture. True Father just chastised the National Messiahs and seminary graduates of our movement last week for waiting for directions from him and their not thinking for themselves and using their creativity to go on the aggressive to build God's Kingdom . True Father three weeks back spoke "I AM WAITING FOR YOU ACC GUYS TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO", "I AM GETTING DISAPPOINTED, WAITING".
About 1985 True Father directed PWPA to hold it's annual World Conference on Peace in Germany and the subject was to be the "Down Fall of Communism" (Berlin Wall?). The world members (big shot brains - Ivy League Professors) rebelled, jumped up and down, said they knew better - not in Germany, not on the imminent downfall of Communism ...which was aggressively expanding at that time. I had to deal with the rebellion of professors in Australia ... many saying True Father does not know what he is doing ... he has lost his rockers. Well, True Father had his way, did not listen to these VIP brains of the World, the conference proceed, professors were forced to present papers on such a "ridicules topic" and history revealed a few years later that True Father's prophecy of the downfall of Communism or Russian Empire was spot on. True Father knows best.
True Father is thinking ahead 1,000 years. True Father thinks of doing things the hard way to build character and a solid foundation, rather than the quick, easy way (ex. our cutting small trees and brush with kitchen knife rather than a chainsaw - Belvedere). Westerners are very practical ... how to get things done quick and easy. True Father primarily makes decisions in the earth plane for effecting the spiritual plane. True Father's directions establish a back-to-back numerological indemnity foundation of restoration conditions based on the last 6,000 years biblical history of indemnity restoration. True Father is constantly making handles in the physical world for spiritual/angelic beings to grab on to. True Father has spent much of his time raising us up via cross-fertilization and on-the-job training, but now is becoming disappointed by our not going-for-it.
John D
P. S. Many leaders are still thinking in terms of the wilderness course consciousness and expect blind following across the desert to save us. However, we are already saved, are CBFs in Canaan and personally have a responsibility to cleanup Cannon with our own creative powers. This new age is very difficult though because while we are CBFs with creative missions...still the need exists to establish central restoration conditions and thus directives come for us to unite with conditions. We volunteer our response as we can.
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