The Words of the Edwards Family |
It was around 20 degrees F, and the snow was falling lightly. Gordon Ross had called earlier in the day (March 3rd) and arranged to meet me on the Kansas side of the river next to the park where our Master was to sanctify Holy Ground. As I stood there shivering, and praying that each station wagon I. saw would be their party. I could not help but feel a deep sense of worry over such things as what should I say, how do I act, what do I do? Then suddenly the honk of a car brought my thoughts back to earth. The first thing 1 noticed as I stumbled over to the car was our Master sitting in the back seat, About the time I reached them, he and George Norton opened their doors at the same time. Of course I wanted to sit next to him, but as I started to get in I noticed there were three in back and only two in front.
After getting in and getting arranged, George attempted to introduce me to the Master, I don't even remember what I said, or even what he said. All I know is that when he shook my hand my spirit zoomed up in to heaven. I cannot possibly express the feeling, the energy force, vibrations, love, and every other power that comes from that man when you first contact him. This lingers on continuously, of course, but you gradually get in tune with it.
After what seemed like half an eternity of holding his hand, with my chin on the floorboard of the car, then a couple of nudges from George, I finally came around. I then met Mrs. Choi and welcomed Miss Kim to Kansas City. With handshakes with Gordon Ross and George, we were on our way to bless Holy Ground.
We found a spot about 5 pm. It was turning colder. Our Leader wasted no time getting out of the car. After trudging through snow up to his ankles for about half an hour, he decided to look for better ground. With a trip to another park, it was decided to return to the first place. I would like to make a special note here. Our Leader did not have a heavy overcoat as I did. And while the rest of us stood around shivering and shaking, he never flinched. You could tell his mind was occupied with our Heavenly Father's work and not himself.
The ceremony was short and beautiful. Then we proceeded to the City Hall. After a couple of miss-directions, we finally found it. After a short ceremony there, we proceeded to the hotel which was on the Missouri side of the river. After locating rooms for everyone, we went out to dinner at a rather nice Chinese restaurant, and returned to the hotel about 9:30. We had a small informal meeting in our Leader's room, during which he answered many questions, told a few stories, and gave me some personal advice on my mission here in Kansas City. We retired shortly after midnight.
We got together about 9 am the next morning. With a very brief farewell chat, we proceeded to the car lot. After everyone was in the car our Leader once again shook my hand, Again the same fire, love and power filled me. Then again in below freezing temperatures with much snow falling this time, I stood outside and watched the station wagon depart for St. Louis. I remember our Leader still waving a half a block away as they turned the corner to the freeway.
This scene concluded about 19 hours of heaven on earth for me. I was sorry that eight of those hours were spent sleeping. But still I had almost twelve uninterrupted hours with the King of Kings.
This is an honor that very few men will be able to say. As for personal comments about him, all I can say is that he is like our Heavenly Father. He is all things to all men. He was so different from what I expected. So different from what I was taught. And he is probably different to all of us. I hate to think of categorizing him to any particular personality or idea.
In conclusion, I can only say that just by being near him my spirit has been lifted out of hell. I shall never experience this physical nearness again, but I shall treasure the memory for eternity.
I should like to quote one thing Miss Kim said at the end of the meeting. Our Leader had just finished talking and talking, and she said, "This is why I am drawn to him, He does not perform miracles, just expresses Father's wisdom. He is not a magician, he is the Messiah!
My love and prayers go out to all of you throughout the world.
Now that "Christ" has come to America, we cannot fail him. Let us double our efforts! We have the Son of God in our midst, Let us attempt to make ourselves worthy by producing fruits for him!
In Our Leader's Most Holy Name,
Leonard Edwards.