The Words of the Francis Family |
Hold the Date - Witnessing Summit in DC area
Randy Francis
September 27, 2007
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I hope you all have had a chance to be with True Parents over this time period. They are strong and exciting, as always, as they are proclaiming the victorious Proclamation of the Able UN.
I would like to inform you of the plans for the 2nd in a series of National Witnessing Summits being scheduled. On October 12th to the 14th we will be hosting this summit in Maryland at the YMCA Camp Letts in the Edgewater/Mayo Beach area.
All second and first Gen are encouraged to attend. Here are the basic details for now. A National memo will be coming soon.
The schedule will be setup following the LA summit. With air arrivals into BWI in the morning and an official start at 5 pm. It's about a 40min ride from BWI.
Where: Camp Letts YMCA Camp 4003 Camp Letts Rd. Edgewater, MD 21037
When: Friday, October 12 through Sunday, October 14. Registration Oct 12 3 - 5 pm Opening session 5 pm. Closing Oct 14 2 p.m.
Who: Key 2nd generation youth leaders / educators First generation educator/ youth advisor from each district. District Directors and all others feeling called to this new development.
Fees: All participants must cover their own airfare. Registration fee - $120 per person Transportation will be provided from BWI. Arrive by 3pm. Must have flight itinerary set by Oct 5th.
Accommodations: Cabins with Bunk Beds. Bring a sleeping bag.
Weather: Cool Days & Nights Bring Jacket and sweaters.
Let's try to bring a good representation from District One of both 2nd and 1st gen. I hope you can give me some feedback on how to generate some new interest in this summit, as we tackle establishing a culture of witnessing in ourselves and all those in our district.
Thank you,
Randy Francis