The Words of the Fong Family

Youth MEPI Announcement

Justin Fong
May 29, 2008
Youth Federation for World Peace

The Youth Federation for World Peace would like to set up a chapter structure throughout the U.S. to support Youth Ambassadors for Peace under the age of 45 who are doing great work on the national and international levels. The Youth Federation is already taking a role in planning the Global Peace Festival USA in August. They plan to support these YAFPs through on going UPF leadership education, Internet social networking and fundraising tools, national and international conferencing and service opportunities, as well as a journalism platform to enhance their peace work. Please notify me of anyone who may benefit by joining the network.

I would also like to announce that UPF Israel, YFWP, Faith Link and European STF have set up a Youth Leadership MEPI trip beginning June 22nd – July 1st. The application documents click here for Application (pdf) and here for the Schedule (pdf). They are scheduled for inter-faith dialog, Israeli -- Palestinian engagement and community service throughout the country. All are welcome to apply, please send all inquiries to me.

I hope that we may meet sometime in the near future,

Sincerely & Respectfully

Justin J Fong
Director of US Operations
Youth Federation for World Peace 

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