The Words of the Durst Family |
All people of the world are yearning for peace. However, time for achieving peace is running out. Always present is the possibility of a global war, perhaps even a nuclear holocaust.
With this grave situation in mind, we hereby propose the creation of the Supreme Council of Heads of State and Government. This Council would be composed of present and past heads of state and government, including presidents, prime ministers and royalty.
Although it has made tremendous contributions in its history, the United Nations has been unable to fulfill its projected goal of maintaining world peace. In proposing the formation of this Council, we recognize the immense creative energy and potential in such a unified body of current and former world leaders. World leaders united in their efforts would be an unparalleled force for peace, justice and the betterment of mankind.
However, these vital individuals of every nation have thus far been divided in their efforts, concentrating only on their own national well-being, unable to contribute jointly in a full way toward world peace.
We urge the tapping of this precious but under-utilized resource, the world's current and former national leaders. In terms of intellect and experience, these men and women are certainly our richest resource and best hope for peace.
This Council would recognize that each individual leader must act and work for the betterment of the entire world. Concerns must transcend national boundaries and attain a global scale. In today's world, no problem is solvable solely on the national level, but every problem has global implications and consequences. At this moment, our common problems need global solutions -- not ones based only on national interest.
The Supreme Council of Heads of State and Government is being proposed to fulfill this crying need for global problem-solving. The Council would function in a supranational advisory capacity when requested by any nation or region of the world. The Council would serve as a forum for enhancing mutual understanding, research and fellowship. It would have the goal of formulating global-level recommendations and strategies for peace and human betterment.
The Reverend Sun Myung Moon, under inspiration from God, first proposed the creation of the Supreme Council in conjunction with his program for world peace enunciated in his Founder's Address at the Tenth International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences in Seoul, Korea.
Reverend Moon has long felt an acute need for a worldwide organization of such stature. He has dedicated his entire life for the cause of true global peace and the advancement of the wellbeing of man. His deep concern for the world's situation is the moving inspiration behind the formation of this association of world leaders.
It is hoped that the Supreme Council of Heads of State and Government will succeed where others could not, by having the world's experienced leadership offer supranational solutions, and thus hasten the day of world peace.