The Words of the Francis Family |
Plan For Local UPF World Tour V In District One
Randall Francis and Gail Pain
December 6, 2006
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Thank you for your heart of dedication to God's Providence during this incredible Providential time.
As announced on Sunday, December 3rd and in our email, True Parents have initiated the 5th Universal Peace Federation World Tour from December 1st through December 31, 2006. This tour is based on the victories of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th World Peace Tours and continues with the theme of God's ideal family as the basis for world peace. The Tour involves 1,200 Ambassadors for Peace delivering a providential speech in each of 40 nations. In addition, the key nations of Korea, Japan and America will mobilize 1,200 Ambassadors for Peace (400 each) to go out to the world.
In America, we will conduct 1,200 speaking events during the period of December 1-20 (100 events in each of the 12 Districts). In each event, an Ambassador for Peace will read True Parents' message entitled "God's Model for Absoluteness, Peace and the Ideal is the Family and Global Kingdom Upholding Absolute Sexual Morality" (47th True Children's Day Speech, November 21, 2006).
Plan Outline for World Tour Five
a. 1 large event in each of our 7 areas-Baltimore, PG, DC, MC, NOVA, Richmond, Norfolk. (Not in a home- goal-perhaps 20+ people)
b. 30 small events in each "state." (MD incl Balt, VA, DC/MC)
c. 10 in Southern VA, Norfolk.
d. Total 107
We should immediately make list of 12-20 members in each "state" who will commit to having 2 "holiday gatherings" either in their home or some other venue that they will arrange. (Another person's home, library, community center, etc)
Make list of active, inspired AFPs in each state and target which meetings they will be invited to.
a. By Sunday, December 10th, gain response and commitment from 12 to 20 proposed members. (Local pastor and AFP coordinator partnering to assemble this team of 12-20)
b. For example:
Northern Virginia- Tim Elder and Hiroshi Goto
DC - Jean Pierre Sonna, David Reed, Chisoni Ngoma (R. Francis assisting)
MD- Margaret Herbers, Angelika and Bob Selle, Wanji Rowe, L. Sofinowski, (Gail assisting)
a. Team of 12 to 20 should have brainstorming meeting by Sunday, December 10th or conf call to help designate which AFPs will be invited to various meetings. (Use report form)
b. Choose time and place for large gathering. (Saturday, December 16th for example) TOOL TO USE:
An Invitation Card template is attached for you to personalize.
a. We are preparing resource kits including:
Speech from True children's Day Nov. 21, 2006
Holy Wine Multiplying instructions
Blessing Vows
A simple procedure for the Celebration of Families (Holy Wine ceremony)
These can be picked up at the above resource family's homes or at Col. Rd or Sunday Service.
The AFP materials; Application, Background info, 5 Principles are attached.
You can also access many resources at www.ambassadors4peace.org including the AFP PowerPoint presentation.
Each BCF that will host an event please fill out the attached form with the details of:
When, Where, Who is MC/Officiator, Who Read the Speech, Some reflections/testimonies.
Take 3 good photos and send them to wdc@familyfed.org
The following guidelines are to be applied to each speaking event:
1. The Ambassador for Peace reading the message should come from our public sphere of contacts (ACLC, WFWP, AFC, SFP, HDFC, BCF etc.).
2. Each speaking event should include three segments:
1)simple Holy Wine ceremony,
2) reading of the message,
3) Holy Blessing (reading and affirmation of the three Blessing Vows, reading of the Blessing Declaration and offering of the Blessing Prayer).
It is possible to complete the event in 90 minutes.
3. Each speaking event should be coordinated by one Blessed Central Husband or Wife, or a Blessed Central Couple (acting as the MC). If needed, the coordinator can share the reading of the message with the Ambassador for Peace. The coordinator must provide all items needed to conduct the event, including the Tour Speech, Holy Wine (juice), Holy wine cups, printed Blessing Vows and printed Blessing Declaration, etc. (these items are addressed in the SUPPORT TOOLS section below).
4. The speaking event location can be anywhere that the three program segments can be adequately fulfilled, such as a home, church, office, etc.
5. The Holy Wine ceremony can be officiated by a Blessed Clergy Couple, a Blessed Ambassador for Peace Couple or a Blessed Central Family Couple. If couples are not available, a Blessed man and Blessed woman can stand as officiator representatives.
6. The number of people participating in each speaking event should be reasonable according to the time, location and circumstance of the event. Blessed Central Families should support each other in mobilizing themselves and guests to participate in various events.
7. A simple report and 3 digital photos and brief reflections from each participant should be recorded during each speaking event and immediately forwarded to the District office at wdc@familyfed.org.
Questions regarding this Tour should be addressed to: Gail Paine or Randy Francis or your local area coordinators.
God Bless you all for all you do,
Gail Paine
UPF Dist. Sec. General
Randall J. Francis
UPF Dist Chair
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