The Words of the Erikawa Family |
USA Continental News No. 94
Yasue Erikawa
October 2000
Greeting from Ms. Yasue Erikawa, World Itinerant
To General leader, all leaders and missionaries
Cho-Guk! Kwang-Bok! Hae-Bang!
Thank you for your hard work. Today is the 50th Memorial Day of Liberation from Hung-Nam prison, and I hear that the memorial ceremony is held in Korea. I want to recognize TP's hardship, thank for TP's service, and newly strengthen our determination to do our mission. At the same time, in UN there is a meeting to report WFWP public service projects in the world, and in Washington ALC international and Korean leader's meeting in America are held. These leaders from all over the world will also take part in MFM. It is just substantiation of abolishing borders.
In this issue there are TF's words on 10/3 and testimonies of Japanese missionaries who are taking actions in America.
TF's words on the 13th Foundation Day for the Nation of the United World (Second half)
At this year's UN General Assembly, they say that now is a time to establish the sense of values. They know Rev. Moon's proposal. Even if people want to give a good proposal, when he comes to the Unification Church, he knows that he is late. In America people are eager to raise the Family Flag of FFWPI and to hang TP's photo and to unite churches. In one family each one goes to another church. It is a problem that there are many churches. They have to unite into one. Abolish the discord within denominations. Abolish the discord within races. When they live for the purpose of God, they do not fight against one another. Amen. When they know God, discords within cultures and nations will vanish.
Deeply thinking, woman is a lord in a house. Woman has many ornaments, clothes and shoes for every season. Man is miserable. How luxurious woman is! For man, is God precious before woman? Or not? God is a father of man and God is a father of woman. After Father, son will come, so man has to go to God before woman. After that, man and woman can naturally unite into one.
What is God's hope? It is the emergence of the parents of parents, the teacher of teachers and the lord of lords. How did God want to live? God would have wanted to be parents of parents, the teacher of teachers and the king of kings. God can create everything He needs, but there is one thing that God cannot do. That is love. Love cannot be done without a partner. No one's hope is that their love partner is worse than themselves. Everyone wants their love partner to be a billion times better than himself.
Can God see love? Or not? When God can see His son, He can find the son's love, and when God can see His daughter, He can find the daughter's love. Before a king and queen love each other, they have to love God, because God should be the root of their love. Can a servant change his blood lineage, even if he changes all of his blood? Parents of your body have the blood lineage of a servant. Religions in the past were ordered to renounce the world. We have to know that religions emphasized celibacy in order to cut the false lineage and to go to God's side, which is 180 degree different direction, and finally to cut the blood lineage. Until when do we have to cut it? Until True Parents bring the true religion. True parents brought the blood licence of the Heavenly Emperor.
Only the family can go into the Heavenly Kingdom. Jesus is now in paradise, which is a waiting room. All denominations, which are enemies with one another, help to develop in the world and hold Million Family March. There were no religions to liberate God. We have to do our best in order that we change 3 eras and are helped by ancestors.
Changes from the time when Adam's world (on earth) were influenced by the spiritual world (angel world) to the time when Adam's world taught and helped the spiritual world. We entered into the time of the realm of 4th Adam, so Satan can no longer obstruct us. You registered, so your ancestors came down to the earth to help you, because True Parents have kingship of kingdom in heaven and earth, going the way of 40-years sufferings of the family. I am worrying about you, because if Japan is hooked by Satan, you are also hooked.
Spread TF's words over the radio. I will give a test of TF's words and when you get a good grade, I will give you a prize. How many volumes did you learn by heart? Everyone should learn "Restoration of homeland of True God" by heart. You should learn no less than 3 volumes by heart. Now one third of the spirits in the spiritual world were blessed, so they can come down and help us. If we make up our minds, the circumstances are changed. You have to believe and practice. You have to push yourselves to that situation.
As Eva nation children, even if you have to birth take from your own bones, you have to feed your children. God is Father and True Parents are also Father. When you unite into one by true love, you can become big (because of pleasure) or sometimes you can become small (because of sadness) through TF's words. God is our True Parents and True Teacher. It is mother's responsibility to give birth to children and let them marry. If God and True Parents had taught children the responsibility of Parents, Teacher and King, and showed them the way of Parents, Teacher and King, the descendants would have attained the family, nation and heavenly world. But because of the fall, everything disappeared, and Rev. Moon came and established the family and restored the elder sonship, parentsship and kingship after thousands of years. Rev. Moon had to restore not only the Adam's failure but also the failure in Old Testament Age and also New Testament Age. God is inter-religious and inter-national. If Korea does not take responsibilities, I will use UN. I prepared for this 12 years ago. "I have to become True Parents. I have to become True Teacher. I have to become True King." Say like this!
