The Words of the Gonzales Family |
Adam and Eve
Jesus Gonzalez
July 30, 2001
One of the characteristics distinguishing human beings from other animals is the possession of a unique, eternal and indestructible spirit. Therefore when we mention the first original couple [according to the Bible, "Adam and Eve"] we refer to the first masculine, eternal and indestructible spirit of a man [Adam] and of a woman [Eve]. Both represent and embody God's masculine and feminine characteristics, and were supposed to become the visible manifestation of His invisible characteristics [image and likeness]. These first incarnate human spirits were created to be God's children and lords and heirs of all creation. The rest of all existent human spirits originated from these two first [father and mother] human spirits.
DP's fundamental concern is to clarify their spiritual and divine origin as well as the purpose for their creation, and not so much the details of their biological or physical origin. The question of physical origin falls in to the field of science which, hopefully, will give an answer some time in the future. Even under the assumption that multiple humanoids were involved in our biological origins it would not present a problem with the basic view of the DP. Nevertheless, there are interesting discoveries about our origins recently done through genetic biology:
Biologists Rebecca L. Cann, Mark Stoneking and Allan C. Wilson of California University, Berkeley, made an investigation of tracing the genetic code of the mitochondrial DNA contained in our cells, which they extracted from 147 placentas from women of all races and geographical areas on the five continents. Curiously enough, the mitochondrial DNA is inherited and transmitted exclusively by our mothers. The results of this study brought a powerful and revealing conclusion: each one of us, as part of the human race, can trace our lineage back to one single woman, nicknamed "Mitochondrial Eve" by these scientists. These results were published on January 1, 1987 under the title: "Mitochondrial DNA and Human Evolution" in NATURE, a prestigious scientific magazine.
This investigation caused a huge controversy and later many attempts were made to discredit its conclusions. Although these attempts were successful in undermining the claims of race, time and place of the appearance of this supposed "first woman," the fundamental assumption that our genes come from "her" still remain unchallenged.
More recently, in a study published in the journal of Science (26-5-95) scientists Robert L. Dorit (Yale University), Walter Gilbert (Harvard University) and Hiroshi Akashi (university of Chicago) have dealt a blow to the idea that modern humans arose simultaneously in different parts of the world. Analyzing a gene on the Y chromosome of 38 men from all over the glove, they found no variation and thus conclude that humanity's ancestors formed a small, concentrated population. The findings are consistent with the prevalent view among anthropologists that the origin of the species was a recent event that happened in one region and that humans then spread over the world. Today's racial variations would have arisen after that dispersal.
The human race began at a certain specific point in the history of our planet, just as our own individual physical life also had a precise beginning. Consequently it is reasonable to make the following comparison:
Our father and mother are the beginning point of our life. They transmitted to us their characteristics and genes, contained in the two original cells that united at the moment of conception, which after continuously multiplying resulted in the massive quantity of cells that formed the organs of our body. Each cell in our body carries an exclusive genetic code, characteristic of each individual, which originated from the two original cells.
In a very similar way, the more than six billion people which now form the worldwide population, originated from the multiplication that occurred through all the different generations which existed over time, and eventually, upon moving backwards in our genealogical tree, would bring us to our original ancestors. The first father and first mother, the first human couple, the starting point of our species. Each one of us carries this exclusive genetic code and characteristic of our species, given by these original parents.
Each individual without exception originates from a father and a mother. It is therefore a mathematical problem of statistics of the population growth to regress from the approximately 6,000,000,000 present inhabitants of the word population until the time of zero inhabitants and obviously the next number after the zero that we can mathematically consider should be necessarily number 2, as 1 or 1.5 in this case cannot procreate. (no cloning at that time...)
So, "monogenesis" (one original couple) is more reasonable this days...
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