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"Halelu" Peace Cantata Presented to Ami Israel
David Eaton
September 15, 2006
Ambassador For Peace, and Music Director of the New York City Symphony
New York, United States
On September 15th at the United Nations, an art exhibit sponsored by the Ami Israel (http://www.amisrael.com.br) and its international director, Dr. William Soto Santiago, was presented to an assemblage of international delegates and media who had gathered as part of the opening of the UN’s General Assembly.
Ami Israel has collected over 2.2 million signatures from around the world by people advocating peace resolutions to the conflict in the Middle East. Author of the book, "The Restoration of Israel," Dr. Soto spoke passionately about the need to utilize any and all peaceful means to foster dialogue and understanding among historical enemies.
The art exhibit featured paintings by important artists from So. America and the Middle East as well as about 100 paintings and drawings by children from the region.
Towards the end of the festivities, David Eaton, Ambassador For Peace, and Music Director of the New York City Symphony, had the opportunity to present a promotional CD of the "Halelu" peace cantata to Dr. Soto. The Ami Israel organizers then asked Mr. Eaton to speak about his experiences in Israel as an artist who is using his abilities for peace and reconciliation.
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