If you, for example Mr. Kim, bring the youth under 50 years old and educate for 3 days, they will receive the blessing of their own will. And all people will be saved. Hold the Olympics for 4 years, and choose the champion. From now on many geniuses who can lead the ideal world will appear. So, devote yourselves to live for the sake of others to give birth to that kind of children. Stand up. Say 3 times "I swear!" Prayer for blessing.
Reports from each region in America
Region 2
Bridgeport/ Connecticut
Reported by Yasue Yoshino (Japanese member in America)
(10/5) Japanese missionaries came from Japan to distribute the flag of FFWPI as God's providence, and first I thought that I would just help them as a driver, because they do not have a car. However, when Rev. Kim said in the service at Camp Sunrise in September, "The Million Family March is not a goal. We should visit churches for more than 3 years." I felt that we have to restore Christianity finally. And when I heard that every family was in charge of 5 churches, I had a positive mind.
When I visit churches, I feel a lot. I want to make it bear fruit in my mind, and connect churches to TP. Thanks for Japanese missionaries who came to America to restore Christianity, leaving their families in Japan I will do my best to restore America together with Japanese missionaries.
Reported by Rie Tawaki, Yukie Toyoda
(9/24) Celebrating the Family Flag Day, Rev. Genevicz of Stradford Baptist Church hung the Family Flag on a pole after the Sunday service. For the first time the Family Flag was raised at a Christian church in Connecticut. I was very impressed with this, and felt the sisters' taking the trouble to seek new churches from last year. And I felt TP's victory too.
Region 5
Collumbus/ Ohio
Reported by Eriko Kaneo
(10/4) We have set ourselves a target of mobilizing 12 people for tomorrow's Prayer Breakfast Meeting, which will be held for the MFM, but now only one will come. So, today Rev. Muanda and all the missionaries visited churches, and at the second church we visited we surprisingly met a pastor who took part in CAUSA. He has lived in this city for 10 years, but he did not know that the UC is here. He was very pleased with the meeting. Furthermore, he wanted to attend the MFM, and he promised to participate in the Prayer Breakfast Meeting with his wife to know the details of the MFM. He talked about the story of his visiting Pusan, Seoul and Japan for CAUSA, and guided us in his church. He also asked Rev. Muanda to give a speech at the service. We were surprised at his positive attitude. Now is the time to act! Go! Go! Go! (This church has more than 2000 members.)
(10/7) We need courage when we visit other churches, but after we take a step forward, God guides us, I felt. A wife of French-Japanese couple and a young missionary started as a pair. A pastor was absent, and the secretary was going to send us away being cautious about us. But when she knew that we were French and Japanese, she said friendly, "My son and daughter study French and Japanese," and accepted the Flag and a flyer of the MFM comfortably. She said to the young missionary, "I have also been to Japan as a missionary. You are great," and embraced her with tears. She said to us before parting, "Please come again." Another team, consisting of the wife of a Japanese-German couple and Japanese missionaries, met a secretary who was interested in a German tea. And she connected us to a pastor gladly. And the other team, consisting of our City Leader who came from Congo in Africa and missionaries, met a white pastor who has lived in Congo. He guided them to his room where there were many fork crafts and photos of Africa, and accepted the flag willingly. God prepare the situation for each person. I am always impressed with it every day.
Region 8
Milwaukee/ Wisconsin
Reported by Hiroko Manabe
(10/3) We visited a church where the pastor was absent every time we visited. A light was put on in the church. When we met a pastor, we explained about the Flag. Former times he saw that missionaries of Chile went to a church as a choir, and was impressed with them. And he heard about TF from Bishop Wheatherspoon, who is close to us. He was moved with the flag, and interrupted the Bible study centering on the assistant pastor, and explained about the flag to everyone who attended the Bible study. He said gladly, "Rev. Moon is doing this wonderful project now." I felt that if God and True Parents look at this scene, how glad they are. He is the pastor whom one sister has prayed for a long time. I was very glad to think that God heard her prayer.
Detroit/ Michigan
Reported by Shinobu Watanabe
(10/8) The wife of the regional leader of the Nation of Islam sent a letter of gratitude to our state leader and missionaries' cooperation. The letter says as follows;
We got to know Japan intimately for short time through Japanese missionaries. And we are inspired by sisters' pure mind and try to be like her. But many times we cannot have the pure heart like hers.
We displayed this letter in a frame, for the content of the letter was beautiful.
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