The Words of the Gonzales Family |
Mother Mary
Jesus Gonzalez
February 27, 2002
In 96 and 97 after the speech "View of the Principle of the Providential History of Salvation" was deliver in numerous occasions throughout Latin America, we have some very strong reactions from the Catholic Church.
Antonio Betancourt was confronted here in Uruguay before the cameras of the Mexican TV with the following question: "How dare you called our Virgin of Guadalupe a whore?"
Particularly, the expression in that speech that Mary was "invaded by Satan" it is very difficult to understand by Catholics. What we mean by that, it is very different to what we in fact communicate, and what other people is going to interpret according to their understanding of who Satan is, or what Satan's "invasion" represent to them. (in Spanish has the connotation almost as a possession)
As we well know, these issues are much more complex than what we think.
For hundreds of years, religions like Judaism or Islam, and later Protestants have confronted Catholics with similar arguments about Mary, Christians confronted Jews and Moslems to convince them about Jesus as the Messiah, and in general, few of them have changed their views, just because other explanations sound more logical or reasonable.
These issues for some people go beyond rationality, it has to do with faith, vocation, a feeling, a devotion. For example, you can give me the most brilliant explanation of all the terrible defects that my wife has and how unfit she is for such position and that I should divorce her and find someone better. In the end, I can intellectually even agree with you and with all your arguments, but I will simple answer: No way, because I love her.
At that time we discuss about an approach which explains TEN good points about Mary, Jesus or the Catholic Church before we explain the ONE or FEW providential mistakes committed. Dan Fefferman came up with a very good list that I am posting at the end
Also when we try to explain such providential errors, we should careful consider that:
1. These are personal revelations from T Father Moon, who, as he claims, talked directly with Jesus and other providential figures about such issues.
2. We, followers can not speculate about these points, pretending to know everything, reasons, motives, details, etc. (unless we have a direct and personal revelations ourselves)
3. It is a matter of faith.
4. Most of these issues are not written in the Bible or other sacred texts.
5. They are very delicate issues. (If we reveal similar points about Mohammed and the Islam, we can be literally death in few days)
6. That Mary has appeared and still appears to her followers on numerous occasions performing miracles and giving different messages from what we are saying.
7. And, that we should not place these points of disagreement as the essentials points of our faith.
I think that a good article about Unificationism & Catholicism like the ones written by the late Jesuit sociologist Joseph Fichter is needed and should be publish.
The purpose is not to change the needed providential content of the secrets that Father is now revealing about Jesus and Mary, but the form of expressing and communicating them to Catholics that can create a much better understanding. If we need to do this operation, lets do it with the proper instruments in the operation table and with anesthesia, instead of a kitchen knife and a stripe of lather to tie up the screaming patient.
In 1997, I was able to give a report to Father directly in English for 15 minutes about this points:
1. The importance of a good PR and communication between ourselves here in Latin America in order to quickly respond, plan, prevent and avoid potential problems with the media. I gave some examples from the recent experiences in Central America.
2. The situation with the Catholic Church and the necessity to establish links with the hierarchy to communicate the dissolution of the UC, the more open approach with the FFWPU now, and the interreligious nature of the blessing. I explained to him about the conversations, suggestions and discussions between some of us on the internet to find ways to deal with these matters.
3. The problem with some of the terminology and expressions in the speech "View of the Principle of the Providential History of Salvation" I said "Father, I know that we can not change the needed providential content of the speech, but please consider the necessity to change and improve the form of expressing such content in a way that can be understood and not misinterpret in the western Christian world, it will save us a lot of unnecessary confrontations."
Father smile and gave some comments about the shocking statements of his speech, but my impression is that he understand quite well the situation that we are facing in our relations with the Catholic Church.
Dan Fefferman´s excelent ten good points about Mary.
10 Good Points about Mary by Dan Fefferman
Catholic leaders in Latin America and elsewhere have expressed concern over Rev. Sun Myung Moon's recent teaching about Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Their concern is understandable, for Rev. Moon, in his speech "The Principle View of the Historical Providence of Restoration," (given during his 1996 world tour) adopts a strongly iconoclastic posture toward Catholicism's most venerated saint.
It is not our intention here to engage in an apologetic or exegesis defending Rev. Moon's claims about Mary. Such an exercise may be useful at some point, but in reality many of these points cannot be resolved except by reference to his authority as a revelator, which is a matter faith. Rather, what we intend to do is to list several areas in which the Catholic and Unificationist views of Mary coincide. We do this for two reasons. The first is to express to the Catholic community that Unificationists have no animosity toward Mary but deeply appreciate her important contributions to God's providence. The second is to educate Unificationists about the many ways in which we can honor and appreciate Mary. After all, has not Rev. Moon told us on many occasions that we should "say ten good things about a person before you express criticism"?
