The Words of the Handschin Family |
Example Of A Business Project To Support The Mission Activities
Heiner Handschin
February 24, 2006
It all started in the end of summer 1999 in Chung Pyung, when I was there to clean up my ancestral baggage. I remember that I was deeply concerned about the continuation of our Swiss movement and prayed at the Tree of Heart that Heavenly Father might show me a solution and way out of the incredible difficulties in financial matters that seemed to be haunting me, and block all the activities of our Swiss movement. The same year, 4 months ago, we had had the visit of True Mother in Geneva and from this time on, (May 1999), I was obliged to fundraise half of the time (3 days per week) in order to come up with the budget necessary for maintaining the functioning of the National HQ and leader’s position for our Swiss movement. The income through tithing just wasn’t enough to take care of the mission related expenses as national leader and maintain my family.
Around one year later, I was introduced to a German Business man who was owner of a company dealing with older people home care. After some deliberations I was hired by him on a part time base as the director of the Swiss German branch of his company in the German part of Switzerland.
I was able to earn enough money to replace the fundraising income, by investing about the same amount time. After a working experience of around 3 years as the director of the company, first in the German part, later on in all of Switzerland, I moved into the French part where we had built a larger house that could serve as a National HQ and private house, office etc. In Switzerland only 15% of the population own their home. Due to my solid job and relatively good income, I could manage to realize the construction of this house.
From the moment I moved to the French part of Switzerland, the relationship with my boss started to become troubled. At one point in September 2003, I heard that my boss suffered from a mysterious disease. When he came to Switzerland for a visit, he didn’t say anything, but I felt there was something wrong.
When the newly appointed Continental Leaders of Europe, Pres. and Mrs. Song came for the first time to Switzerland, they stayed in our house and they wondered how I took care of the needs of my large family. I explained my work. At that time Pres. Song strongly told me that I should try to take over this company.
In April 2004 I took over the company in the French part of Switzerland with the help of Heaven. Shortly after this takeover, my former boss died very suddenly, to the surprise of everyone.
Finally in the course of the past 2 years we could increase our activities for around 30% and provide work to 5 members in key positions. We are currently paying salaries to around 40-50 people and the prospects for the future are quite good.
The Activities of the Company:
We are providers of a service that becomes more and more essential in this time. This is because we are living a time of great demographic changes and the current social systems are not able to respond to the required needs. The so-called Quiet Revolution is the phenomenon that our population is aging dramatically. Better health care and a great improvement of the infrastructure in modern human society, make, that life expectancy has almost doubled in the last 100 years (from 47years to 85 years). There is a new reality that people are generally getting older and that the life span after retirement has dramatically increased. It is unfortunately a fact that with higher age, the risk of disability and handicap is also increasing. You can see that in the example of risks of Alzheimer sickness. The risks increase in the period from 70years to 85 years dramatically from 1% to around 15%.
In other words there is a increasing need for care for the aging population and to this demand, we are able to respond. Currently, the problem of long-term care is very important and the society tries to cope with this problem by trying to increase the construction of old folks homes and care facilities that will cost it in the billions and are for many older people very unattractive.
The very attractive solution for older people to stay at home while being cared for, as an alternative to a transfer into a long term care institution, offers also a personalized solution (à la carte for the patient), and a high quality of care due to the fact that the social environment is largely maintained. There is no cut in the social life of the person. A transfer to a care institution for the last part of one’s life represents often times a very painful separation from all the loved ones. This End of Life Trauma can be avoided through home care.
Through the added information packages you can have a look at all the services we are providing. Thank you very much.
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