The Words of the Gehring Family |
Dear Friends:
All the boarding school children, supervisors, University boarding, patients, and guests are split into groups. The majority of the groups are camped out on the soccer field. This is also where we prepare their food. Many of the patients from our clinic on campus are camped out on the side lawn where we continue to care for them.
We treat the patients with the medicines that we have, but are unable to purchase more. Every day we send a team to the airport and to the Health Department in search of medical supplies in order to keep our medical services available. We are getting ready to receive some tents, from which we will continue to serve the injured and wounded from Cabaret, Arcahaie, Port-Au-Prince, and the Minoterie factory (Les Moulins D'Haiti).
Our doctors and staff are also operating out of a small burn clinic nearby. We have been taking care of badly burned employees of the Minoterie (Les Moulins D'Haiti), the nearby flower mill.
On campus, we are 130 (and growing) to feed, and there is no propane gas for sale.
We have electricity problems. Since the earthquake, we rely on our generator for electricity and purchase diesel everyday in order to keep it running. There is very little diesel available and our funds are low. Our only solution not to find ourselves in total darkness is to use solar energy. We found new solar panels, Inverters, and Trojan batteries available for purchase. We are putting together the cost of a system that will serve the campus in the most efficient and economic manner. We will keep you updated.
The walls of the classical school have been damaged. Thank God no one was hurt. The structures and the concrete roofs are not damaged. Part of the drop ceiling of the University's clinic fell, including the AC system, some external walls of the emergency room, and the partition of the consultation room. Today we had two major cleaning shifts at the clinic.
We definitely need monetary support. Any donations will be greatly appreciated.
Our security team is operating on campus 24/7
Updates will continue on our website at www.haitianacademy.net
Donations will also be accepted through our bank account in the U.S. and transferred to Haiti immediately.
Bank of America Acct type: Checking
Acct#: 4830 0369 9873
The Haitian Academy 4521 Church Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11203-3113
The Haitian Academy is a not-for-profit institution of education, certified by the U.S. Treasury Department.
Marie-Pologne J. Rene
President / Founder Haitian
Port-au-Prince, Haiti