1) Mary: Co-Redemptrix?
A worldwide movement exists in Catholicism today to elevate Mary by giving her the title of "co-redemptrix" with Jesus. This view has much in common with Unificationism, which holds that the role of messiah cannot be achieved by a man alone, but requires both feminine and masculine energies. Indeed, Unificationists can agree that Mary has been working alongside her Son for the last 2,000 years as a chief co-worker in the work of redemption. While it is not appropriate for Unificationists to take sides in an intra-Catholic discussion, it can be noted that the notion of Mary as co-redeemer does not pose the same problems for Unificationists as it does for some other believers in terms of ecumenical or interreligious dialogue.
2) Mary: Heroine of Faith
In her early life, Unificationism recognizes Mary as one of the great heroines of God's providence. By responding to the call of the Angel Gabriel at the Annunciation, Mary showed absolute faith and obedience to God. Still a young girl, she immediately left her home and undertook a dangerous journey to the home of her kinswoman Elizabeth and the priest Zecchariah, where God led her. In this she showed faith no less than Abraham, who is called the father of faith.
3) Courage in the Face of Death
To carry out God's command, Mary literally risked her own life, for she knew that she could be accused of adultery and even put to death for conceiving a child that did not belong to her husband. In fact, the Bible says her betrothed husband almost divorced her when he discovered her to be with child after return from the house of Zecchariah. Only through her courageous act of unquestioning faith and Joseph's humble acceptance of God's explanation that the Holy Spirit conceived the child could Jesus Christ be born on this earth.
4) Mary: Theotokos
Rev. Moon's explanation of Jesus' lineage, rather than being taken as an insult to Mary, should be understood and a confirmation of the Catholic teaching that Mary, by her faith in God's word, became the vehicle through which God could incarnate in Jesus. Like Jesus' foremother Tamar, Mary offered herself to become the channel through which God's lineage could manifest on earth. Unification theology has not objected to referring to Mary by the title of Theotokos (God-bearer--commonly translated Mother of God).
5) Mary's Protection of Jesus
Mary did succeed in protecting Jesus in important ways. For example, she endured the travail of travel to Bethlehem days before his birth and brought him into this world under extremely difficult circumstances. Afterward, the bible tells us, she and Joseph protected him from King Herod by fleeing with him to Egypt.
6) With Him at the Cross
Although Mary understandably resisted Jesus' public mission at times out of her motherly concern for his welfare (ref), in the end she stood by him at the cross when all but one of his male disciples had abandoned him. At this point, Mother and Son were reconciled, and Mary's determination to support Jesus' mission absolutely was renewed. Indeed, one could say that Mary's tears, mingling with Jesus' blood at the foot of the Cross, were the foundation of repentance and sacrifice upon which the Church was built.
7) Mother of the Church
After this, Mary became instrumental in the life of the early church. In this she endured faithfully until the end of her earthly life. She also supported Joseph's son James (called "the Lord's brother" but considered not to be Mary's son in Catholic tradition) in his role as head of the Jerusalem church (the first Pope).
8) Vehicle of the Holy Spirit
According the Unificationism, Jesus' wife would have been the incarnation of the Holy Spirit (Daughter of God) just as Jesus was the incarnation of the Christ (Son of God). Because Jesus did not marry, his Mother has often served in this position of representing God's feminine aspect and has ministered to the Church in the role of Comforter. Unificationism thus holds high respect and honor for Mary's position in the divine economy.
9) Champion of Prayer
Throughout the last 2,000 years, Mary has supported Jesus and the Church through perpetual prayer for the conversion of sinners. She has set the supreme example of humble attendance to the Lord and sacrificial devotion to His cause. Through her compassion and transforming love, she been the primary means through which God has manifested His Sacred Heart to faithful Catholics and others throughout the ages. Moreover, she has inspired millions to repentance and prayer through her many appearances in dreams and visions, both to individuals and through miraculous manifestations throughout the world.
10) A True Leader
By her prayerful support of Jesus and ministry to the faithful, Mary has set the highest standard of discipleship and has become a true leader of faith. She is one of the most potent spiritual forces active today, worthy of honor and respect not only by Catholics but also by Unificationists and members of all religions alike.
Despite Rev. Moon's teachings on the shortcomings of Mary's earthly efforts in support of Jesus, there is much in Mary's life that Unificationists find honorable and worthy of praise. Indeed, in many important ways, she has served as the supreme example of womanhood in service to God's providence. And in her ministry since the crucifixion, Unificationism finds no fault but only praise.
It should never been with a spirit of judgment or criticism that Unificationists deal with the subject of Mary, either in their conversations with Catholics or in private. Moreover, Catholics should understand that Rev. Moon's pronouncements on this subject have never been made with intent to tear down or destroy another religion. He has consistently affirmed his belief that God works through all religions and that all people should strive to respect one another's religious traditions, since we are all children of one Parent, by whatever Name.
Members of different faiths can find much to divide them. But they can also find points of unity through which they can unite for a common purpose. Unificationists today eagerly hope that Catholics and other Christians will join them in reaffirming the Family, as God's most basic and sacred institution. It is our hope that from this point forward, it will be toward cooperation and love, rather than misunderstanding and division that our two communities move.
A short version
1) She faithfully responded to God's call through the annunciation.
2) She risked her life in conceiving and bearing Jesus, facing the possibility of divorce or even stoning.
3) By giving birth to God's Son, she was instrumental in fulfilling the purpose of the historical providence. Although UT does not call her "Mother of God", it considers her up until this point to be one of the great heroines of history and deeply respects the Catholic tradition which gives her the title of "theotokos" (God-bearer)
4) Mary and Joseph protected Jesus at great personal sacrifice during the period when King Herod sought to murder him.
5) Mary was among only a handful of persons who publicly identified with Jesus when he was crucified. Although there was tension in their relationship during his public ministry, they were reconciled at the Cross.
6) After the resurrection, Mary become a faithful member and leader of the new providence through the Christian church, and her son James became the head of the Jerusalem Church.
7) Since the Holy Spirit was unable to incarnate through Jesus' bride, Mary became the vessel through which God's femininity has been expressed during the age of Christianity.
8) Mary has faithfully supported Jesus through tearful, compassionate service to God's children for the past 2,000 years.
9) In the last century especially, Mary has inspired the prayers of countless Christians throughout the world and has been instrumental in preparing the world for Christ's Second Advent.
10) Although UT considers that she made mistakes during an important period, Mary currently serves as the prime example of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and absolute dedication to God. ---------
Here is a list of the more important points concerning Mary:
431 Council of Ephesus, 3rd ecumenical, decreed Mary the Mother of God 451 Nestorius of Constantinople, Nestorians: Mary was *not* "Mother of God" 1206 Rosary is reportedly given to St. Dominic by an apparition of Mary
1531 Reported apparition of Mary at Guadalupe, Mexico, considered "worthy of belief" by the Catholic Church
1830 Reported apparition of Mary in Paris, France, considered "worthy of belief" by the Catholic Church
1846 Reported apparition of Mary in La Salette, France, considered "worthy of belief" by the Catholic Church
1858 Reported apparition of Mary in Lourdes, France, considered "worthy of belief" by the Catholic Church
1871 Reported apparition of Mary in Pontmain, France, considered "worthy of belief" by the Catholic Church
1879 Reported apparition of Mary in Knock, Ireland, considered "worthy of belief" by the Catholic Church
1917 Reported apparition of Mary in Fatima, Portugal, "miracle of the sun" witnessed by between 70,000 and 100,000 people, considered "worthy of belief" by the Catholic Church
1932 Reported apparition of Mary in Beauraing, Belgium, considered "worthy of belief" by the Catholic Church
1933 Reported apparition of Mary in Banneux, Belgium, considered "worthy of belief" by the Catholic Church
1981-? Reported apparitions of Mary in Medjugorje, Yugoslavia, not yet approved/disapproved by the Catholic Church
Also we need to consider that Catholics in general feel very uncomfortable to discuss matters of faith, because:
1869-1870 First Vatican Council, 20th ecumenical, affirms doctrine of papal infallibility (ie. when a pope speaks ex cathedra on faith or morals he does so with the supreme apostolic authority, which no Catholic may question or reject) --------
I will appreciate your input and ideas of how to respond to Catholics and deal with the following questions:
1) How can Reverend Moon be the Messiah?
2) Why does Reverend Moon and his wife consider themselves to be the True Parents? How can Reverend Moon call his own family the True Family? When you speak of True Parents, True Families, aren't you just referring to Reverend Moon and his family?
3) Why does Rev. Moon state that Mary (along with other figures from JB's Family and J's family) was invaded by Satan? Why does Rev. Moon bring up these issues which have been an object of Christian faith for centuries?
4) Is Reverend Moon seeking to gain converts to his church through the Federations he has founded?
5) Why do you consider the Unification Church to be Christian?
6) Why should a Catholic priest or nun receive the Blessing?
7) If Rev. Moon is the Messiah, how is that he has been married before?
Please comment on the following: Given that the Catholic community has been offended by the treatment that TF's speeches have given to the fundamental figures of Catholic faith, what approach can you recommend to heal their sentiments?
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